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Studio Park Fashions by Amy?

All of the items for this line have disappeared says no longer available. Anyone know why? Just curious I was browsing earlier and looking at the denim jacket now nothing comes up.

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Re: Studio Park Fashions by Amy?

When I typed in Studio Park, Amy's items came up. I didn't look to see what was in-stock. 

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Re: Studio Park Fashions by Amy?

I put Studio Park in the search bar and I get quite a few items.

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Re: Studio Park Fashions by Amy?

I typed in Studio Park and nothing came up. Then I refreshed my screen and there they were.

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Re: Studio Park Fashions by Amy?

The website is having technical issues...again.

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Re: Studio Park Fashions by Amy?

They come up but if you pick an item it says not available.

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Posts: 1,611
Registered: ‎10-12-2010

Re: Studio Park Fashions by Amy?

Well, now all of a sudden there back. Must of been a glitch.