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@Squirrels Are Trash 


Nope! I'll wear my flowy chiffon skirt and dance around my LR, listening to Stevie Nick CDs.

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 Part of the mystic  of   Fleetwood Mac  was   becuse of Stevie Nicks oufits  and her unique  voice 

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Registered: ‎08-05-2023

I agree ! Love Stevie Nick's.! Wish ,I could see her ,in her upcoming concerts 😪 Too expensive for me ! I love the song Silver Springs.! 💜
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    I hear ya.  My favorite  video was of a concert she did with Tom Petty in Gainesville, Fl


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Registered: ‎08-05-2023

Omg , I love the song ," Stop dragging my heart around " !
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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

@Squirrels Are Trash 


Hmmm, I love that idea...and I have one with long netting on it.


So Stevie! Cat LOL