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Stacy London, Shawn Killinger 9pm 8-23-24

Why are these two talking about menopause ( and other things) for much of of the presentation rather than selling clothes.  Also model Morgan should be wearing her size.  None of her jackets come together and slacks are always too tight.  Constantly she is in sometimes two sizes too small.. Quite noticeable.

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Re: Stacy London, Shawn Killinger 9pm 8-23-24

[ Edited ]

I have to agree on all points.


Speaking of menopause (which I'm really not interested in), Shawn should realize that not all women go through menopause the same way.  I barely had any symptoms....However,  I suffered terribly with PMS starting when I was ten going through my teens. 


There were times the pain was so bad that it resembled labor pains and my mother would have to pick me from school.  I never hear how bad that was for some girls.



Anyway I ordered Stacey's velvet hoodie.  I like that it's not a tunic and I think it could look cute with some vests that I have.

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Re: Stacy London, Shawn Killinger 9pm 8-23-24

I realize we all have different tastes but this collection at 9:00 is, how can I put it nicely, the most unflattering fabrics and concepts I have seen on QVC in quite a while.  Does she really think we want to wear throw pillow fabrics as clothes because we are over 50?  In my opinion.

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Re: Stacy London, Shawn Killinger 9pm 8-23-24

@haddon9  I think that hodfie is cute!  It's always fun to get a new piece to add to your wardrobe!

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Re: Stacy London, Shawn Killinger 9pm 8-23-24

@Franklinbell I hope it's a good fit and I'm not disappointed when I get it. Smiley Happy

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Re: Stacy London, Shawn Killinger 9pm 8-23-24

Hoodie is cute.  FYI:  velvet hoodie ...under $25-$35 range -- on amazon, free shipping.  You're welcome.  

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Re: Stacy London, Shawn Killinger 9pm 8-23-24

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Re: Stacy London, Shawn Killinger 9pm 8-23-24

I have no idea who this Stacy London is and I am not interested in her "fashion"...not at all my taste.  I did not watch, just checked items online. No thanks...sounds like just more ENTERTAINMENT on QVC.  Thought this was a shopping channel....

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Re: Stacy London, Shawn Killinger 9pm 8-23-24

@Hoping for the best 
I didn't watch but for the longest time I have noticed that  nobody's jacket meets in the center.  Men are just as bad. 
The size comment reminds me of when they are selling shape wear and in the before shot the model looks like a stuffed sausage because she is in a size too small. 
The after looks better but if she just picked the right size she wouldn't need the shape wear. 


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Re: Stacy London, Shawn Killinger 9pm 8-23-24

@haddon9  I'm sending good vibes for a great fit and that you love it!