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Okay, so I went back and think I know what the OP is talking about, but I think she is mistaken and it's just a trick of the eye.


All Q photos (except the back)








Close up




So, I don't think there's any question that this model is wearing the different jackets, regardless of her face showing or not.

I think the issue is with the last photo




And, I can see where it looks like the black top is over the jacket.  But there was a reason I posted the close up above - look closer




It's because of that tab and the fact that her black top is tucked in at just the right angle.  Don't think the photo is fake.


Or, is it something else?


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Sorry, I don't see anything wrong with the photo.  She's definitely wearing the jacket, and I don't care if she's a QVC model or not.  I'd be buying the jacket, not the model. And who cares if I can see her face?  I can see the front,  back and side view of the jacket, which is the important thing.

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Re: So fake picture. Here is picture. Slide up and down to see view.


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Re: So fake picture. Here is picture. Slide up and down to see view.


Now that one does look weird!

@Reilley wrote:



"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Re: So fake picture. Here is picture. Slide up and down to see view.

It may look odd, but it looks as though she's wearing the plaid jacket to me as well. The bottom looks a little strange, but it's a skirt (not pants) with an opening in the front. If you look at the photos for that item, it looks the same on the model. That model is featured for most (all? -- I didn't look carefully) of the items in this line, and there are differences in the way she is standing in the photos.

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I don't see the problem.  Many retailers do this.  They take a stock photo and photoshop different color options of the same jacket (for instance), or different fashion items onto the same stock photo.  It definitely gets the item's graphic up very quickly. 


You have no way of knowing if the expense difference impacted the sales price.  Perhaps the jacket would have cost even more money if they didn't use this method?  


As long as I can still see what I want to make a purchase decision, it's all good.  Certainly not a respect issue.  

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I also think it's on her - they also show her side and back






This is the only color.  Now I think I understand, but I don't think they do that when they show all sides.  This model seems to be the one for most of this clothing line (that skirt is also there's), and they probably just did everything in one day.


I think it's just a really poorly fitted jacket!!  Maybe model is wearing the wrong size?

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not seeing any "so fake" photos at all.

nothing posted here even comes close.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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@sunshine45 wrote:

not seeing any "so fake" photos at all.

nothing posted here even comes close.

In the OP's defense, that plaid jacket does have a "paper doll" quality about it.  It's definitely a strange design/fit.  I didn't care enough to see if there was a video showing how it looked on a host.

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'Not knowing anything about anything', so to speak:


The model isn't one of Q's model, so I'm onlying thinking that she's the manufacturer's model.


Could be a catalog type of photo model.


It doesn't look 'fake', but the jacket is very stiff looking.  Somewhat similar to catalog photos in real paper catalogs.  Whatever that means.........


'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).