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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

Hashtag, schmastag. Sounds like something you might chow down at a greasy diner.

But I digress. I really just wanted to thank lovemygigi for having the guts to call out a person for her obsessive derogatory comments about the FL, thrown around every opportunity she gets.

I don't know. I betcha if a FL of this poster's political persuasion resembled the current FL, we wouldn't be getting the constant hating.

Oh, and since we've just come off the Olympics, I'll say that I rather admire strong, muscular female forms.

Acceptance of differences -- what a concept.

While I'm at it, way to go, Governor Brewer. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

ETA: Oh, dear. It seems someone reported my post. Well, that's okay. Anyhoo, I wanted add that although I'm not wild about the picture the OP posted, I don't think it's particularly sleazy at all. Nothing's really showing, which is usually the test for this crowd, who seem to get the vapors when it comes to such things.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/27/2014 lovemygigi said:

Namealreadytaken said: "She has redeemed herself. Let's hope Miley, Beyonce and the FLOTUS will do the same. The FLOTUS often dresses like a high-end madam."

Really? Please, share one, just one, photo of the FLOTUS looking anything like a madam. You seem quite obsessed with her and bring her into any conversation you can. Besides, you are always saying that she looks like a she-man and have stated what you believe to be her true sexkual identity. Aren't 'madam' and 'she-man' at opposite ends of the spectrum? Pray tell, how can she be both?

BRAVA Gigi!!!!!

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/27/2014 evelomaddict said:
On 2/27/2014 namealreadytaken said:

Oh, look who has stolen the raunch factor from Miley and Kim.

Once claimed by their father to be the perfect role model for the first daughters...

they're entertainers, not nuns.

why is it that men never suffer public shaming the way that women do?

I strongly believe that it lies somewhere in the female primal brain wherein lies the fear of being cast aside for the younger sexier cave dweller by the seed-spreading cave man.

Modern women still haven't figured out what's going on in their own heads when they give in to this ancient emotion.

Males are competitive in different ways.

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/27/2014 suzyQ3 said:

Hashtag, schmastag. Sounds like something you might chow down at a greasy diner.

But I digress. I really just wanted to thank lovemygigi for having the guts to call out a person for her obsessive derogatory comments about the FL, thrown around every opportunity she gets.

I don't know. I betcha if a FL of this poster's political persuasion resembled the current FL, we wouldn't be getting the constant hating.

Oh, and since we've just come off the Olympics, I'll say that I rather admire strong, muscular female forms.

Acceptance of differences -- what a concept.

While I'm at it, way to go, Governor Brewer. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

ETA: Oh, dear. It seems someone reported my post. Well, that's okay. Anyhoo, I wanted add that although I'm not wild about the picture the OP posted, I don't think it's particularly sleazy at all. Nothing's really showing, which is usually the test for this crowd, who seem to get the vapors when it comes to such things.


If you can't fix what's broken, you'll go insane ~ Max
Look, I don’t like the taste of broccoli, but it doesn’t get tastier if you call it “Broccoli!”!
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling. ~ Eames
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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/27/2014 RetRN said:

I think Kate Middleton is a stylish, fashionable, and very attractive young mom. She also has a beautiful baby, I understand many of you would disagree with me and prefer Kim and North. All opinions are welcome on these boards, that is part of the fun.

I for one wish the whole Kardashian clan would go away.

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

It's like she baits everybody to comment negatively so she in turn can say how mean everyone is. Who in their right mind wears a lace dress without a liner or slip? She deliberately wore an unlined lace dress with black underwear and a black bra just to get a rise out of everyone and yes, it looks terrible.

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/27/2014 RetRN said:

I think Kate Middleton is a stylish, fashionable, and very attractive young mom. She also has a beautiful baby, I understand many of you would disagree with me and prefer Kim and North. All opinions are welcome on these boards, that is part of the fun.

Kate is lovely. They're not even in the same plain. If I had the chance to see one it would never be a Kardashian!

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/27/2014 sidsmom said:

LOVE the hashtags! You're getting it! Nice to get some life into this thread & these boards on a slow Thursday afternoon! =Smiley Very Happy.

??Then put it on Twitter....that does not mean anything here, most people don't even care about that or know what it means or care to know.

This isn't Twitter, it's the Q board. I think you are on the wrong website.

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/27/2014 faeriemoon said:

KK's face looks kind of strange in that pic, doesn't it?{#emotions_dlg.huh}

She is strange in more than just that way. There's a lot strange about her.

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Registered: ‎10-08-2010

Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

we all know there is something seriously wrong with this woman.