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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

Who says she's a Role Model? =Smiley Very Happy. She's just a public figure....and unfortunately her mistakes in life will be magnified, as well. Unfortunately we ALL make mistakes, don't we?

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

She is very pretty but lacks class and is truly in need of a good supportive bra.

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

Let's face it, KK has no class.

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/27/2014 evelomaddict said:

this was from late october of last year. she wore this outfit to show off her weight loss after being subjected to constant fat shaming during her pregnancy. {#emotions_dlg.sad}

This. While it's certainly not an outfit I would wear, I can't blame her for it. The pressure on her to look perfect all the time is ridiculous. I would want to drop out of public life completely, but how can she without resorting to locking herself up in her own home? Even when she's not trying to get the attention, she can't get away from the papparazzi. Yes, she and her mother brought this upon themselves (she didn't do it alone), but I still feel badly for her.

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

If this is a fashion trend, count me out. Tacky doesn't even come near to what she looks like!

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

Indeed! Money cannot buy you class! That dress is just as the OP describes it!

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

....well, you're talking about her. So that awful outfit did it's job. She's famous for being famous. She got wealth from being famous. So, she has to keep people talking about her. Trashy outfits is the best way to do that. It's not she can talk about her latest movie! I'm not saying that she has any class or discretion. I'm saying that her career, her income depends on pictures like that.

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/27/2014 chrystaltree said:

....well, you're talking about her. So that awful outfit did it's job. She's famous for being famous. She got wealth from being famous. So, she has to keep people talking about her. Trashy outfits is the best way to do that. It's not she can talk about her latest movie! I'm not saying that she has any class or discretion. I'm saying that her career, her income depends on pictures like that.

ITA. She has nothing else going for her except that she is famous. She is famous because well, she is famous. she has no discernible talent for anything but she and the rest of the family have made a lot of money based on absolutely nothing. Only in America (sigh).
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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

I can't remember, is the kid a boy or a girl?
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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/27/2014 KathyPet said:
On 2/27/2014 chrystaltree said:

....well, you're talking about her. So that awful outfit did it's job. She's famous for being famous. She got wealth from being famous. So, she has to keep people talking about her. Trashy outfits is the best way to do that. It's not she can talk about her latest movie! I'm not saying that she has any class or discretion. I'm saying that her career, her income depends on pictures like that.

ITA. She has nothing else going for her except that she is famous. She is famous because well, she is famous. she has no discernible talent for anything but she and the rest of the family have made a lot of money based on absolutely nothing. Only in America (sigh).

Some are famous for having the ability to dribble a ball and make millions, others are good at swinging a bat and making millions, and she has the ability to stay in the public eye for years and make even more than many others combined. Pretty talented, I would say.Wink