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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/27/2014 Free2be said:
On 2/27/2014 evelomaddict said:
On 2/27/2014 namealreadytaken said:

Oh, look who has stolen the raunch factor from Miley and Kim.

Once claimed by their father to be the perfect role model for the first daughters...

they're entertainers, not nuns.

why is it that men never suffer public shaming the way that women do?

I strongly believe that it lies somewhere in the female primal brain wherein lies the fear of being cast aside for the younger sexier cave dweller by the seed-spreading cave man.

Modern women still haven't figured out what's going on in their own heads when they give in to this ancient emotion.

Males are competitive in different ways.

These 2 men, JayZ and Kanye are using these two women to make money and babies for them. I wonder if they will put these babies out there like Miley Cyrus was hoisted onto us by Achey Breaky.

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/27/2014 Debbie1426 said: Beautiful baby and obviously doting mom. I don't love the dark undies under that dress (which I think is gorgeous) but that's Kim. She's always wearing the latest, right off the runway looks. Sometimes that doesn't translate to the street and real life and this is one example.

I agree!

Personally, I wouldn't wear that exact outfit, but I don't find it at all sleazy or tasteless. She's covered up and nothing "private" is hanging out. It's certainly easy to find photos of celebrities who do dress in a way that most of us would classify as trashy. I don't see anything all that scandalous about this.

And her baby is adorable! That and the look on her face is what I noticed first. I barely noticed what she was wearing. Kiss

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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/27/2014 namealreadytaken said:
On 2/27/2014 Free2be said:
On 2/27/2014 evelomaddict said:
On 2/27/2014 namealreadytaken said:

Oh, look who has stolen the raunch factor from Miley and Kim.

Once claimed by their father to be the perfect role model for the first daughters...

they're entertainers, not nuns.

why is it that men never suffer public shaming the way that women do?

I strongly believe that it lies somewhere in the female primal brain wherein lies the fear of being cast aside for the younger sexier cave dweller by the seed-spreading cave man.

Modern women still haven't figured out what's going on in their own heads when they give in to this ancient emotion.

Males are competitive in different ways.

These 2 men, JayZ and Kanye are using these two women to make money and babies for them. I wonder if they will put these babies out there like Miley Cyrus was hoisted onto us by Achey Breaky.

I'm pretty sure Miley Cyrus was "hoisted onto us" by Miley Cyrus.

She seems to be quite driven; at this point, I don't think her parents could stop her if they wanted to.

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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Posts: 11,527
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/28/2014 mistriTsquirrel said:
On 2/27/2014 namealreadytaken said:
On 2/27/2014 Free2be said:
On 2/27/2014 evelomaddict said:
On 2/27/2014 namealreadytaken said:

Oh, look who has stolen the raunch factor from Miley and Kim.

Once claimed by their father to be the perfect role model for the first daughters...

they're entertainers, not nuns.

why is it that men never suffer public shaming the way that women do?

I strongly believe that it lies somewhere in the female primal brain wherein lies the fear of being cast aside for the younger sexier cave dweller by the seed-spreading cave man.

Modern women still haven't figured out what's going on in their own heads when they give in to this ancient emotion.

Males are competitive in different ways.

These 2 men, JayZ and Kanye are using these two women to make money and babies for them. I wonder if they will put these babies out there like Miley Cyrus was hoisted onto us by Achey Breaky.

I'm pretty sure Miley Cyrus was "hoisted onto us" by Miley Cyrus.

She seems to be quite driven; at this point, I don't think her parents could stop her if they wanted to.

Did I say that her parents were doing that now? No. But they had to sign for her along the way, and until she is no longer a minor. It is interesting how little most people know about parental rights.

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Posts: 2,522
Registered: ‎11-20-2013

Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

So much in entertainment is one step forward and two steps back for women. Po/rn is common place now, so why wouldn't people in the music industry peddle a slick soft version with these beautiful young women. Make the money, honey.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,369
Registered: ‎07-17-2010

Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

On 2/28/2014 namealreadytaken said:
On 2/28/2014 mistriTsquirrel said:
On 2/27/2014 namealreadytaken said:
On 2/27/2014 Free2be said:
On 2/27/2014 evelomaddict said:
On 2/27/2014 namealreadytaken said:

Oh, look who has stolen the raunch factor from Miley and Kim.

Once claimed by their father to be the perfect role model for the first daughters...

they're entertainers, not nuns.

why is it that men never suffer public shaming the way that women do?

I strongly believe that it lies somewhere in the female primal brain wherein lies the fear of being cast aside for the younger sexier cave dweller by the seed-spreading cave man.

Modern women still haven't figured out what's going on in their own heads when they give in to this ancient emotion.

Males are competitive in different ways.

These 2 men, JayZ and Kanye are using these two women to make money and babies for them. I wonder if they will put these babies out there like Miley Cyrus was hoisted onto us by Achey Breaky.

I'm pretty sure Miley Cyrus was "hoisted onto us" by Miley Cyrus.

She seems to be quite driven; at this point, I don't think her parents could stop her if they wanted to.

Did I say that her parents were doing that now? No. But they had to sign for her along the way, and until she is no longer a minor. It is interesting how little most people know about parental rights.

She is not a minor anymore. They could've stopped her from being Hannah Montana, but they can't stop what she's doing now.

It's interesting how people jump to conclusions about what others do or do not know.

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
Valued Contributor
Posts: 2,767
Registered: ‎04-06-2013

Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

i like miley a lot. i love her bangerz album.

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?" Hillel
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Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

Are the Kardashians coming back with any new clothes on the Q? There are a lot of pieces that I bought from them that I just love.

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Registered: ‎03-21-2013

Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

Because most of us do it privately and don't sell ourselves out and pretend we didn't want it made public. How about that for a minor difference? She could have darn well stopped the tape but instead made off with 5 million. And, to top it off, she is not even good at it. Sleazy and no class and without all her cosmetic help she is just a regular woman, nothing special. She is like Britney Spears, no matter how hard they try or how $$$ the clothes, they just don't look right.
On 2/27/2014 sidsmom said:beca
On 2/27/2014 aprildreams said:

After seeing her secks tape online ('s on there....all you have to do is google it), she is disgusting. I use to take up for her because I thought she was so pretty. People kept putting her down because of this tape, so one night out of curiosity, I googled it and there it was. I couldn't believe it. My first p&rn I've ever seen and I couldn't watch more than a few min. Since then, she doesn't appear as pretty to me. much I like KK, I've never ventured into that arena. She & Ray J are doing what a million of us are doing @ this very second (or a 1/2 hr from now!!). Why the curiosity? It's just 2 people having biggie.

What's the saying? "If you lie with dogs, you get up with fleas"....if you watch, you're no different than the Miss K, herself. Careful what you say.

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Registered: ‎05-13-2012

Re: Sleazy, tasteless, etc.,

Trash, all of them.