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Re: Should there be an age limit for wearing Jean shorts

Forgot to mention the pair I purchased are Bermuda length😉
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Re: Should there be an age limit for wearing Jean shorts

@SaveTheTurtles  - LOL!  And who will you get to enforce this "age limit"?  And will we have police going around with a tape measure to check the inseam length?  Asking for an ID with our age on it?  I wonder what the fine would be for violating the length law?  Woman Very Happy


Reminds me of being in high school, where they had a dress code and measured the length of women's skirts, if they were thought to be too short.  (No such dress code for the boys, of course.)

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Re: Should there be an age limit for wearing Jean shorts

I wear Bermuda type shorts at times, been wearing them for my knee injections for the past few weeks but normally I wear capris instead of shorts. Around the house I often wear shorts-they are kneed length, I'm 71.

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Re: Should there be an age limit for wearing Jean shorts

I say wear what you are comfortable in.  I cannot remember the last time I wore shorts.  It has been at least 30+years, I am 69 this year.


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Re: Should there be an age limit for wearing Jean shorts

@Venezia 🤣 I was trying to be funny. I hope you took it that way. If not, then I won't quit my day job.😊

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Re: Should there be an age limit for wearing Jean shorts

I think there is a number of factors at play:  How and where does the person plan to wear?  What is the person's age and how tight are they going to be?  There are some places shorts should never be worn, just like pajamas; there are people who never should have worn shorts.  Shorts should never be too short and should never show a cameltoe.  How much flab is going to be involved in the public showing?  Are they just for home and comfort, or are they among the Hollywood elites who have no pride and would wear them although they weigh 300pounds down the red carpet.  Just lots of actors, same with leggings, tights and low-cut tops.

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Re: Should there be an age limit for wearing Jean shorts

@SaveTheTurtles wrote:

@Venezia 🤣 I was trying to be funny. I hope you took it that way. If not, then I won't quit my day job.😊

@SaveTheTurtles - I hope you took my reply in the same spirit!  Woman Wink


You'll have to excuse me...just off to try on my new Daisy Dukes now!

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Re: Should there be an age limit for wearing Jean shorts

So far, there is no fashion police in this country. Wear what you want when you want.

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Re: Should there be an age limit for wearing Jean shorts

@gellen  I think that women or men should wear whatever they want.  I sure do.

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Re: Should there be an age limit for wearing Jean shorts

I'm curious, how does what someone wears impact anyone here? Why would it matter? 

I don't care how short or long a garment is on someone else. Don't care if there's cellulite, varicose veins, knobby knees, scars, hair, flab or anything else showing. Not my body, not my concern. I can't image why it would be anyone else's concern. To me it's just another form of bodyshaming.