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Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

We have a Mall in our town of 50k and it was built in the 60's.  It's enclosed and they may/may not go out of business.  The anchor stores are Sears (a tomb).... Pennys (was very popular until they revamped their selling style, reverted back about a year or two ago and is still recovering because of less stock, closing their men's plus dept and no Sephora).....  and Dillards (which I love, but does not draw a ton of people even with their sales).   they have three or four Cellphone stores (Meh), a JoAnnes (Meh), a few specialized stores that go in and out of business, one now being a Pashmina store (a big Meh)..... so....  it's disappointing that they don't try harder getting more popular stores in there.  Shoppers tend to go to the Kohl's we have in another area, Bed, Bath & Beyond, etc.....  Disappointing and the really good shopping is jover 2 hours away.  Woman Sad  

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

In my area the kids have taken over.  Mobs of teenagers hang out at the mall.  Sometimes you can't even get inside without walking through a cloud of cigarette  smoke.  The food court is loud and full of kids waiting to get into the movie theatre.


Many older people walk in the mall in the mornings when the kids are in school.  By 2 pm, the place is empty except for the teenagers.  They hang out until closing time.


The anchor stores are on opposite ends of the mall with outside entrances.  Those stores are busy and keep the kids out.  Shoppers just avoid the mall at night.  


Now I know that kids have no where else to go and most are not causing a problem, but we have had fights and gun fire on many occasions.  The malls now have a bad reputation.


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Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

Our local one is packed.  I call it a 'mini-mall', not enclosed.  Can't find a parking space unless I park there before 10 or 10:30am.  Three medium sized anchor stores; restaurants.  I do believe that restaurants and the food service industry are keeping busy malls busy. Lots of people enjoy hanging out in restaurants!  A lot of non-retired folks of all ages, too. 

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

I also think that Internet Shopping is wonderful.... BUT.... we (the U.S.) has given the Internet to the International Community (as of the end of Sept) and who knows what is in store for us in the future (taxes, etc.).....  

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

No doubt ours will be one of them. Our Mall stinks if you want to call it a Mall. For me it's no Mall like I have ever been in. It's so empty, only one level & the food court is joke. The Great American Cookie place is still open along with a slice of pizza or at least the pizza place was still there last time I was there. The only larger stores left in our Mall are Dillard's, Penney's & B&BW.

They keep saying we need to keep our dollars local. LOL!!! If they stocked what people needed or wanted to buy they might do that. I shop online a lot because I got tired of going from place to place looking for something that could not be found here. It's so ridiculous when you go to the grocery store & they are out of something & you have to go to another looking for it. Like Karo syrup or Marshmallow Creme during the holidays. If you don't get it early enough you have to keep going back to see if they have any stock yet. Generally have to go to more then one store to get everything I have on my list.

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Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

[ Edited ]

@Snicks1 wrote:
It's all cyclical.
Cyclical?  Business might be cyclical as there would be more people going to their local mall during the holidays but overall, online shopping has replaced foot traffic at shopping malls and that has lead  to layoffs and closures..  It hurts property values because empty malls usually deteriorate and become a haven for the homeless and crime.  
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Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble



Same here.  Wall to wall teens.  Fights happen sometimes because of so many kids hanging out in there.  I live 10 minutes from a major mall.  I can count on my left hand how many times I've gone into it.  During Christmas, I only shop online; I don't step one foot into a mall. 


I'm just glad my daughter has a job (works at a pizza place) and no longer asks to be dropped off at the mall.  It just seems like public places like this are so vulnerable to the crazies with guns.  Scary stuff today.  I'd be sooo happy if ours closed.  It causes a lot of traffic, especially around the holidays.

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Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

[ Edited ]

oh boy, i really hope that doesn't happen. i do a lot of online shopping, but i also do enjoy shopping in stores. you can't beat seeing the item up close, seeing the (exact) colors it's available in, trying it on, and then buying and maybe returning, without a shipping fee. i prefer it to online shopping. there's good stuff to buy both ways, and both are fun to do. 

the malls where i live are very decent. a good crowd, no rowdy teens, and so far, safe.


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Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

I have to say that our little Mall is delightful at Christmastime, the vendors (at the Kiosks) really go out of their way to decorate as well as the stores.  It's beautiful and walking through the Mall is one of my favorite things to do and I always end up buying something....  just wish they'd do this all year long.  I really don't want them closing up.... 

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

The mall nearest me is mostly restaurants. The rest of the mall ecccchoooooes with emptiness. Really sad. All boarded-up and many "for lease" signs everywhere. Parking lot has weeds growing out the cracks in the pavement.