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Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

@Nightowlz wrote:

No doubt ours will be one of them. Our Mall stinks if you want to call it a Mall. For me it's no Mall like I have ever been in. It's so empty, only one level & the food court is joke. The Great American Cookie place is still open along with a slice of pizza or at least the pizza place was still there last time I was there. The only larger stores left in our Mall are Dillard's, Penney's & B&BW.

They keep saying we need to keep our dollars local. LOL!!! If they stocked what people needed or wanted to buy they might do that. I shop online a lot because I got tired of going from place to place looking for something that could not be found here. It's so ridiculous when you go to the grocery store & they are out of something & you have to go to another looking for it. Like Karo syrup or Marshmallow Creme during the holidays. If you don't get it early enough you have to keep going back to see if they have any stock yet. Generally have to go to more then one store to get everything I have on my list.

you have to learn to outfox others. I've laid in a supply of pumpkin already couple wks. ago. Most people aren't early birds either if your like me and hubbo who detest large hoards of people and screaming babies, strollers, etc. Get out early, book appt's early, etc.

We eat  lunch at 10:30-11:00 at the latest. Dinner at 4. Peace and quiet reign.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

Our local mall is not doing well at all. I live in a population of about 80,000. We have ahd our mall for probably 30+ years, the anchor stores were, Boston Store, Penneys, and Sears, and now only Boston Store has survived......The little stores within the mall are all for teeny boppers mostly with some jewelry stores thrown in the mix...I myself prefer outdoor malls. I love going in a store and then coming out and getting that fresh air, I have slight claustrophobia and being able to shop and go in and outside for me is wonderful.....We have a very nice large outlet mall within 30 mins. from me that my husband and I frequent much more often than our local mall......    

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Posts: 14,488
Registered: ‎04-18-2013

Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

Where I live there have been 2 malls that went bust in the past decade.


There are 2 others that never seem to have a problem - every time I pass them they are full of cars.


I HATE malls myself.

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Registered: ‎09-22-2010

Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

The city I live in is currently redoing one of our malls.  The next city over (15-20 minutes away) has two high end malls that are doing great - the anchor store for one is Nordstrom and the anchor store for the other is Neiman Marcus.  I do not enjoy shopping and have been shopping on line for 20+ years but I do go to the mall occasionally.  

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Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

I prefer shopping in a mall or brick and mortar store. I have more success with my purchases when I can see, feel, and try on garments. I make better decisions and spend less. I have 3 traditional closed malls in my city and a few outdoor strip malls. I tend to go shopping in the morning on my weekday off work so the malls are fairly deserted at that time. Our mall parking lots are fuller on weekends and packed during the holidays. I don't know if they will survive or not, but I would not be happy if my only choice was to buy clothes and shoes online. 

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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

I googled the dead malls site.  Very interesting.  There were a few in my state. One of them was very promising when it was first built.  Now it lies around half empty.  The mall I go to is still thriving.  Their anchor store is Nordstrom (which I think is helping them)  It's considered an upscale mall, but they have the Loft and Banana Republic there.  One other mall is doing very well.  It's even more glossy with Burberry one of the anchor stores.  The only thing I don't like about my mall is that is has very little seating.  They don't want kids hanging around there. 

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Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

I would shop at our mall today but it's too crowded on Saturday.  I also detest crowds when shopping.


Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,892
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

Over 40 years ago, protestors in my small city demonstrated against the arrival of a local shopping mall. They lambasted the ruination of downtown shopping. Now the mall itself is in danger of obliteration. Time marches on. Internet shopping fits in well with women's busy lives. There's not much that can be done to change it.

Posts: 21
Registered: ‎04-27-2011

Re: Shopping Malls Are In Trouble

I agree. My dad is a commercial architect, and he says malls are dead. No more are being built. (A) Few people want to take an entire day to shop anymore, like they did when I was little. They want to get in and out of stores quickly. (B) Women are too afraid of parking garages and parking lots after dark (understandably). And (C) On-line and mail -order shopping are too cheap and easy now to even waste the gas driving to a mall. Should be interesting to see what becomes of all these huge, empty malls...