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Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 6/1/2016

Good morning all, didn't see a thread so here we go. Hope everyone is doing ok this first day of June, how time is flying by. Think today is @KonaKat's first day of her road trip.  I truly hope she has a great time and, has a safe trip and enjoys herself. I also all who are having difficulties are doing ok and know I am thinking of you.


I don't have any big plans for the day, just the usual stuff, then hubby has an appt for an ultrasound later this afternoon, after that we plan to stop to buy some lumber to finish a long running project. That will be about it for me today. Have a great day. Waves to all....

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 6/1/2016

Snicks--Thank you for starting the thread. I just returned from near the city where I took Midnight for boarding while I am gone. I will be leaving at 3pm after picking up the other individual at their work. We will travel part way obviously today. Tomorrow will be the day that we put the miles big time on the car. We hope to get into Branson by 1pm on Friday. We have a show scheduled for that evening


I do hope your DH's ultrasound goes well. I also join you in wish those who are facing challenges some light at the end of the tunnel.


Off to pack the car. I may check in while gone but don't expect a lengthy post as I don't like posting from any brand of tablet.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 6/1/2016

Hey @snicks and @KonaKat


Not much going on here.  Good luck to your DH on the ultrasound.


Jean, have a great time :-)

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 6/1/2016

Hello everyone, and thanks for getting us started Snicks, hope you make good progress on your project. Jean - I'm going to be living vicariously through you on your vacation to Branson.  Have a great time!  Bernie - I'm so glad that you get to see Rocky sometimes, I think that's exciting!


I'm procrastinating again this morning, lol.  I need to go outside and mix some manure into the garden area and get a couple of my tomato plants into the ground.  Only a couple are big enough to plant, but I need to get started (I told you previously that my dog destroyed 2 earlier peat pot seed starter kits with baby tomato plants in them, so I'm behind schedule with my tomatoes).  The ones I'm planting today are the only ones that survived the original dog massacre.


I bagged up 59 clothing items yesterday and put them in the trunk of my car to be donated.  Maybe 10 items got thrown away.  Most of the items to donate are too small for me because of weight gain.  Clothing that is just a tad too small is now sorted, labeled, and neatly stored away in my storage shed.  I hope that someone else can make good use of the clothes I'll donate.  


Yesterday was my DD's birthday.  I'm angry because I spent over $50 to have Teleflora deliver her flowers.  The arrangement I chose was a wicker basket with 3 potted violets in it.  It looked pretty and would last longer than cut flowers.  They sent me an email stating the flowers had been hand-delivered, but as you can probably guess by now, my DD never got the flowers.  She put in a 12 hour day at the animal hospital yesterday, and because she didn't mention her birthday to anyone, none of her friends did anything to make it a special day for her.  We Skyped last night and I think she had a long, blechy day.  Now I've got to find out what went wrong with Teleflora.  Bah Humbug !!!!


Well, I better get outside and start shoveling manure.  It's going be be hot outside soon enough.  I hope you all have a good day!  ~  Charlene



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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 6/1/2016

SNICK's,  It seems like May just began.  Wishing your DH good results with his ultrasound.  I get one done in about 3 weeks.  A followup from a year ago 


Jean, wishing you a wonderful trip.  It is a fun place go.


Bird Mama, I am like you in that there is nothing like having the windows open. A/C never feels that good to me.


I am like a tornado again today.  DH & I had an appointment at the bank at 9:00.  At 9:30 he hadn't shown up.   they couldn't find him so at 9:30 do we left & did a  bunch of other errands.  He had us down for 10:00.  I still need to call him back.


Our friend is dying as he is brain dead & they unplugged everything.  It is so sad for us right now, but he is a believer so we will see him again some day.


I washed all of the floors & need to make meatballs & spaghetti for dinner.  Our niece & her little girl are coming for dinner tonight.


We had heavy rain overnight, but it is sunny & 70's.


Our injured friend over did it at the cookout on Monday, so he is hurting worse than ever.


 I am doing well, but still get tired easily.  


Hugs to all of you.  Sorry to be a Debbie Downer today.

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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 6/1/2016

@Snicks1 wrote:

Good morning all, didn't see a thread so here we go. Hope everyone is doing ok this first day of June, how time is flying by. Think today is @KonaKat's first day of her road trip.  I truly hope she has a great time and, has a safe trip and enjoys herself. I also all who are having difficulties are doing ok and know I am thinking of you.


I don't have any big plans for the day, just the usual stuff, then hubby has an appt for an ultrasound later this afternoon, after that we plan to stop to buy some lumber to finish a long running project. That will be about it for me today. Have a great day. Waves to all....

SNICK's,  It seems like May just began.  Wishing your DH good results with his ultrasound.  I get one done in about 3 weeks.  A followup from a year ago 


Jean, wishing you a wonderful trip.  It is a fun place go.


Bird Mama, I am like you in that there is nothing like having the windows open. A/C never feels that good to me.


I am like a tornado again today.  DH & I had an appointment at the bank at 9:00.  At 9:30 he hadn't shown up.   they couldn't find him so at 9:30 do we left & did a  bunch of other errands.  He had us down for 10:00.  I still need to call him back.


Our friend is dying as he is brain dead & they unplugged everything.  It is so sad for us right now, but he is a believer so we will see him again some day.


I washed all of the floors & need to make meatballs & spaghetti for dinner.  Our niece & her little girl are coming for dinner tonight.


We had heavy rain overnight, but it is sunny & 70's.


Our injured friend over did it at the cookout on Monday, so he is hurting worse than ever.


 I am doing well, but still get tired easily.  


Hugs to all of you.  Sorry to be a Debbie Downer today.

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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 6/1/2016

[ Edited ]

So sorry to hear about your friend Twinny.....prayers for his family.


Charleen I had read your post about the bags of first I thought is said 59 BAGS!     I do hope you get the basket tracked down and they deliver it to your DD


 I hope your DH turns out ok Snicks and you get the wood to finish your project.


 Have a great trip Jean  safe travels....we will be looking forward to any posts that you may be able to send.

 . NOthing new here it's a beautiful day here with no humidity.  I had ordered a pair of sandals from White Mountain on Monday and received them today......they are like the IM wedge ones but lower...bought them in a coral color.  I had ordered 2 tops from JJill the other day 30% off and a skirt,not on sale so I am thinking the sandals will go nicely with them.


Have a nice day.....Marijane





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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 6/1/2016

@CERB    wow, what a blessing you are going to be to someone, donating all those clothes :-)


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 6/1/2016

@twinny70     I am so sorry to read that you are losing another friend.  Hopefully his family will take comfort in that there appears to be little suffering. 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 42,263
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 6/1/2016

@Gennygirl    Coral is such a pretty color for a sandal :-)

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise