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Shopoholics ODAT Monday 12/5/2016

Good morning all, didn't see a thread started yet.

Hope everyone is doing well today.

Temps are in the 40's today, our snow of yesterday melted quickly. A really cold snap is due in I think, tomorrow.

I made molasses cookies this morning and working on laundry. Now need to clean for a bit.

What is everyone else up to today?



"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Monday 12/5/2016

I have not posted for a while. It is a pretty day here in the Sonoran desert..high in the mid 60s and lots of sun. We will go home next week for the holidays..dh is not looking forward to the cold


i have all of my shopping complete thanks to Amazon. We are reducing the number of gifts for the little ones, but they will still be happy. I ordered Santa hats for all of them and I have one to match...I am crazy Christmas Grammy at our family celebration.


and the holidays bring lots of concerts...I am singing in 3. !next weekend including doing a solo. Yikes. 


I have been following all of you..hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. It is my favorite time of year.🌞

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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Monday 12/5/2016

Afternoon, Thanx @Snicks1 for the start, we are in the 30's here but most of yesterday's snow has melted, so it's just very messy.


@sydsgma1 Glad you stopped by, your Christmas plans sound delightful, a fun time with your family


Got out early (at least for me) this morning, on a mission to find a pink scarf for DGD, did have success with an infinity one, hope it's to her liking, she didn't specify type only color.  Her brother is another story have no idea.

Will make some cookies today, & easy supper is taco's, that's about it for now


Waves & Hugs to All



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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Monday 12/5/2016

Good Afternoon and thanks for getting us started, snicks.  I like molasses cookies, but DH is not a fan, so I have not made any in quite a while.  May consider doing so this year.  Glad the snow melted quickly.  I guess you can tell that I'm not a snow/cold weather fan, but I know some of you really enjoy it.


Hi Barbara.  I wondered when you were returning to the cold zone.  I'm with your DH.  You certainly keep busy.  Your holiday plans sound fun.


Glad you were able to get the scarf for your DD, Essie.  I think men/guys are usually very difficult to buy gifts for.  Sounds very chilly there.  It should make it into the mid 60's today, and it wasn't as cold last night.  


Waves to Jean, Kathleen, Arlene, twinny, Bernie, Marijane, Susan, meallen, Charlene (good luck with your Mom, sounds like a difficult road ahead), 3suwm5, butterfly, LindaR, Gayle, Rosa, Karen, pinky ann, and all of our posters and readers.


I thought that I was going out to lunch today, but it turned out to be breakfast.  Not good since I already ate breakfast.  Oh well.....  I ordered fruit and yogurt, and brought home a bunch of fruit. It was rather pricey in my opinion ($3.00 for coffee, $11.00 for the fruit and yogurt, etc.), but it is a very pretty place.


The lady who asked me to come and I had more time to talk, and I discovered that she has a Christmas birthday -- she will be 85.  Pretty good shape and very sharp (mentally) lady.  She usually comes to the lunch program on Wednesdays, but I talked her into coming tomorrow since I'll be bringing in the birthday cake.  One good thing about being home early is that I can pick the cake up when I asked that it be ready.  


We stopped by a shop that sells all sorts of spices, particularly chili/Southwest spices on the way back from the restaurant, and I purchased some taco seasoning which I have heard is very good and no/low sodium.  I am trying to reduce my salt and sugar consumption, within reason of course.


I'll be visiting DH later after I pick up the cake.  Lots of things to do around the house, but I'd really rather be taking a walk.  LOL


Have a nice evening everyone!







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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Monday 12/5/2016

Hello All,

I haven't posted for awhile so I just wanted to say a quick hello.   We are streamlining out Christmas this year.  It will be a few decorations and stocking stuffers only.  Several family members decided that we have all that we need and really couldn't come up with a wishlist so simple it will be!   I am kind of relieved. 


Not much going on here.  We finally got some cooler weather so it doesn't feel like summer anymore.  It has put a damper on bike riding for now  but it's nice to have cooler temps.  


Hugs to all...Gayle

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Posts: 42,259
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Shopoholics ODAT Monday 12/5/2016

Hello all and good to see Barbara and Gayle posting :-)


I had the day off (scheduled) and made good use of the time.  I addressed my Christmas cards and mailed them on the way to grocery shopping.  I then came home, put up the 3 foot tree, decorated it and finished the rest of the house decorations.  Glad it's done.


Other than that, not much going on here.  We got some rain yesterday and appear to be getting some now.  It would have been nice to see some snow, lol.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise