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Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday July 13th)

Hello all,


The contractor responsible for replacing sidewalk squares identified as 'less than' by the city engineer started working on Monday.  They sawed between the squares when there was a good square next to a 'less than' square.  I'm calling them 'less than' because none of my squares are cracked or defective in any way.  They either tilted a bit or sunk a bit.


Yesterday the contractors came by and dropped off the leaning A-frame barricades. My car lives in my garage and because there is a sidewalk square between my main driveway and the driveway apron (near the street) I'm going to have to park on the street until construction is finished.


To that end, I hurried to Meijer's this morning and did my grocery shopping.  There was a special on 40 lb bags of bird seed so it made sense to buy 2 while I was still able to back into my attached garage and pull them out of the trunk.  Who wants to haul 40 lbs across the grass and up the driveway?  I was home from the store in 45 minutes and am glad there is one less thing to think about.  I took a quick drive around the neighborhood - boy that contractor has made lots of progess.


They arrived at my property around 1:45 pm and I watched the bobcat driver use an attached jackhammer hammer around the edges of some of the squares.  Talk about precision.  He lifted the squares that he hammered and another guy is driving another bobcat up and down the street after scooping up the squares.


I wonder if the guy with the jackhammer bobcat is going to come back and drive across the front yard to hammer the squares that are not near the driveway.  This is so interesting to me.  I know I need a real hobby Woman Very Happy

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday July 13th)

Bird Mama, your life sounds exciting to me. The city put in curb and gutter around the length of our property about 3 years ago and they were speedy and did a good job.  We have a corner lot and the top of it already had curb and gutter.  The good thing was it didn't cost us anything.  Good idea to get the bird food while you can use the garage.  


I was in a lot of pain before my cortisone shot in my left elbow  yesterday morning & afterwards Wowzie. I did 2 loads of laundry in the morning and my dh had to take it off the lines.  I was lady of leisure for the rest of the day.


When I saw my rheumatologist yesterday, I asked him about getting PT & I was able to get in right after lunch for the consultation.  I will be going for PT for the next 4 Tuesday's.  He still wants me to go to see a Specialist  for a 2nd opinion at a clinic in the Capitol City, so  I made the appt this morning in 7 weeks.  It's not as bad today and I was able to get to the gym.


Linda L, I am glad that your dgs has a job even though it's not what he is looking for.


Time to fix dinner.


Prayers are going out to Barbara and her dh.

Hugs to all of you.



P.S.  Fressa, you  & your dh have an exciting life one way or another.  



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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday July 13th)

Good Afternoon/Evening!  Sounds pretty interesting to me, Bernie. 


I was entertained a bit (even paused my early morning walk) because they were pouring the foundation for a new house on my street.  My house is 50 years old, and I think several others are about the same vintage.  But, there are several newer houses, and there were three empty lots when we moved here in 2009.  Then, someone built a new house on my side of the street (a few houses up) about four years ago.  The new house is on the other side of the street. 


Let me tell you that was a major production -- they have been getting things ready for the foundation pouring -- two very large trucks were parked on either side of the lot.  The noise was crazy -- especially since it was only 5:30 a.m.  Needless to say, I am curious about what the house will look like.


You had a good idea about the birdseed.  I get 40 pound bags of salt for my water softener, and I use a wheelbarrow to get the bags from the car to the water softener.  


Hi Glenda.  Sorry you were in so much pain, but happy you are doing better and getting PT.  Glad you were able to go to the gym.


Waves to Fressa.  I imagine you are busy as usual.


I had my hair cut and colored (sort of a background color) today, and the stylist had a sign saying her prices are going up $10 per service starting in September.  Yet another increase.  She does a good job, so I will continue to go there.


Very long story, but a man at the gym told me that you need to have an app on your cell phone to enter Canada.  I didn't see that in the material sent to me by the tour company, but I checked it out, and found it is necessary to have the ArriveCAN app unless you want to do a lot of waiting in line, finding a computer after you land, etc.  Most of the data needs to be input no more than three days in advance, but I was able to set things up and put in basic things like my passport number and COVID vaccine information. 


I don't know how many of you use the Post Office, but the price of stamps has gone up to 60 cents.  While I use "Forever" stamps, I found this from doing my hospice mailings.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.


Hope everyone sleeps well.






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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday July 13th)

Glenda @twinny70  When I had frozen shoulder the first time in 2004 the orthopedic doctor injected me with a slow release cortisone.  My joint was so tight he told me not to move because he was afraid the needle would break in between the joint.  I don't think I've ever been that still in my life.  I guess I expected immediate relief.  Wowsa, just when I thought my shoulder couldn't feel worse after 3 months of frozen shoulder, I thought amputation would hurt less 24 hours after that shot.  And then, like magic, the next day I had no pain. 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday July 13th)

Hi Linda @LindaLatte   Unless you've built a house, I imagine watching one start from scratch is fascinating.   I have a wheelbarrow and mentioned to my sister that I would haul the birdseed across the grass in the wheelbarrow if necessary.  Lucky for me, I was able to get to the store before the crew came by my house.


$10 is a steep increase per service however if your stylist does work that pleases you, it's worth it.  I've gone cheap with my hair once or twice and wished I'd spent the money Woman Very Happy


Good thing the guy at the gym gave you the heads about about the app needed to travel in Canada.


I'm glad I bought the Scooby Doo stamps I favor earlier this year.


I was sorry to read that Barbara fell and injured herself.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎07-03-2012

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday July 13th)

Linda L, when I got my last haircut in April, it went up $4.  She is very good, so I will still go to her.  I knew that stamps were going up a few days ago.  I still use the PO often.


Bird Mama, I got an extra strong cortisone shot yesterday and it's a lot more painful than the normal injection that I got last time.  Frozen shoulder would be in the same category as what I got. It's painful for a day or so & then like magic, it feels so much better. I don't move until my rheumatologist tells me that the needle is OUT!  Then I either sigh or cry!  Now I am praying that the PT helps my shoulder.



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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday July 13th)

Linda L, when we built our house in 1994, it was the only empty lot on the block as it's in an area where I grew up in in the 50's.  It was exciting  to see it go up.   My dh had been mowing it for 3 years as we bought the lot on a whim.   We were lucky to have  nice neighbors all around us.  I hope we get a nice one next door to us as the last couple had been in their home about 19 years.  


Fressa, we have vinyl siding and would do it again.  


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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday July 13th)

Birdmama---Good thing you were lucky to get the birdseed on sale and unloaded without trouble.. 


The neighbor across the main street has a very large lot. His house sits at the far back of it. He must be in construction because he's always running some piece of equipment and pouring stone or moving dirt. It looks beautiful! I'm always fascinated with trades and how they build.  I figure that's how you learn what to watch for when you have to hire someone or attempt to do it yourself. Now we have the added benefit of YouTube videos but there still aren't a ton when it comes to heavy construction for  a home.


The city re-did the curbs on the side streets with black top compound on the main road at the bottom of our hill and where the kids live on their street. What a sloppy job they did. The goal was to help the rain/storm water flow to the street grates. They poured a curb that is so high that some cars can't drive over it to use their driveways. After many complaints they came by and try to pound down the height and also round off the pointed top. What a mess. The kids just park on the street now. Some of our neighbors have tried to add more concrete to the top of their driveways to make a smoother transition. It's a mess. It was odd that they used the blacktop on the cement streets. Usually, they keep consistent but I'm guessing it was a faster drying time. 



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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday July 13th)

Twinny70----Sorry that your shoulder is giving you so much trouble. Hopefully, you'll feel some relief sooner than later. PT sure has been a help to many.Crossing my fingers for you. 

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday July 13th)

LindaLatte---Thanks for the reminder about the stamps. I just purchased some forever stamps two weeks ago. Good thing they still can be used. 


How lucky that man mentioned the info about Canada to you. Hopefully, that will save you some time.


Yesterday afternoon I spent rearranging the cleaning/misc. closet and working on some clutter in the work room. At least the cleaning closet is in order so I know how many cans of hair spray we have and bottles of mouthwash. I don't know what happens in there but it must be gremlins in the night. I went in there to get hand soap and found 4 cans of hairspray and 4 bottles of Philsophy shower hand soap. UGH!!! It's a tiny closet built under and inside the stairway. I'm happy if I can get in and out  without hitting my head. 


I sure  can have some fun around here.