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Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Wednesday, Feb 3rd

Spix started us off today:


Morning, feeling lazy today so I'll stick aroud the house doing some chores.  The weather is a no-show, so much for all their warnings.


@LindaLatte, I volunteer at O'Hare, every Tuesday at the Info Desk, & then when Aviation has entertainment I bring the entertainers thru Security & then "baby-sit" them as they're not badged or traveling, TSA says they must be accompanied by a badged person.  Right now we're slow in the entertainment part, think our next one will be for St Pat's Day, Irish Dancers, really a well received show, those young girls are great.


Feeling like a spaghetti dinner tonite, so will thaw some sauce & make a salad,& garlic bread


Hope all have a good day

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Wednesday, Feb 3rd

Hello Ladies, crummy day here..warnings out for heavy rains,fog's warm though,50 degrees.....


Thank sounds like an interesting " job" Spix....I bet the Irish dancers are great. My DD took Irish dancing lessons several years ago...just for fun she said..just  the basics.


LindaL I have never used eBay but I bet those IM pants are at a good price there.  The truth is I don't know now to shop on there...I remember years ago one of my sons tried to show me and all I saw was you have to bid on an item then there as a clock with how long left the bidding went etc....that was when eBay started I guess..... I never could figure it out!  Maybe that's a good thing.     I think the IM pants fit me better than the D&C ones and are a bit "dressier". i had watched then for a yr or so before buying....because they always said 'shape wear" and all I could think was they were  like spanx  and fitted really tight.....but not so.  I also have a few of his crop pants too.  I do not put in  the dryer though any of his pants.   I find they are the perfect length for me.


Jean I hope your foot  with the on boot does ok today while you are at work , does it hamper your driving?


Not much else, had ran out to the store this morning...making penne with shrimp and veggies for tonight.    


Have be a nice day everyone.....Marijane

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Wednesday, Feb 3rd

I must confess, had no idea I started today off, just thought I was posting, hah never did think I was very saavy about these forums, Thanx @Bird mama for helping me out, I'll try and go back to see if I can figure out what I did, btw it's a first for me  lol

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Wednesday, Feb 3rd

Hi all, I'm not sure I understand about the Aviation thing - maybe Spix could tell us more about it?  Jean - did I miss out on the foot diagnosis?  Did you break it?  Hope it's better soon.


I have spent way too much time this week following the stock market.  I go online to look something up, and then I look up something else, and well, you know how it goes.  Sometimes hours go by and then I realize I've neglected all my other activities.  


That said - I need to go get busy, but I did want to check in with everyone.  Continued prayers to those of you who are caregivers or in poor health!  ~  Charlene

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Wednesday, Feb 3rd



When you posted on yesterday's thread this morning, I just copied what you posted and made a new thread with today's date :-)



Hello all - work is less intense today, thank God.  It's sunny and it was in the lower 50's this morning, felt like spring.  If the forecast is correct it will be significantly colder by the time I leave work this evening.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Wednesday, Feb 3rd

Hi @cerb, I do the Info Desk for Travelers Aid, & the Entertainment is run by the Chicago Dept of Aviation, sorry I wasn't thinking about all of you out of Staters.  As far as I know O'Hare (& Midway) are the only airports in the Country that have Entertainment, such as Jazz Fest, Blues Fest, Gospel Fest, etc & the month of Dec is almost non-stop, we even have Santa pay us a visit!


@Bird mama, Thank You again, I should pay better attention, so she always says.



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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Wednesday, Feb 3rd

Hi girls! Just checking in real quick; it's a gorgeous WARM day out, so instead of huddling in my bedroom with my space heater I want to take the dogs for a ride, then get back to work cleaning.  I shampooed the rugs last night, but have to do them 2-3 times more to get them as clean as I'd like, and the floors are a mess - not having hot water for a month led to my getting really behind on the cleaning, and when you can smell "cat" in your own house, you know it's bad. 

I discovered a great product - Angry Orange - it does a great job at removing odors and cleans very well, including wood floors.  So, that's my project for today...


So far I've raised almost 1/3 of the money I need for the new HVAC system; at least there are only about 7-8 weeks left of winter.   Please pray the Lord provides.  He's never let me down, but I've been really depressed and discouraged.

Marijane, I used to shop on eBay a lot but rarely do anymore; I did notice that these days the vast majority of items are "Buy it Now" as opposed to auction. 


Spix, that sounds like a fun job - airports are great places to hang around in. 

Well, time is getting away from me - hi to everyone; have a blessed day! 

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Wednesday, Feb 3rd

 Good Afternoon!  Thanks for the information spix.  Sounds like an interesting volunteer joy you have.  I think I would enjoy some of that entertainment.


Hi Marijane.  I have been shopping with eBay since my DD wanted some of her discontinued Lenox dishes and that was the only place she could find them.  I am not a regular shopper there, but I have found one seller who usually doesn't charge for shipping and often sells Q stuff.  The prices are better than Q, but I'm not sure about returning things.  I have never tried to do so.  She (I think it is a she) usually sets a "buy it now" price or best offer, and sometimes I just pay that rather than bid.  Other times, I will place a bid, and I have had mixed results with that -- sometimes she will take what I offer and other times she will make a counteroffer.  It is very hit or miss if they will have something you like in your size and color.  So, if I really want something I just pay what they ask here.


You are something with the stockmarket Charlene.  I had read about a "no load" mutual fund that sounded good, and I contacted the three places where I have accounts.  Turns out each one charged a fee, but the fees varied.  Also, I think most charged the fee regardless of how many shares you bought.  Long story short, I gave up the idea of buying the mutual fund.  LOL


Our highs for the day are supposed to be in the low 50's as well Bernie, but that feels pretty chilly here.  It was in the 20's when I got up and took my walk this morning.  I am such a weather wimp these days.


So good to see you posting, Arlene.  I really hope you can get the money to have your HVAC fixed.  Glad it is warmer today.


Waves to Jean, Kathleen, twinny, Susan, snicks, Barbara, LindaR, Rosa, Karen, Gayle, pinky ann, and all of our posters and readers.


The caregiver came this morning, and for the second time in a row she got soap in DH's eyes.  I am still hovering while she works, so I ran to get his eye drops.  I am seriously thinking of trying to find some goggles for him since I don't think he understands about closing his eyes.


I had a baking disaster last night with the banana breads -- only one survived out of three.  I have a habit of adding blueberries to the bread, and it tastes great.  But, I added too many blueberries, and the juice came out causing black tops on two of them.  I never had such a problem before despite baking banana bread for years and years.  Anyway, I had enough bananas to make a third loaf with no blueberries, and took it in for the senior lunch program today.


After my longish walk, I went to my first OLLI class of the spring -- journeys -- about trips people take.  This one was very interesting -- Albania, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Bosnia, etc.  Came home for lunch and have had two calls from the broker.  More work needed for the power of attorney on DH's account.  Here I thought we were on the home stretch.  I guess we are, but I need to get another doctor's note (one was not enough).


Hope everyone has a nice evening!







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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Wednesday, Feb 3rd



Maybe you can give your beloved a moist face cloth folded a couple of times to cover his eyes while she is washing his face with a different face cloth. 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Wednesday, Feb 3rd

[ Edited ]

Good evening, everyone! I worked today and will work tomorrow. I had to do more walking than anticipated today so the foot complained some. I don't have any problems driving with the boot. At least, it is black so it goes with everything I wear. I try to have a sense of humor about it. The new car is doing fine; great mileage and comfort. The insurance tracking is going well, and it does make you think about careless driving habits. I used to have a habit that when the light turned green, the heavy foot went into action. Now, I gradually accelerate and gradually decelerate when possible. As mileage is also part of it, I'll be rethinking some unnecessary driving. Whatever discount I earn will be applied to all future renewals. As a result, being careful now will establish good habits or reinforce them for savings over a longer period of time.


I see that the Alegria TSV sandals I had ordered have shipped, as well as my AD of the WEN.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.