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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Tues., August 27th)

Bird Mama, it was cloudy when I got up, but the 🌞🌞🌞 soon came out & it's another beautiful 70's day.  That's a very interesting ambulance story.  When I had my PE in January, I told my DH that I was sick enough for an ambulance, but to grab his coat & drive me to the ER.  I have no doubt that he saved MY life.  We were there in 5 minutes.  


I hung out 3 loads of laundry this morning & cooked & froze 2 quarts of tomatoes.  Now I am going to have a lazy afternoon.


My infusion is tomorrow morning so I will entertain myself with my tablet & a good book.  Maybe some of you can keep me company.


Hugs to all of you.

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Tues., August 27th)

2blonde, we had a light rain yesterday all day and we needed it.  I am a winter girl and would love to live where it never got warmer than the 60's & 🌞🌞🌞.  We are finding out that old age is getting expensive at the dentist too.    


Linda  L, thanks for Jean's update.  It's a good thing that you were at home when your battery died & could get a new one.  

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Tues., August 27th)

Fressa, welcome.  I helped my mom remove wallpaper many years ago and it was an awful job.  Good luck with your project.  I decluttere & donate often. It makes me feel good about letting somebody else use what we no longer need.

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Tues., August 27th)

CERB, I am glad that you were able to go to your cousin's funeral with your sisters.  I like to buy paperbacks for a quarter and then read them when we are traveling.  That was nice of your DH to weed for you.  That's a job that I no longer do.  I try to keep our lawn low maintenance for my DH.  Good luck at the dentist.  My washer is almost 24 years old and I hope that it lasts for a few more years.  

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Tues., August 27th)

[ Edited ]


@Fressa  welcome to our thread!

@Bird mama  thank you for filling me in on Jean.  I am adding her to my prayers.

@twinny70  thanks for the kind words.  Our washer and dryer aren't nearly that old, but the washing machine turned itself off twice yesterday - as if it got stuck mid-cycle.  The dryer has been so over-used by my DD, that it acts a little glitchy too.  I've loved this set and don't want to get new ones.  Bah humbug.


Good news - my dental check-up went well.  No problems.  I'm going to eat a late lunch, maybe make some peach cobbler, and take a nap.  Sounds good to me.  

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Tues., August 27th)

Just a quick posti g to let you know that I appreciate your prayers and thank Linda for reposting the Facebook, etc posts. Today was the first day I have felt decent. I am not good at posting from a cell phone. The evening shift just began. My BP is 103/68 and heart rate is 125.
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Tues., August 27th)

Great to see you posting, Jean.  I don't like posting from a cell phone either.  Sounds like you have made great strides today -- keep up the good work!

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Tues., August 27th)

Thank you for updating us Jean @KonaKat   I'm so relieved to see that your heart rate is decreasing.  I think of you and pray for you daily.

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Tues., August 27th)

Jean, I am so glad that you seem to be on the mend. My thoughts and prayers are coming your way.