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Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Sunday, August 25th)

Good Morning/Afternoon!  It was nice on my walk this morning -- low 70's plus clouds.  They are saying that it will make it back up to 100 degrees tomorrow and hotter on Tuesday. No rain, which is troubling since we haven't gotten much rain this summer   


Sorry your DH is still having back pain, Susan.  I remember I time when my back hurt so much that I would need to ride lying down in the back seat of the car -- not fun.  Fortunately, that was a long time ago.


Jean is still in the hospital, and still has not revealed what happened.  But, she has a midline catheter in her arm so that they don't need to keep poking her to do blood tests.  Her niece and a friend are taking care of Midnight.


Nothing exciting planned today -- church, gym, and ironing for sure.


My hospice visit was great.  We watched the Little League World Series (my patient is a huge sports fan), and chatted a bit.  Also chatted with her son, and he showed me his prized vintage Mustang convertible (red).  He knows I enjoy cars, and decided to show it to me.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice day, and please post if you have a chance.





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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Sunday, August 25th)

As for me, it's going to be coloring my hair, early Bday dinner with son (and hopefully his girlfriend), and my parents.


Yesterday was quite the day, with both dogs getting baths, weeks worth of laundry, dropping of recycling, couple items returned to 2 stores, and on line orders picked up at the mall, bank stop, cleaning house, and a little yard work.  My to do list is finally done.


Looking forward to today being much more relaxing.  Heading to Starbucks to get a London Tea latte.  It's delicious!

......You look like I need a drink.....
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Sunday, August 25th)

Linda L, your hospice visit sounded like you all had a nice visit.  How nice to see the vintage Mustang.   We see quite a few Mustangs at our local car shows & Corvettes too.    Our friend that has PD had a mustang & wished that he still had it even though he can't drive anymore.


Susan, I hope that your dh's back feels better soon.


CAcableGirl, it sounds like you have been very busy getting everything done here & there.  Days like that make me happy.


Jean, my thoughts & prayers are with you.


Bird Mama, happy belated birthday to you.  I hope that you are getting our beautiful 70's  weather.  We might get some much needed rain tomorrow & Tuesday.

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Sunday, August 25th)

Last week was hectic around here.  My DH broke off a tooth on Tuesday night and had to have It extracted on Wednesday.  It scared me because I thought that it was the tooth that he just had a scr*w put into that anchors his bridge in better for $900.  No.  Thank goodness it was a tooth further back.  He was numbrd up and It was extracted in 20 minutes.  No pain afterwards either 


On Wednesday our gn, our niece and her bf came for supper. It's always fun to have them over.


On Thursday we saw a good movie at our local senior center with popcorn and a drink.  The movie took place in the UK so it brought back lots of good memories of my mom & my mil whom will be 94 years old in a couple of weeks.


On Friday morning I had my annual mammogram & now I am waiting for the results.  Then we had good friends in to play cards for a few hours before we went to a fish fry put on by some friends of ours at our pastors home.


Yesterday was our yearly pool party at my bil's house.  Always a fun day.


Today we had lunch out after church and enjoyed the hot tub.


It's going to be a lazy day around here today & tomorrow.  


My next infusion is on Wednesday & I am starting to get a bit sluggish.  It's time to get my battery "recharged."


Our weather has been so fabulous and It looks like another 70's week without humidity.  


Hugs to all of you.





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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Sunday, August 25th)

Just saw this on Jean's Facebook page ---


"The accident: It can happen to anyone at any age

No car accident. I have done this a "thousand times" with no problem. I was lying in bed reading when I dropped an item and it went over side of bed and went under. That side is big enough to turn sideways and walk it to change linens. I bent over side to get item. When I stretched my arm to try to get the item, I lost my secure position and gravity made sure I landed between the wall and bed.

Gravity may pull you down but it doesn't help you up. There was not enough room to move to be able to get up.. I tried several times. I laid there on my side for 48 hours until my niece and a friend came to check on me. I told them to call 911. The ambulance was on a run. A person heard the call and got the nearby Firemen to come to the rescue. They moved the bed and pulled me out. The ambulance arrived and off to Minnie we go. My kudos to the Grantsville Fire Dept and Minnie's ambulance service that night.

I was so tired from not sleeping, eating or drinking anything for 48 hours. I thought that the rescue would end the story but it just was beginning. Yes, Midnight checked on me frequently. To be continued."


Thank goodness her niece and friend checked on her.



You are always so busy, twinny.  Glad your DH is doing okay, and it wasn't his expensive tooth.





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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Sunday, August 25th)

Hello all, I was at my great niece's 4th birthday party all afternoon.  She actually turns 4 mid-week.  We had great weather for it and there were lots of adults and kids that could spread out outside, lol.


Jean @KonaKat , Jesus, Mary and Joseph!


I am so sorry that you lay there, trapped for 48 hours.  I can't even imagine how frightening this experience was for you and for Midnight. 


As soon as I finish this post I will say prayers of thanksgiving that your niece and friend swung by to check on you. 


I think I can speak for all of us here when I say we are sending you a hug, prayers and good wishes for a speedy recovery.


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There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Sunday, August 25th)

Jean - I am so sorry you had  to go thru all of that.  I hope you feel better and are out of the hospital soon.  I am sure Midnight is worried about you and wants you home now.  Please keep us updated on how you are doing.

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Sunday, August 25th)

@CAcableGirl2   I have to say.......your signature line made me laugh out loud.  Thanks!  (I gotta remember that one.)

Laura loves cats!
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Sunday, August 25th)

@2blonde   LOL, that is actually a country song by Justin Moore.  

......You look like I need a drink.....