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05-09-2016 11:14 AM - edited 05-09-2016 11:14 AM
Hello hello shopping friends :-)
I am on the last day of my long weekend and let me just say, I could get used to this :-) The weather on Friday, Sunday and today (so far) has been/is sunny with mild temperatures.
I tried to do at least one constructive thing each day of this little break.
Friday, I released Rocky and did yard work.
Saturday, rained, but I made it to the cemetery beforehand.
Sunday, was kind of a slug but I did pull out the sewing machine and took in a blouse I bought from Meijer's 2 weeks ago. When I buy a sleeveless blouse I can sometimes run into issues where the armhole (would be under the arm) kind of bows out and looks stupid. I took the blouse in and now it fits nice.
So far today, I've been to the recycling center and done the grocery shopping. I may putter around in the yard and start prepping the area near the fence where I will install that privacy fence slatting I bought in February that looks like a shrub.
I am already planning my next days off.
05-09-2016 11:39 AM
Good morning ladies, hope all is well.
Bernie - Thank you for starting us today, sorry it is the last day of the long weekend. Sounds like you have gotten a lot done today. Gald Rocky is back on the "wild", he will probably stop on on occassion. I do think animals remember people who help them.
I have been keeping myself busy today, swept the downstairs, mopped the kitchen, dusted the downstairs and swept off all the vents. I should try to get some grass cut before it rains, will have to check the radar.
Off to finish a few things, hope everyone has a good afternoon.
05-09-2016 12:13 PM
Good morning and thanks to @Bird mama, for starting us today. Sounds like you have had a nice weekend (extended) break and got quite a lot accomplished. Hope Rocky continues to visit on occassion.
@PAlady, you sound very industrious today. Wish I had some of that ambition, lol.
Granddaughter's play was really good last night. I enjoyed it so much, as I always have. This morning the ground crew finally showed up to work on my front yard, from the mess that was left after the water line replacement just before Christmas. I had finally called them to see if they were going to fix this mess, but that was about a month ago. I am so glad to see them here, but will be curious to see what it looks like once they are done. Am hoping I don't have to call and complain at that point, lol. It's cloudy here today and I am just piddling around, not too enthused about tackling anything major today. Waves to all.....
05-09-2016 12:18 PM
Good Morning/Afternoon! Thanks for getting us started, Bernie. Glad you are enjoying your long weekend and getting so much done. Kudos to Bernie. I know just what you mean about sleeveless blouses.
I think you would have a difficult time living in our area -- some of the birds have a bad habit of building nests in places that are not safe. In my case, this is at least the third year in a row that birds (I think they are doves) build a nest in the carport roof (open to the outside). I told them (unfortunately in English rather in a language they could understand) this was not a good idea/safe. But, they went ahead, and I found the broken egg on the driveway this morning. Other birds build their nests where they are easy prey to predators (other birds, snakes, etc.) Another reason why Rocky and your other birds are such lucky guys and gals.
Hi Susan -- hope you are able to cut the grass. You have also been busy and productive this morning.
Waves to Jean (working today), Kathleen, Arlene, twinny, snicks, Esse, Marijane, Barbara, Karen, Charlene, Rosa, LindaR, pinky ann (please check in if you have a chance), Gayle, and all of our posters and readers.
The pharmacy didn't come through, and DH did not sleep well without his medicine last night. I tried giving him his "anti-anxiety" medicine, but it really did not work. Oh well. I have a bookclub meeting this afternoon ("On Being Mortal" is our book), and I plan to take a walk and do some more cleaning/de-cluttering.
I already called the hospice nurse about the medicine, and she promised to call her boss and the pharmacy right away.
On Friday, DD's car had the "check engine" light come on, so I think she will be taking it to the garage today. Army DGS is being sent to a two week camp in June to help him pass his PT test. I think they must really like him to give him this opportunity.
Have a nice day everyone!
05-09-2016 02:16 PM
Hi ladies, just came back from doing some returns. 2 clothing things to Sam's that were the wrong size (already go the correct size), 4 to Lane Bryant (nightgowns that weren't right/ weren't white l ike the picture) and Kohl's (2 preemie outfits for babies who have grown already.) I ordered more curtains for the house from Kohls, am so happy with the ones I've received already. I need to grocery shop but my tummy has been funny, wanted to come home for a few minutes.
Linda if you need someone to chew some @$$ for you I would be happy to give them a call. Just saying. Bless your heart you are so patient. I suppose we could all take a "how to be gracious" lesson from you. Hugs!
I have so little patience for all the unkindness I see on the boards. Some days the threads really bring out the worst in me (why do women were tight clothes is a good example). It makes me want to be unkind too.
05-09-2016 02:42 PM
Hi girls! I can't believe it's Monday again already!
Well, it's the last week of my borning class; the last week ends on Friday rather than the usual Sunday, so I won't have my usual "lazy" Monday; I have an exam, a discussion group, and a 25 page paper to write. I'll be glad when this one is over; I'm not particularly enjoying it, and the assignment instructions are poorly written. The subject should be interesting (International Business), but it's not - the class isn't well structured. The next class starts next week; I have to get my textbooks ordered. One will come from the school bookstore, and one was 75% cheaper on Amazon, so of course it will come from there.
Yesterday I took the dogs for a drive; I stopped at Walmart to get apple cider vinegar - a little bit in the furbabies' water helps keep fleas and mosquitoes away - and some Pepto Bismol, as I was running low. I got home and went to put the two-pack of Pepto in the upstairs medicine cabinet where I keep extras of things until I need them, only to find I already had three large and one small bottle. So, that's my exciting plans for today before I get down to work - return the extra, as I don't need that much. I also got a coloring book that's actually cards and envelopes that's going back; it's a cute idea, but thinking on it, I very rarely have need of note cards. In a way I'm glad it's supposed to rain for the next couple of days, as it'll be easier to stay in and get the paper written - the other assignments will get done today.
LindaL, that unconscionable that DH's meds haven't been delivered! I'd be raising holy heck! So sad about those birds...
Bird, are you taking long weekends in lieu of a longer vacation? I often have the same problem with sleeveless blouses.
Amazon was good about replacing the broken cans of rotting cat food - they told me to just keep the good cans, and sent an entire new case, which just arrived.
Susan, you're doing all the things I need to...but in my case they'll have to wait a few more days. With rain in the forecast for the next few days there's no point in cutting the grass...and the weeds I cut back are growing back already. Just wait until I see Adam & Eve...
Guess I'd better get moving...I wish this week was over with already.
Hi to everyone - have a blessed day!
05-09-2016 03:17 PM
Good afternoon ladies, hope all is well.
Linda - Sorry you did not get the meds you needed for DH. You are a much more patient and kinder person then I would have been. Hope you get them today. Sorry to hear about the egg, don't you must hate when you tell the birds some thing and they just don't listen to you.
Snicks - Glad to hear your yard work is getting started, hope it all works out. Happy to hear your GD's play went well.
Kathleen - You go girl! You get those meds for Linda!!!! Sorry you aren't feeling well.
Arlene - I hate when I find 2 of something I just bought, I always swear I don't have any.
Glad your class is almost over, good luck on the paper.
I did get the grass cut, it has been threatening rain all afternoon, but it held off. I can tell I am taking tomorrow off. Hope everyone has a great afternoon.
05-09-2016 03:43 PM
Arlene, my sparrows (especially) don't know other people. I don't travel or leave them for days. It doesn't bother me because I am a homebody.
I have found, over the past year or so, that sprinkling in long weekends more frequently work better for me than taking a week off at a time.
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