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Shopaholics One Day at a Time - March 28th, Monday

Hello and Happy Monday :-)


I'm having my morning coffee watching a Perry Mason episode.  One of the things I like about watching an older TV series is seeing famous actors and actresses when they were just getting their start. 


I need to go grocery shopping this morning - I didn't do it yesterday because it was Easter.


I'm thinking about whether or not I want to get my hair cut later.  I have a baptism on April 17th, so I may just wait until later this weekend. 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - March 28th, Monday

@Bird mama, Thanx for the start, we have cloudy skies today but  supposed to improve & in the 50's

Easter turned out good, rain held off till after the egg hunt, had to keep Sadie in as she would have gotten to all of them first.

 Dinner went well, now to deal with the leftovers, DD & kids going to Springfield this week, kids on Spring Break & they want to see Abe's tomb, etc,  DS only took a little bit of the ham, so now I'll make care packages for friends & neighbors.  Will have the lamb tonite.

Hope all had a Happy Easter

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - March 28th, Monday

Good morning everyone, thanks @Bird mama, for the start. It's nice when you have a day off and not have anything you have to rush off to do and can relax for a bit first. I like seeing some of the stars, in their beginnings too.


@spix, I'm glad your rain held off till after the egg hunt, much more fun without rain. We had rain for most of the rain, so it is still very wet outdoors this morning, but about 45 and sunny, supposed to get a little warmer later on today. Easter with my daughter was very nice. Her truck is not fixed yet, still waiting on parts to arrive, maybe later on today, I will be taking her back to the dealorship when it's ready.


I have housework and laundry started, but nothing finished as of yet, lol. Was looking at calendar for April & May, a lot going on both months. New baby coming mid-April, brother has a VA appt and his annual cancer check up (on different days) that I take him to both in April, I have a doc appt also, then May has a play one granddaughter is in and has a starring role, then her high school graduation, hubby has a doctor appt, another granddaughter's wedding, several birthdays and I think another thing or two that skips my mind at the moment. Those are also my busiest months for gardening and getting the pool opened, so hope I can get it all done, lol. Hope everyone has a good day. Waves....

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - March 28th, Monday

[ Edited ]

Bernie--Thank you for starting the thread. I always have enjoyed the Perry Mason shows, and later the Ironside shows. Getting the haircut later sounds like a good idea.


Spix--Glad your Easter went well, and the ham leftovers will come in handyl Your neighbors and friends will benefit.


Snicks--You have a busy couple of months ahead. You will manage the busy schedule and all that needs to be done.


I'll be off to the city in about an hour. I'll be visiting the DMV as we have regional offices, perhaps seeing a movie and then crashing for the night as I have to be at the Cardiology practice at 7:15am for the cardiolite stress test and an Echo.


Going without caffeine, decaf and even caffeine free beverages is a challenge. I've been guzzling water. To my amazement, strawberries are on the list of foods not to be eaten as they contain traces of caffeine or something that contributes to the heart rate, etc.


The tests will take up the morning, so I will be able to sandwich lunch in before a doctor's appointment in the afternoon.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - March 28th, Monday

Hello Ladies....sounds like everyone had a nice day yesterday and the weather held out for the egg hunt.  It is poring nere today and very windy..chilly too.  I also like the old tv shows like Perry Mason,Ironsides etc.

Pinky so happy your DH is doing better and will beback home in a few days.  I hope Katie has started eating for you Susan and she feels better soon.


One of my sisters is still here but she just likes to hang around so that's what we will be doing today....we will be just running to the store for a few things....although when she gets into a store it is never a "quick" stop....but she doesn't get out much and likes to go to supermarkets just to see what' new!!


Jean good luck on your appointments tomorrow...good idea to stay over in a place closer so you won't have a long drive tomorrow.


That"s about it....have a nice day everyone.......Marijane

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - March 28th, Monday

Good Morning/Afternoon!   Thanks for getting us started, Bernie.  Hope you have a relaxing day off.  My cable bill went up $20 last month (they didn't send a notice or bill, just took the money out of my checking account), and I was not a happy camper to say the least.  Our cable bill (which includes the landline phone and internet) is our largest monthly expense.  Anyway, I called the company and told them that I knew the phone was bare bones, and I didn't want to change the internet service, but they needed to do something about the TV package.  After much ado, they found a different TV package that will reduce our monthly bill by $11 or so ($31 less than last month).  One of the changes was losing HGTV (which I enjoy, but....), and increasing the channels with old movies and TV shows.  Over the weekend, we (mostly I) watched Bonanza and Rawhide, etc.  I really enjoyed the shows, but DH not so much.  He wanted to watch more of the news channels that are starting to drive me crazy with all the politics.  I will need to see if I can find a channel with Perry Mason.


Glad the rain held off for the Easter egg hunt, spix.  Nice that you have all those leftovers.  Someone was talking about the Lincoln museum at the bookclub -- sounds very interesting.


Glad you had a nice Easter, snicks.  Sorry your DD's truck is not repaired yet.  What a busy couple of months you have ahead.  Sounds like fun, but probably tiring.


That is strange about the strawberries, Jean.  Hope that you don't get a bad headache from lack of caffeine, and your trip to the city goes okay.  Good luck with your tests tomorrow.


Have fun with your sister, Marijane. 


Waves to Kathleen, Arlene, twinny, Susan, pinky ann, Charlene, Barbara, Karen, LindaR, Rosa, Gayle, and all of our posters and readers.


DH did well at the gym yesterday, and he was awake much more during the day yesterday.  Unfortunately, he did not sleep well at all last night.  So, I'm a bit tired this morning.  I asked the caregiver to bring some of the underwear with tabs (rather than pull-ons), which she did on Friday afternoon.  I tried using them, and made quite a mess of it.  So, today I had her show me how to use them.  Hopefully, I will do better next time. 


No big plans here.  I have a book on reserve at the library that is ready, and I'll be taking a walk and doing my "strong bones" workout at home.  I want to pick up some produce (particularly fruit) at the store.  


Hope everyone has a good day!







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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - March 28th, Monday



I'm heading into my last month of a promotional period with AT&T uverse internet.  AT&T would like people to think u-verse internet is not DSL, but it is, lol.  Years ago, the company was called Michigan Bell.  It then was AT&T, then SBC, then AT&T.  When I was growing up we called it Ma Bell and I was a lifelong supporter of Ma Bell. Honestly, I couldn't imagine another carrier having my phone service.  I tend to be very loyal to a company like my mother.


My husband had their DSL internet installed when it first became available in our area.  As time progressed, I really got sick of Ma Bell creeping up the prices of the home phone land line and the internet service.  It would be $3 here, $4 there and one day they just hit my last nerve the wrong way and that was that - there was no going back.


Because I am an AARP member, I decided to go with Consumer Cellular cell phone service.  After my DH passed I kept his cell number and got rid of mine. I took my sister with me as adding her cell number to the package was dirt cheap.  I then transferred my land line phone number to Consumer Cellular, lol.  At that time I wasn't ready to get rid of a phone number that was 'ours', me and DH.  I am almost ready though to cut it loose.


So, in essence I have 2 cells.  One is a real cell and one is a house phone on a cellular base.


You'd think the phone company would say, whoa, what's going on?  We've lost 2 our her 3 lines of business?  Nope.  AT&T was phasing out their previously named DSL in favor of u-verse internet (still DSL technology).  No deals for a loyal customer.  So I disconnected all internet and waited 2 weeks until AT&T looked at me as though I was shiny and new.


As much as I dislike the thought of being an 'internet hopper', I see now that the industry encourages this culture among customers - new new new, forget about existing.


I've already reached out to WOW to get a fixed 12 month rate.  I know the price, I know the process and I am prepared for my conversation with AT&T.  Because I already have the AT&T modem in my house, I'd rather not have to schedule WOW installation.


That said, my conversation with AT&T will be simple - work with me or I walk.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - March 28th, Monday

Okay, we all know I am crazy about the old western tv series.


Today, MEtv aired a black and white episode that featured my favorite Festus Haggin.  In this episode, the widow Winton was chasing after Festus and trying to get him to find work (a no-no for Festus) and trying to get him to come to dinner.


Miss Kitty was teasing him about the widow Winton and Festus said:


Miss Kitty, she's a so tall she could hunt geese with a rake!


I guffawed and scared the sparrows, he he he.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - March 28th, Monday

Hi girls! It's a beautiful day after all that rain yesterday; I'm headed to the mechanic in a little while to see what's going on with my oil light. No other plans apart from cleaning; I'm so delighted with how nice my guest room looks that it's spurring me on to do more.


The price of cable has gotten outrageous!  I don't have it; between Amazon, Netflix, and the CBS app I have more shows than I could ever watch, and I prefer the old ones to the new offerings, many of which are filth. My internet is supposedly the fastest in the country and it's through the power company; they do offer cable and phone as well, but they're too expensive - and my 300 minutes on my Virgin Mobile phone are almost always more than enough.  If I need more, I can add another 300 minutes for $5.  I've been reading that more and more people are dropping cable and going from streaming services, like Netflix, Roku, and Hulu - I don't blame them. 


Guess I'd better get the car windows washed and head out; that's going to involve moving the car and "tricking" the dogs - they can't be in the car when it's being worked on. 


Have a blessed day, everyone!



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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - March 28th, Monday

Bernie we get ME TV too and they have a lot of good oldies on!