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Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Friday, May 19th)

Good Afternoon!  Very sorry to hear about your MIL, Glenda.  I know uncertainly is so difficult.  Hope you can enjoy time with your friend and your former SIL later.


What an ordeal with your dog's medication/vet, Fressa.  Hope you find the best solution possible.


Also hope your gardening goes well in your new home, Susan.


What can I say about your fence issue, Bernie.  I certainly hope things improve.  Lesson learned about the company -- but too late for you.


After waiting around yesterday afternoon and taking my phone to the gym with no call back -- I took one more chance to call the colonoscopy center today.  They finally answered, and I found that the doctor would not be available the day that I was scheduled.  Now, my procedure will be done in July -- a full month later.  At least that is settled, and I informed the volunteer transportation assistance group of the change.  


My SIL had to have more surgery on her ear yesterday (due to bleeding).  Fortunately, they got the bleeding to stop and she can use large bandages and take a shower.


No word on my Saturday hospice patient, but they are supposed to tell her today that she will no longer be "on service".  Meanwhile, my Monday hospice patient (who is in a facility that is closing) will be moving to a new facility on Wednesday.  Both of her children are on cruises, but the social workers/case managers have found a place for her to move.  Her daughter (has Wi-Fi on the cruise) asked if I could be with her during the move, and I agreed to do so as long as it can be arranged in the morning (I have another patient in the afternoon).  


My walk with Gigi this morning went well.  I found out that she doesn't accept treats from strangers.  A couple who walk often tried to give her one, and she refused.  I will be walking Gigi again tomorrow.


We had poor air quality and lots of wind yesterday.  It rained in the evening, but we still have poor air quality.  At least no big winds.


I have a newcomers get-together this evening, and I will be bringing a corn/black bean salad.  I haven't made it for a long time, but hope it tastes good.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  


Have a nice evening.





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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Friday, May 19th)

Linda @LindaLatte  I admire your ability to juggle so many different responsibilities and activities.  I'm sorry that they sprung the colonoscopy rescheduling on you last minute.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎06-24-2011

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Friday, May 19th)

@Bird mama  Don't let the fence situation get you down. I have confidence in you that you'll get it positively resolved and end up with beautiful fencing.

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Posts: 5,790
Registered: ‎03-20-2012

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Friday, May 19th)

LindaLatte---What an ordeal with your colonoscopy appointment. I swear that none of these facilities have learned the concept of "call back". Drives me nuts waiting and then having to call and start the same conversation over agin. Glad you were able to reach someone and get it resolved. 


You are so busy with your hospice patients. They are so happy to have you as a volunteer. I sure hope the families appreciate the service. We still don't have any thing similar to that in our city. 


Happy to hear that your SIL is improved. It's always a step forward when you can take a shower. 

Glad to hear that Gigi walks are going well. What good training about the treats from strangers. I've done the same with all of our dogs but since they are GSD we don't have too many people approaching them. We walk them around our lot only. The get their exercise in the patio yard. It's safer for them.


Enjoy your newcomers get together. Your salad sounded tasty. I love corn but sometimes the black beans argue with my stomach. LOL