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Shopaholics - ODAT (Tuesday, April 12th)

Good afternoon ladies, hope all is well.


Not much going on here today, we are still having cool temps, but, at least the rain stopped.  We did need some rain but now we won't need it for a while.


I really need to do one constructive thing here today, so I think I will make brownies.  There, problem solved. 


Hope everyone has a great afternoon.





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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (Tuesday, April 12th)

Hello ladies.....Brownies sound good Susan.......I think you have sent us the rain you had so I am sure you can send the brownies too!  I haven't made them in years....maybe because I am the only one who eats them...and I do eat them all!    THey are saying it is suppose yo clear up this afternoon.......and Sunday it should be 70 degrees......I'm for that!


Not much going on here either,ran out to the store this morning...making chicken pot pie for supper but instead of using a pie crust /shell etc I bought those seperate puff pastry shells that you fill........something different.


Have a nice day everyone......Marijane

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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (Tuesday, April 12th)

Afternoon to all here & those that stop by, Thanx @PAlady for the start


Well the pj party at the casino was a fun time, didn't win but at least I came home with some $$


Sad news is that last nite I got the call from Mom's nursing home that she passed just 9 days before her 100th, we all were really looking forward to the "party", but good that it was in her sleep & peaceful.  Now I'm dealing with all that needs to be done, no wake/funeral (her wishes) simple cremation.  My only sibling, a sister lives in Nevada, is doing rehab for a broken wrist so when the doc ok's she'll come here & maybe we'll plan something or another, not many family members left so things are unsettled at this time.


Hope all are having a good day

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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (Tuesday, April 12th)

so sorry to hear about your mom Spix.....may she rest in peace.....thoughts go out to you and your family.       Marijane

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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (Tuesday, April 12th)

@spix, I am so sorry about your mom's passing. It is always sad, although I too am glad she passed peacefully, in her sleep. You have my sincere condolances. Hope your sister heals quickly, and is ok. Please take care of yourself.

I am glad you did have fun at the casino however. My best wishes to you.


"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (Tuesday, April 12th)

(((((((Hugs))))spin on the death of your mom.

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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (Tuesday, April 12th)

Stupid spell check.  Spix

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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (Tuesday, April 12th)

Hello to all, and thanks @PAlady, for starting us today. Brownies sound yummy to me, haven't had any for a very long time.


@Genny1, your chicken pot pie also sounds good. Our weather is cool, but sunny and supposed to be warming through the week, so I am looking forward to that.


@sydsgma1, hello to you, hope you are doing well. Is your infusion soon?


@spix, ((hugs))


I got my brother to the VA yesterday, and back, all went well. It is just a long day of it. 6 hours from leaving my house till I am home again. It's ok though, I don't mind doing it, he is very independent and asks for very little from anyone. His breathing is getting worse, so I expect by next year, I will have to insist that he allow me to use one of their wheelchairs to get to the places in the hospital that he needs to get to. He will put up an argument about it though, I know him, lol. After I got home I did a load of laundry, ran to the store and made a quick dinner. By then I was too tired to do more than read the thread, lol. Today, shampooing a couple places on the carpet (dog got even with me for leaving her all day, lol), 3 more laundry loads, general straightening up. A bit more to do, so need to get back at it. Oh, grilling steaks for dinner, quick and delicious with a baked potato. Have a nice afternoon. Waves to all.....

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (Tuesday, April 12th)



Aww sweetie, I am sorry to read of your mother's passing.  I am so happy that she passed in her sleep and didn't have a difficult transition.


Even simple arrangements are difficult to carry out when you are doing it alone.  I'm sure you and your sister will be able to do something together to remember your Mom, once your sister is able to travel.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (Tuesday, April 12th)

Hello all - Susan, thanks for starting us today.


The sun is shining in my part of Michigan today.  After a few days of clouds and precipitation, it's good the see the sun.  I'm keeping busy and out of trouble at work, lol.  


I think my sister is going to be discharged home from the rehab center this evening.  She's ready to sleep in her own bed and be in her own apartment. 


Today marks a week since Rocky found his way into my flock.  Rocky's skin (where feathers used to be) is normal color now, goodbye to the red and raw skin.  So far, Rocky is content to eat, drink and lay around the rehab room.  I'm hoping Rocky recognizes he/she still has limitations even though wings are working. 


The bird needs to be fully feathered (to thermoregulate body temp) in order to survive outside.  No telling how long it will take for the missing feathers to come back in - the hawk sure took alot of them.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise