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Shopaholics ODAT - Monday, July 13th

Hello shopping friends and visitors :-)


Jean - I'm thinking of you today and sending good thoughts.


So, how is everyone today?  It's just another workday for me, so I don't really have anything exciting to talk about :-)




There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday, July 13th

hello Ladies, another sunny hot day here, humidity on the rise. I ran out to the store this morning....that's about the excitement for my day,

I hope Jean is doing ok and her procedure went fine and she has a great lunch with her cousin.

Twinny thanks for the info on the wood polish...I checked it out on google and of all places QVC used to sell it but not any more. There were a few other places that I have to to look into more.

I am glad you got on so quick to the dentist KAthleen and you are on the road to recovery. I think a tooth ache is the worse thing to have..

Have a nice rest of the day everyone.......Marijane

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday, July 13th

Bird Mama, have fun on your excursion on Weds.  Looks like a very nice place to go.


Jean, good luck with your procedure & I hope that you have a great lunch with your niece.


Marijane, years ago I bought some stuff from QVC to clean my cupboards but then they discontinued it.  It started getting hot & humid here yesterday.  We will get a brief cooler spell on Weds, & Thurs. but then back to near 90 by Friday & all weekend long.


DH & I are playing it by the weather this week.  Burgers on the grill tonight.  We have only had the central a/c on once so far, but that will soon change.  We don't keep it on all night as when it is hot we sleep down in the basement in our guest room.


Hugs to all of you.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday, July 13th

Twinny, it was supposed to rain here last night.  It's only going to get to 80 today, but the humidity feels awful.  I wish it would rain already.  As of this morning, the forecast is rain today and rain tomorrow with nice weather on Wednesday and only a high of 77.


From the weatherman's lips to God's ears. 


Please remember - 90 degree weather goes to Ohio (lol).


I've had my A/C on for a couple of days to keep humidity out.  It's not set for very cold (78).



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday, July 13th

Bird Mama, you are so lucky as we send out heat to OH, PA & our DS & DDIL end up with it in Boston.  I woke up at 1:00 a.m. & it was hot in here at 76 degrees, so I opened up all of the windows.  Then I woke up at 4:30 to a severe thunder storm with winds about 70 mph.  Then the rain started coming in from all 4 directions.  It is hot tub time before the next thunderstorms move in later this afternoon.  It looks like it might be stormy on & off all week with hot temps.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday, July 13th

Good Morning/Afternoon!  Thanks for getting us started, Bernie.  Hope work goes okay today.


Hi Marijane.   Good that you made it to the store and back.  I'm glad you looked up that product since I planned to do so.  Looks like I'll need to find something else for my new cabinets once they are installed.  Have you tried the Murphy's Oil (?) soap?  That was recommended to me once, and I tried it.  Not bad, but not special.


Goodness twinny -- those were some strong winds and thunderstorms.  Hope you get your hot tubing in and the weather isn't too bad.


Hope Jean made it to her appointment okay, despite some flooded roads, and she gets good results and has a nice lunch.


Sorry about your tooth pain, Kathleen -- glad you got into the dentist quickly.


Waves to Arlene, snicks, pinky ann, Barbara, Rosa, LindaR, Charlene, Karen, Gayle, and all of our posters and readers.


I didn't sleep well last night -- DH was up several times, and I made the mistake of turning my oven on for self-cleaning.  It started beeping when it was finished around midnight.  Lesson learned on that one -- don't turn on your oven cleaner at night.  I thought the timing was good since I wouldn't be cooking -- LOL


We had some thunderstorms yesterday afternoon, which cooled it down a bit.  It was cloudy this morning, but now is sunny and pretty hot.  We may have more thunderstorms this afternoon.


My bad news is that my Curves has closed -- I received an e-mail this morning from the owner.  Apparently, she had been losing money for about a year (the rent was way high for one thing), and she finally decided she just could not keep it open.  This was a total shock to me since we have been getting quite a few new members lately.  Now I need to figure out what sort of exercises I should do instead of Curves.  I can go to the fitness center, but it is definitely not the same.  And, DH and I already walk every day, and I take the strong bones workout "class" twice a week.  To think I was just congratulating myself on doing so much exercise.  


I pay $25 a month to a third party company (through my insurance company) to belong to Curves, and the only alternative from them is a gym that emphasizes cross-fitness.  I have not heard good things about the place, and I think it is more appropriate for younger, more fit people (like my grandsons.)  So, I called to cancel that membership.


The strong bones workout went fine this morning, and I'll be going to a combination bookclub and lunch later.  I was planning to go to  Curves this afternoon, but I guess I'll just do some exercises at home instead.  I'm so sad about this development.


DD's car wouldn't start yesterday, and she ended up having the battery replaced this morning.  Not too much else going on there.


Hope everyone has a nice day!






P.S. I did a bunch of grout (floor) cleaning over the weekend, but there is more to do.  That is what happens when most of your floors are tile. 

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday, July 13th

Hi girls!  It's another HOT, sunny day with no rain in sight. I have no special plans; yesterday I got the car trunk emptied, the free books sorted out (turned out there were well over 100), the back porch cleaned, and the back yard mowed...and I'm paying for it today.  (sigh)  My projects for the week are getting my office/library tidied up (getting the packages for the troops mailed out will help a lot) and shampooing the rugs...again.  If I don't hear from my pool guy by tomorrow I'll get the small pool set up.


I have to give Amazon a call.  I ordered some canned cat food from them as the price was very good.  I opened the box and found that some of the cans had burst open...bad enough, but 100° plus temperatures (and no doubt far more than that in the delivery truck) and spoiled meat do not go together....  I hope they don't expect me to send it back - it STINKS! Cat Surprised


Sorry to hear about your Curves, LindaL. I can't get over how many greedy property owners ask for exhorbitant rents, then the businesses have to close, and the stores stay empty for months, and even years, so there's NO rental income at all...


Sounds like that was quite a storm, twinny. 


Hoping all goes well for your Jean - looking forward to your report.


Guess I should get moving and do something. The dogs are wanting to go out, but it's far too hot...


Have a blessed day, everyone!






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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday, July 13th

Hello ladies,

bird, thanks for starting the thread. Are you gearing up for the volunteer day on Wednesday? Hope your weather holds out and is not too hot.

I also am sending best wishes for Jean's procedure today (which is probably over by now), hope she has a nice lunch also.

Genny1, my day has not been exciting either, washed sheets & comforter, hung out to dry and re-made the bed, did more weeding (it's a never ending thing around here), but it's so blasted hot & humid that I cut it short, 95 degrees with a feel like temp of 105, too hot to be outside, and poor dog needed to come it also.

twinny, nice to see you, I think I have missed your posts the last few days, we've had our ac on for about a month now. The humidity around here is so high that is just doesn't make sense to turn it off and then back on like we would need to do here. Glad you can do that as it sure saves on the electic bill, and I love having open windows.

LL, I have tried Murphys Oil soap and agree, nothing special, just ok. Sorry you did not sleep well, that sounds like me, I sleep so badly the last few years that sometimes I have to wonder how I keep going, 3-4 hours sleep per night just doesn't seem like enough for anybody, lol, but somehow I do keep going. Wow, that's something about Curves closing so suddenly. Seems like business'es could give more notice than that. I do hope you find another alternative that works as well for you. I know you like to keep up with exercise, which I so admire you for doing.

FHG, sorry about the pet food bursting open during shipping, that had to be quite a mess.

Well, I have nothing else going on today, think it will be sloppy joes and celery sticks for dinner tonight, that should be easy enough, not too exciting but...

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day.


"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday, July 13th

LL,  It is too bad that your Curves program is going out of business as I know that you really enjoyed it.  It seems like malls here & there are having the same problems.  I am sorry that your DD had to get a new car battery.  


RC, I am sorry to hear about your tooth ache.  Hoping you are better soon.


Snicks, Good luck with your tooth extraction this week too.  

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday, July 13th

twinny, yeah that is tomorrow, thank you. I may or may not post afterwards, depending how I feel. I usually don't have too much pain/reaction, but they did warn me that this particular tooth's situation could be quite troublesome, now that's what you really want to hear, lol.
"To each their own, in all things".