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Shopaholics OAT - Thursday 6/2

Good morning ladies, hope all is well.  Haven't written much lately, but have been reading.  The other day Windows 10 automatically downloaded on my computer I am not a happy camper.  I have been messing a little with it, things are different, and I really don't like different..  I know, need to change my attitude.


Hope Jean is having a fun and safe trip, and for all those who are having troubles, hope they are small today. 


Well need to get moving, hope everyone has a great morning.

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Re: Shopaholics OAT - Thursday 6/2

Morning All, Thanx to @PAlady for the start


Beautiful weather in my neck of the woods, 70's, no rain, just perfect, but the yard will have to wait as I have much to catch up on in the house, the days of doing both are long gone.


Hoping all have a good day


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Re: Shopaholics OAT - Thursday 6/2

Susan, Thanks for starting the thread. I'm dreading Windows 10, but don't think I'm computer savvy enough to stop it. There's been a post in a few of the other forums on how you can stop the download, but it sounds like it's more than I would know how to do.


spix, We're having the same weather today. It's beautiful outside. I weeded my flowers last night, so at least that's done.


I went to town earlier to get groceries and get a few other things done. It's a great day to go somewhere, but I've been fighting a bad headache all morning, and just not feeling very ambitious to travel. I bought two hanging organizers for the closet to store my fleece tops and whatever else might fit, so I may work on those today. Wishing everyone a good day! pinky

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Re: Shopaholics OAT - Thursday 6/2

Good Morning and thanks for getting us started Susan.  Hope the transition to Windows 10 is not too difficult.  i know some hate it, but I'm doing okay with it.  That it is not to say that the transition was easy or painless for me.  Computer issues can drive me crazy.  I wish I could remember how I fixed some of the negatives, but it has been a while.  I think some of the defaults were not what I wanted.  My new laptop came with Windows 10, so no choice there.  Still there were some defaults that I have been changing bit by bit.


Glad you are having such nice weather Essie and pinky ann.  We are expecting our first 100 degree day here, with hotter weather predicted for tomorrow and the weekend (excessive heat warnings).  Fingers crossed that our AC continues to work.  Actually, it is late for us to have our first 100 degree day, but yesterday (high of 96 or so) was still hot.


Sorry about your headache, pinky ann.   I used to get migraines, and they were so horrible.  Good luck with your new organizers.


Hope Jean's drive is going okay, and she has a great trip.  Waves to Kathleen, Arlene, twinny, Marijane, Bernie, snicks, Charlene, Barbara, Karen, Gayle, LindaR, Rosa (hope you are enjoying your vacation), Barbara, butterfly, and all of our posters and readers.


I had a pretty bad night last night -- DH was up a few times, and was breathing heavy and tossing and turning a lot.  Then, my knee started hurting, and my mind was racing about DH and the future.  I know I need to be strong, but I am starting to recognize that I'm falling into "burnout".  I do appreciate your prayers and good thoughts.  I know that I am lucky compared to many in my situation.


Caregivers meeting today -- I'm looking forward to that session, and today is DH's first regular Thursday at the "club".  


Have a nice day everyone!









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Re: Shopaholics OAT - Thursday 6/2

Dear Sweet Linda, I can only imagine I would be feeling the same way. It's so hard to know what is the right thing but try to think about what you would want were your situations reversed. I am so glad your Caregiver's group is so supportive.


I am bored today.  It is raining outside and we keep getting weather service announcements.  I tried to take a nap and that didn't work.  DH has a job interest/interview but the pay is so much lower than what he makes that I doubt he will go.  I wish he would consider it but we would still be in the rv, it's just too far to drive every day.  But much much much closer to home.  Kind of glad it's not my decision.


I guess I am going to venture out.  I have a few things to send DD, need to fill the box and get it sent onward.

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Re: Shopaholics OAT - Thursday 6/2

HEllo Ladies....nice day here too in the 70's but I think the next few days are iffy.


I hope your headache goes away's your DH doing?


Kathleen keeping your DH in my thoughts hoping he will find the right job closer to your country home. Did you go back for the other holder for the other side of your mantel ?


LindaL I hope your DH has a better night tonight and enjoys his club day.  As everyone has been telling you you have been doing a wonderful caring for your DH but I do think burnout will,occur need  to take care of yourself.


Not muvh here..I went to the store for a few items this morning...on my way back I start hearing this noise like I am driving over gravel....pull over and yep a flat I call my DH a few times....he finally answers and comes to where I am...probably less than a mile from home...we call AAA,I was afraid my cell phone w as dead it's very old and looses battery charging very fast...but it was ok.  Anyway the guy comes and puts my spare on. I will have yo take the car in to get a new tire ..I need a service check up anyway.  That was my excitement for the day!


Have a nice day everyone.......Marijane

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Re: Shopaholics OAT - Thursday 6/2

Yes, Marijane I got the candle holder yesterday and managed to only buy one of those tiny candles.  Went to the dollar store and the grocery and got a handful of things to fill DD's box. Will clean up this afternoon.


DH surprised me and scheduled the interview. I don't know what to think anymore about the job thing I just try to roll with the punches and do my best.  I do get a lot of unwanted advice (not here) or maybe I'm just super sensitive to some comments.  It's a bit exhausting.

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Re: Shopaholics OAT - Thursday 6/2

Yesterday I had trouble posting, then it posted twice.  Ugh!


Our friend passed away yesterday. His wishes are no service, no nothing.  It was so sudden without any warning so it is extra hard.  We are comforted that he was a believer.  He & his wife just purchased tickets to take their 2 DGC on a Disney Cruise next month so that is another blow.


Susan, I read each day too but have not been able to post much lately either.


SPIX,  70's here too.  I have been able to hang laundry out & I did get my 4 tomato plants put in last week.  They are doing fabulous.


Pinky Ann, I hope that your headache is gone real soon.  I did get  my spring/summer clothes organized last week, but still need to work on my shoes.


LL,  prayers for you & your DH.  Take care of yourself.  I was getting burnout with mom & I had some help.  


RC, prayers that your DH can find a suitable job near your country home.


Marijane, So glad that your DH was near to help with your flat tire.  Our weather is fabulous too.  I wish that it would last all summer as hot weather drives me nuts.


It was a busy morning with bank appointment, city hall to sign up for next summers church picnic, putting an ad in next weeks Shopping News to try to sell mom's bedroom set.  The only thing that we can't sell. Then I met a friend downtown for my walk.  Then it was lunch time.


Lunch was leftover spaghetti & meatballs from our dinner last night. It is now hot tub time.  DH is doing steak on the grill for dinner.


I overslept this morning.  Fatigue  is my biggest problem, but I am behind on housework & washing windows.  I thought that this week would be less busy but it is still crazy.


Hugs to all of you.

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Re: Shopaholics OAT - Thursday 6/2

Hi girls!

It's overcast out - thunderstorms are forecast through the weekend, so I guess the grass will have to wait a bit longer.  Today I have to make a trip to Sam's; my membership expires tomorrow, and I'm not sure if I'm going to renew or not. I used to get my pet supplies there, but Tractor Supply has better prices  on food and I hate Sam's new kitty litter formula, so the only thing I like them for is clothing...they have really cute stuff, but I don't need anything. I do want to get a couple of cases of Bai drinks which are on sale, and the Meow Mix is also on sale, so both are a really good deal; apart from a bit bottle of vanilla extract and maybe some treats for the troops, there's nothing I need. If I do decide to renew it won't be until fall, and I'll downgrade to the basic membership. (I got the premium one almost free on Groupon.)


Anyway, I did get some homework done last night, and will get some more finished tonight. LindaL, I don't know what I'm going to do with this degree, if anything - the business world no longer appeals to me. I find I like having my days free to do whatever I want and not be tied to an office from 9-5 five days a week (which, in my case, was often 9-8...) 


Marijane, the roadside assistance my insurance company offers is the best 50¢ a month I've ever spent!  I've used it twice when my battery died, and once when I got a flat; my "donut" is shot, so when I had the flat they had to tow it to my mechanic. Even if I knew how to change a tire, physically I can't handle it.


Susan, I'm avoiding Windows 10 at all costs, not because I don't like to learn new things, but it has serious privacy concerns - they literally track everything you do. I did read that they try to sneak it in with the updates, so I just disabled my computer from updating automatically. I have the code for Windows 10, so every so often I can go through the updates I missed but check off that one for Windows 10 to not download.  It's really not hard at all...


Sorry you had a bad night again, LindaL.  I do pray for you daily.  When are you planning to take your vacation?

Twinny, hang in there - everything will come together. 


I guess I should tend to the litter boxes, then get dressed and make my "escape."  Angelica is in her kennel, I put Honeybun on the tieup after she jumped in the car when I went to get something out of it, so I just have to sneak out without Autumn seeing me - that little girl is too clever; she knows if I pick up my purse it means I'm going out of the house. The temps are still in the 90s, and although with the cloud cover it might not be too hot to keep them in the car, I won't have enough room between the big bags of kibble and cases of drink.  Besides, I want to be able to take my time and browse, not have to rush because of them.


Hi to everyone - have a blessed day!



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Re: Shopaholics OAT - Thursday 6/2

Taking a break, think I accomplished a goodly amount, but just seems everything takes longer than it used to  


@twinny70 I hung out one load today also, my tomato plants are just doing, have still to get 3 in the "straw" if I can figure out how to make the holes  lol


@Genny1 Isn't is great to have AAA, I'd be lost without it, one year I even exceded my limit, was a bad battery but they kept telling me it only needed a charge, however I did get  a new one, problem solved


@Rock_chick, I think your own thinking is the way to go, roll with the punches & hope for the best


@pinkyann I finally did download W10, haven't really noticed any difference, but was really worried about it, so far so good


@LindaLatte I agree with the others, please take care of yourself, There is a lot of burnout among caregivers, your trip is an excellent idea, you need the getaway


Well out to bring in the wash, see ya later