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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

On 4/18/2014 mandymom said: Nope...neither angry or defensive...and I don't believe you have to sacrifice comfort for style...I wear very stylish shoes on a daily basis...have to or couldn't work as I do...and I have got to be comfortable since I am on my feet a good deal of the time. Comments are fine, of course, but the constant drumbeat about the frumpy, old lady, clunky shoes no one would, or should, ever wear has gotten pretty old. The posters who judge and complain about the offerings, also, unfortunately, often judge, label and insult those who do buy what the "fashion experts" judge to be sub par and unworthy of the "stylish"...that is annoying, but then such silliness is frequently annoying, is it not?
Good points. I do see attacking & inflamatory comments on this board as on many social exchanges. Glad it's a low number here. Such a waste of energy. When that type of post is initiated as a subject matter, it's done with the intent to inflame & to create drama. I ignore those. But I also see many threads go off the track because someone interpteted a comment as a threat or attack. This thread is an example. I don't know the OP. She did try to explain her position, and I think she was critiquing the shoe options not intending it toward Jane. But I see how it could be taken as a harsh comment esp about grandma's. Sorry if anyone was offended. I don't think that was her intent. Its good that we can dress and be different. There are many things that I can't wear that look fab on another woman. It makes life a bit more interesting! Its good to see women take pride in their uniqueness.

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

I have yet to see a pair of shoes on a shopping channel I would buy.

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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

On 4/18/2014 birkin baby said:
On 4/17/2014 maisysiobhan said:

Jane seems like a happy, gracious lady.

If you want to start a thread, clearly designed more to be nasty about a Host, than a product, there are worse things to be called than Grandma.

I see the post title is a humorous way to call the SHOES matronly...not Jane. Clearly we all don't have the same sense of humor;but everything is not always a host bash. The show title could be "Shoe Shopping with Alberti" and it would be funny to switch to Grandpa...because clearly he is not; but the shoes give off an older vibe. It's me.

I agree....................i believe the post was calling the shoes matronly also......not insulting Jane. I don't understand how some readers always twist it to be an personal insult to the host as opposed to the product.

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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

isn't there a song called "off-puttin" yea, yea, yea

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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

The Q's customer base is, wait for it…….Great grannies, mine loves the shoe selection, the SG's, D&Co, elastic waists, even the sugar/fat loaded food.

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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

I think the Q does cater to comfort and somewhat casual and conservative fashions in clothing and in shoes. The shopping demographic is centered on the older, more mature ladies. In order to bring stylish shoes, they would have to take a lot of returns. I know from shopping in many stores that do have stylish shoes that the fit is different and one shoe will fit differently than another brand or style. I'm all over the place in stylish, fashion-forward shoes by sometimes 1 size different in some styles. Stylish shoes really require a bit of trying on and fitting as compared to the styles like Clarks, Earth, Birkies, etc.

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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

Yes, yes, yes. It is the best QVC can come up with. This is what sells on QVC. Don't you understand that by now?

Those shoes (the one's the Australian guy sells, Ryka and ...nevermind), then also to cover up your upper body let's sell either Susan Graver or ......(wait for it) Denim and Company.

QVC is huge. They are in many other countries. They will show on TV what sells. Their audience continues to get old(er) (as I am...67).

Most of them are retired or retiring. The younger people shop there for mostly leisure clothes.

You see how quickly Louis' clothes sell out (a lot of his clothes appeal to ladies who work or are younger).

Bob Mackie's clothes appeal to people like me. I have money to spend and I like to dress semi-dressy when I go out.

So, yes, poor Jane has to do what she is told to do. I guess she gets paid well for it so she will continue to show those same shoes. Just as (unfortunately.....hear me crying) I have to mostly wear Birknstock shoes because of my bad back.

What is the saying, "She kept the hand she was dealt". I think I just murdered that saying.

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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

On 4/18/2014 mandymom said: I, for one, am not getting upset...just annoyed, and yet somehow amused, by the constant complaining from the self-proclaimed fashion experts who are apparently so stylish they can't even imagine wearing anything simple or it a shoe, top, pants, etc...and are of a mind that the rest of the world is out of step and should be shunned and insulted for daring to wear anything the fashionistas consider frumpy!! Unbelievable!

I agree I would like to be around these fashion perfect people when they get "old" to see what they wear as shoes when they are in fear of falling down and breaking a hip.

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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

I wear what is comfortable and I wear what is appropriate for where I am going or what I am doing. I only see the Q as offering many styles for many purposes.

I do know one thing, once your feet need something because of age or abuse it will be a done deal that you will go for comfort. I wore very high heels all my life. I now have great difficulty wearing flats or low shoes. Wish I had been warned and was not so darn stubborn about style alone.