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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

On 4/18/2014 cater said:

You did say Shoe shopping with Grandma, I mean Jane why try to get out of it???? It is easy to read so what is the matter with shopping with a Grandma??? You have a problem with grandmothers well there are lots of them out there spending their money just like the younger ladies. JANE is not a grandmother. By the way there are lot of ladies who are in their early 30's who are grandma's.

I think she's saying that the shoes being offered are something a grandma would wear. IMO it's a slam to Jane AND the shoes QVC is selling (not to mention Grandmas in general).

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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

Agree with your thoughts Sparklestar.

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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

On 4/18/2014 sparklestar said:
On 4/18/2014 cater said:

You did say Shoe shopping with Grandma, I mean Jane why try to get out of it???? It is easy to read so what is the matter with shopping with a Grandma??? You have a problem with grandmothers well there are lots of them out there spending their money just like the younger ladies. JANE is not a grandmother. By the way there are lot of ladies who are in their early 30's who are grandma's.

I think she's saying that the shoes being offered are something a grandma would wear. IMO it's a slam to Jane AND the shoes QVC is selling (not to mention Grandmas in general).

Oh my gosh! For the umpteenth time it is not about Jane nor grandmothers. It is about qvc though, you have that correct. Show some stylish shoes please. I guess that time slot is for a certain customer. Currently watching the Lisa show and they have more trendy shoes on there!
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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

On 4/18/2014 Chi-town girl said: The food analogy doesn't make sense. I'm not shopping at Q for a ham sandwich or sushi or any food. Q is marketing to a broader customer base that includes some of us that want Stylish shoes. Not fads. Well made stylish shoes can last many seasons. No complaints. Just my opinion and request to Q to step up their game if they want to expand their customer base. They can keep selling the comfort shoes, just give others more options. The obvious high level of success with PM Style and The LR show is providing them with a new customer base willing to spend $$$ on shoes.
Great analogy! I totally agree.
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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

Q has a much better selection on their dotcom.........and I don't believe Jane.....who is a real girly-girl really wears those awful ""things"" she presents

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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

QVC has ballet flats, pumps, wedges, espadrilles...lots of different styles...some cute, some not so much...but lots of styles...none sell for $800.00, so perhaps some would automatically not consider them worthwhile, but LOOK before you disparage. What do some of you want? Magic shoes? What on earth do many of you wear that you consider so stylish? I love shoes and buy from many places...including QVC...there is not a store on the planet that sells shoes that are all "stylish"...there are always some that are weird, too funky, kind of blah, downright ugly, etc...there is also not a store on the planet that sells only shoes that are not stylish...that includes QVC. If you want special shoes with supernatural powers, you won't find them here or anywhere else. If you want normal shoes for everyday feet, you can find them lots of places, including QVC. If you are so very stylish that you can't be accommodated like the rest of the world, have your shoes made to order and stop complaining and insulting the rest of us who need and want many different styles for the many facets of our daily lives.
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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

It's weird to me that people are actually getting upset on this thread.

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

I, for one, am not getting upset...just annoyed, and yet somehow amused, by the constant complaining from the self-proclaimed fashion experts who are apparently so stylish they can't even imagine wearing anything simple or it a shoe, top, pants, etc...and are of a mind that the rest of the world is out of step and should be shunned and insulted for daring to wear anything the fashionistas consider frumpy!! Unbelievable!
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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

On 4/18/2014 mandymom said: I, for one, am not getting upset...just annoyed, and yet somehow amused, by the constant complaining from the self-proclaimed fashion experts who are apparently so stylish they can't even imagine wearing anything simple or it a shoe, top, pants, etc...and are of a mind that the rest of the world is out of step and should be shunned and insulted for daring to wear anything the fashionistas consider frumpy!! Unbelievable!
You sound very angry & defensive. We live in America. Comments and complaints are not only welcome, but encouraged. You making a judgmental statement that those of us who want style have to sacrifice comfort is off base. Thst just reflects your view! Too bad you believe that you can't have both. Don't worry, the comfort 1st, style 2nd type of shoes will still be available. Q should have aired a different show after the beauty special. It was like deflating a balloon. I suspect they lost many viewers like me-it was boring. And I bet sales were low if any.

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
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Re: Shoe Shopping with Grandma, I mean Jayne~

Nope...neither angry or defensive...and I don't believe you have to sacrifice comfort for style...I wear very stylish shoes on a daily basis...have to or couldn't work as I do...and I have got to be comfortable since I am on my feet a good deal of the time. Comments are fine, of course, but the constant drumbeat about the frumpy, old lady, clunky shoes no one would, or should, ever wear has gotten pretty old. The posters who judge and complain about the offerings, also, unfortunately, often judge, label and insult those who do buy what the "fashion experts" judge to be sub par and unworthy of the "stylish"...that is annoying, but then such silliness is frequently annoying, is it not?