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Loving the leopard readers Shawn is wearing, are they Prive? Couldn't find them, if anyone can help me Smiley Happy, thank you!

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When they become the focus of her presetation, folks aren't looking at the product. Personally,  I turn the channel they are so distracting.

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Shawn wears bifocals.  What do the hosts that wear prescription glasses do?  There are magnified progressive drug store readers.  Are they like that?

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IMO Shawn wears readers and is constantly taking them on and off, looking over the top of them. So distracting. For those reasons she should get bifocals 

If she was wearing bifocals, she wouldn't be doing that. And at $500+ a pop, would she have so many pairs?



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Shawn mentioned she wears Eyebobs too so give that a try...Good Luck.

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Re: Shawn's readers tonight

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  Don't get the readers' deal. if you need glasses to see, get your prescription glasses or contacts if self conscious. I could never exchange readers for  my graduated bifocals. 

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Re: Shawn's readers tonight

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@Shanus wrote:



  Don't get the readers' deal. if you need glasses to see, get your prescription glasses or contacts if self conscious. I could never exchange readers for  my graduated bifocals. 

When I had cataract surgery my eyes were fitted with monovision lenses.  I use OTC readers for very small print.  My doctor said it is a complete waste of money for her to write  prescriptions for just magnification.


You may not get it when it comes to readers, but millions of people do.

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Re: Shawn's readers tonight

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My husband wears prescription glasses for reading (not bifocals).  He keeps that pair at work and buys extra sets of "readers" to keep everywhere else he might need them - his workshop, night table, living room, favorite chair, his truck, etc.  


Not sure what is hard to understand about many others doing the same.

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@Mj12 wrote:



My husband wears prescription glasses for reading (not bifocals).  He keeps that pair at work and buys extra sets of "readers" to keep everywhere else he might need them - his workshop, night table, living room, favorite chair, his truck, etc.  


Not sure what is hard to understand about many others doing the same.

@Mj12, you couldn't pry my prescription readers from my--face. Smiley Happy I do have progressives, but the readers do a much better job for--reading. I also have prescription sunglasses, just sayin'.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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@Shanus readers worked fine for me for years because I only needed them to read. Once I needed glasses for both distance AND reading I had to go to bifocals.


I still use a pair of blue light blocking readers when I want to read using my kindle because I wasn't willing to pay the $$ to get it added to my prescription lenses. It was way more than the $20 I paid for the readers.


Shawn's playing with her glasses all the time is annoying to me but then again for the  most part she annoys me in general. I've solved the problem by no longer watching shows where she is the host.