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Sandra's white sandals during her garden show 6pm???

anybody recognize Sandra's white sandals during her 6-8pm garden show?

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Re: Sandra's white sandals during her garden show 6pm???

I do not, but the top looks yellow on my screen.

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Re: Sandra's white sandals during her garden show 6pm???

yup...yellow single band across the top...

red footbed...& white chunky heel...if anyone knows please let me knowSmiley Happy

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Re: Sandra's white sandals during her garden show 6pm???

Adding pic...sometimes that helps people recognize.



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Re: Sandra's white sandals during her garden show 6pm???

thanks so much for that shoechicSmiley Happy

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Re: Sandra's white sandals during her garden show 6pm???

The brand is Camper and they are the Meda. They are on sale on their website. @alohakz 

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Re: Sandra's white sandals during her garden show 6pm???

[ Edited ]

@Janey2 Thank you! I had a friend who saw them and wondered what brand they were also.


They were sold on QVC last year but are now sold out.



Camper Leather Heeled Sandal - Meda







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Re: Sandra's white sandals during her garden show 6pm???

Grr. I don’t need them, but I caved when I saw the sale price.