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I've been a Q customer for years but never watch programs anymore. I do check what's been on air and other products of the day. That said - I'm about done with even checking what's going on with the Q because it's always the same. Another day of SG fashions on air or SG fashions being featured. I admit I bought my share over the years until a couple of years ago, but I'm done. Enough already. It's all SG, LOGO, D&B and D&C. SG has become so over priced at almost $50 per top, not including shipping and taxes, and most everything is styled the same. I understand some of you love her stuff and the other brands, and I'm sure I'll get a nasty comment that I don't need to buy or watch. You're right - but I can vent, and I just did. Now I feel better and I'm sorry to say that the Q has become a "same stuff, just a different day" sales outlet.....same products by the same vendors every single day. Can't you offer something new once in awhile?

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Obviously they are selling the items you mentioned or they wouldn't keep offering them. I wish they had more SG programs on. 

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Actually I would normally agree with you but I found a cute SG top on clearance today and I ordered it. It had good reviews , was in my best color to wear, green, and had a lot of 5 star reviews.

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I agree with you about SG's prices.   I just can't afford $50.00 for one top.  It's the same with Denim and Co.  It's either $40.00 or more for just a knit top.  QVC is pricing themselves out of the market for me.   I also wish Denim & Co. would just do some simple tunics in jewel tones that you could dress up with scarves and necklaces.  I feel the tops especially are either too casual or matronly lately.  I am an older woman but I don't want to look old.  And also I wish we could go back to Denim & Co. $25.00 tops. 

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Here's my take these days about prices for fashions here on the Q (and really for any clothing site) - if I'm in a B&M and saw anything like what's in the SG line and saw the price tags she sells by, would I spend that kind of money for a simple top, shirt, vest?  Heck no I would not!!!! Certainly NOT worth $50 or more for a plain top like SG sells.  I'd be leaving it on the rack - and I do!


For me to spend that kind of money on a simply made top, shirt etc it MUST be VERY special because I just don't spend $50-$80 on one item and I certainly include Logo wear in this category, D&Co for tees, LZ - and the list goes on.


You get my drift. 

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Registered: ‎03-28-2015

35.00 for a butterknit T shirt .......thats overpriced in my book.......but I have bought a few of her sweaters that  are 10.00 more.

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Tried to watch SG last night to check on new fashions coming up and Susan was on high speed.  The poor host just stood there a few times while SG was rude and still talking - I felt the hosts annoyance at that time since it was very obvious.  Wonder how many hosts really dread working with Susan.... I know I would...Could not buy anything and had to change the channel...

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Registered: ‎01-08-2016

I really like SG clothes HOWEVER I can't stand SG, she thinks she's all that. She acts so phoney and the POOR hosts can't even get a word in. Some body needs to do something abour her.

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Registered: ‎07-12-2012

I'm sure SG is probably a sweet lady off camera, however, turning the volume down  when she goes into marathon gushing mode helps.   

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Registered: ‎07-12-2012

You are so right!