Posts: 29
Registered: ‎09-30-2019
A lot of the markdowns are down right laughable. Taking $3 off a a $40 item, $4 off a $45 item, etc. - I'm not running to the phone to order.
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Re: Sale Prices

[ Edited ]

Agreed---QVC has a block about what a real sale is----for me, taking a measly few bucks off something doesn't make me want to buy ----especially ,by the time my sales tax and s/h fees kick in, I've paid just the same if not more. 

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I've noticed that a lot of the discount amounts are 9%.  Really?  You can't even make it 10%?

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QVC has been doing these small dollar markdowns for many years. I've seen some better sale prices the past few years.


I still think it makes more sense to do deeper discounts on existing inventory. There's such a huge markup in clothing that I would think they could still make a profit. Lots of other retailers seem to be able to have good sale prices. Makes more sense to me than keeping all that stuff in inventory. 

Have a Good Weekend! 

Valued Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010
HSN has great markdowns. Percentages off certain days that can be used on TS
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I get more excited on free shipping day than marking a few dollars off something. 


If I really want something, I'll buy it.  If it's something I can wait on, I'll add it to Wish List and watch it.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Sale Prices

[ Edited ]

Sometimes I wonder if there is a method to their madness. By putting it on "sale" for a few dollars, that prevents it from being eligible for using a (rare) coupon. It also exempts it from any possible 30-day price adjustments.  So these tiny sales end up saving money for Q.  

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Their clothes are so high I shop elsewhere.  Just got a PeaceLoveWorld dress for $22 & free shipping.  It was $59 +$3.50 on Q.  Also got a handbag & my favorite cleanser.  $48 on the website & I paid $7.50 & free ship. 

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Posts: 183
Registered: ‎01-24-2019 are so right.  Also,I have notice the TSV is maybe $5 off regular price but you also pay S&H.  So if you wait for a free shipping day (and get to see reviews on the item so a dud which is most of the time) you dont pay S&H and then pay like $1.50 more for the item but likely to keep based on reviews so dont pay return S&H Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎01-22-2012

Retail understands everybody wants to buy something on sale. To satisfy, they give these cheesy few dollar "sale" prices. 

I consider a sale 50% or 75% after July 4. Or big deal, they offer buy two or more with $3. off. It doesn't even cover S&H. 

All and many more "tricks of the trade."