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Re: SJP feet on E! Fashion Week Show - yikes!

On 9/12/2014 GoodStuff said:

Well.......those ARE some ugly, veiny feet! I have to say it: I have never understood why SJP is considered by some to be a great beauty. She is skinny to the point that "scrawny" applies.........and she has an extremely thin, lo-o-o-ng face and pointy chin. Frankly, she always makes me think of a tarted-up W icked Witch of the West......


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Re: SJP feet on E! Fashion Week Show - yikes!

Is this comment not just another example of women bashing? And we wonder why young girls bully each other on social media. Guess from whom they learn it? The grownups. Sad.

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Re: SJP feet on E! Fashion Week Show - yikes!

I try to sit out a lot of these snarky threads, but really--now we are picking apart a woman's veins? I've heard it all. If only perfect women could show any skin at all, we'd all be dressed in burkas.

SJP is a style icon. In my book, she can do no wrong.

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Re: SJP feet on E! Fashion Week Show - yikes!

Glad SJP doesn't read these boards. She would be hurt by the comments.
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Re: SJP feet on E! Fashion Week Show - yikes!

I love SJP...and I like 'Carrie Bradshaw', as well. She's fabulous.

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Re: SJP feet on E! Fashion Week Show - yikes!

coco14 and FLgardener ~ Agree with you both 100% ~ Thanks for writing! SJP ~ Style Icon, without a doubt!!!!
Honored Contributor
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Registered: ‎07-29-2014

Re: SJP feet on E! Fashion Week Show - yikes!

Do post a photo of your own feet, helping, so that we can also judge and instantly assume like you are doing.

I'm sure that God gave you "perfect" ones, with nicely-shaped toes and everything. {#emotions_dlg.glare}

Doubt you have the cojones to, though.