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Registered: ‎03-13-2010


[ Edited ]

Good Morning/Afternoon!  It has already been an eventful day, and it isn't even noon yet.  Another hot day in store -- 103 degree high predicted.  It was okay on my walk this morning (got out early again).  


Where can I start with DD's move.  It stresses me out just to recount all that happened, but they are driving back to South Carolina this afternoon.  They needed to get a second truck in Maryland, and middle DGS will be driving it.  Quite a caravan with DD (large truck), middle DGS with smaller truck, youngest DGS with his car, and middle DGS' girlfriend with her car.  There is no way that they can make it to South Carolina tonight (DD hates driving at night, and is tired).  So, they hope to find a motel along the way.  There is more, but just too complicated/stressful to mention.


Meanwhile, I developed a sore throat a couple of days ago, and last nigh it was bothering me, plus I was itching and couldn't sleep.  This morning, I took an antihistamine (Benadryl type) and I am feeling better.  Just in case, I used my last COVID test, and it was negative.  Thank goodness.


The hospice volunteer coordinator sent an email saying he is resigning his job in a couple of weeks and moving back to the Midwest.  I can't say that I'll miss him, but it is a shame he is so unhappy with his job.


Shopping here or elsewhere isn't on my mind today.  I like the Kim Gravel bonus buy, but don't plan to order it.  


I have another mourning dove nesting on my front patio roof.  I think the babies should be here soon.  The doves seem to find that location better than some others, which is a good thing.  Other nest locations have been poor -- nests and eggs falling down.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone is having a nice day.  Please post if you have a chance.





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Good afternoon ladies, hope all is well.


Linda - Thank you for starting us today.  You are having quite the heat wave, we are at 73 degrees here and it is very nice.  The sun is out, but I think it is supposed to rain later.  Sorry to hear DD is having quite the time moving.  I don't like driving at night anymore and I am sure she is better driving a large truck during the day than at night.  I hope they have safe travels to their new home.  I do feel sorry for them with the unpacking, it is a trying thing to do.  


Sorry to hear about the hospice coordinator, sounds like this job was not for him.  Hopefully, he finds something he enjoys more.


Hope you are feeling better soon, maybe the sore throat is from the dry air and heat.  Glad to hear it was not Covid.  I am glad the Morning Dove found a safe place for her nest, we have a Robin's nest under our deck.  Not sure if the babies are in it, I do try not to go near it.  


Not much is going on here, I do need to get some cleaning done, but, no feeling inspired.  Hope everyone has a great day.

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Registered: ‎03-20-2012


Hi Everyone!


Linda thanks for getting us started today. I feel for your DD and DGS with the "caravan" of trucks. It's best to stop and get some sleep before driving any further. I'm not a fan of night driving so I avoid it as much as I can. We had a major plumbing leak and broken pipes just as we were starting to load our truck before the move. Needless to say that it took us 4 days before we actaully pulled out of the carport. I'm crossing my fingers that tomorrow's drive will be much smoother for all of them.


I can't imagine that heat. I didn't do well when I lived in Georgia either. I really should be livving in Alaska. LOL


Maybe it's for the best witht he change in the hospice coordinatror. Hope he finds a job that makes him happy.


I did a few errands today but only the "quick" ones. (drive thru bank, pick up prescriptions, and a stop at the AT Home store for a shepherd's hook. It's hot and sunny here so the stores were sparse with people. YIPPEE!! 


i need to make a grocery run for dog biscuit supplies for the griddle I purchased. The little dog treat supplies are difficult to find so I thought i better start baking while I can find those supplies. Wish me luck.


I took today off from tlaking to roofers and researching reviews. I have a budget and we have narrowed down type of roof and colors. I hope to make the calls tomorrow and have the first estimate on Friday. Hopefully, they're show.    


Have a good afternoon/evening.


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Posts: 7,499
Registered: ‎03-13-2010


I'm just back from dropping off the hospice mailings at the Post Office.  Gotta say -- it is hot out there.  They have issued excessive heat warnings starting tomorrow until Sunday night.  I don't think it will be that much hotter (maybe 105 or so), but it won't cool down that much at night, plus no rain.  Unlike Maryland, our hottest month is usually June.  


I forgot to mention that the hospice volunteer and bereavement coordinator already has a new job -- hospice chaplain.  He did that work before, and I guess he preferred it.


DD and youngest DGS stopped early, but middle DGS and his fiance kept driving further south.  I think everyone has stopped by now  I certainly don't envy them having to make the drive and as Susan mentioned the unpacking. 


Hope you get some reasonable estimates for your roof, Fressa.  Also hope the people show up.  I know that can be a big problem since many tradespeople are backed up with work.