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Good Afternoon!  Another sunny and warm day here with a high of 83 degrees predicted.  It was only in the upper 40's when I started my walk, but warmed up nicely by the time I got home.


I saw on FB that Barbara is heading to MN for her DH's celebration of life on Saturday.  I hope that service is just what she wants.


Glad you were able to spend time with your sister on her birthday, Bernie.  You are certainly busy, Glenda.  Hope all goes well with your appointments and trip.  You are another busy lady, Fressa.  Interesting about your DH not wanting a metal hose.


Waves to Susan, Desert Lily, and all of our posters and readers.


The senior lunch program was a bit difficult yesterday since my partner was out, and her substitute was sick.  That put a lot more burden on me, but things went fine for the participants. Just a longer day and more work for me. I went to the gym yesterday afternoon, and it was less crowded than normal.  Then, I went to hospice and worked on the mailings.  


Today, there was a volunteer appreciation lunch/party at hospice, and they went all out.  Tons of food, and great gifts.  The supplies were not ready for delivery, so I hope to do that late today or early tomorrow.  I'm headed to the grocery store next.


Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts for my DD.  





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Good evening ladies, hope all is well.


Linda - Thank you for starting us today.  Sounds like you had a very busy day.  We may hit 80 tomorrow.  It was only 28 degrees this morning, but, it did warm up later in the day.  


DH and I went couch shopping today.  We ended up buying two, one for the livingroom and one for the familyroom.  We have been meaning to do this for a year at least and finally did it.  Of course they are from two different places and it took us almost all day.  I don't like to shop to for furniture.  Of course, now that we are getting new couches, we decided we need new end tables.  It is a vicious cycle.


Not much more going on here, hope everyone has a great evening. 



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LindaLatte---it sounds like we may your weather today. It started out very cold but is predicted to get into the 80's.UGH!!! My allergies are in full bloom as well as the dogs. I should have bought stock in the Kleenex company years ago if only I had know. LOL


Sorry your Senior lunch program was such a challenge. It's so difficult when you are missing the other volunteers. Happy to hear that the appreciation lunch/party was so nice. 


Thanks for the updates on everyone. I haven't been on the forums too much in the last week or so. We really didn't have a winter and that's the only season that works for me. All the other seasons just expand my health issues. The dogs allergies have been just as bad. It's just a circle of who's nose is running and which one has the rash. 


I just received the gas bill yesterday and they increased the rate by $20! This is just crazy and annoying at the same time. We also received another bill for one of the rescue services in the area. We always give but I guess either not enough others do or the amounts are reduced. Now they send it as a bill instead of a donation. We have four different services so this adds up quickly. The rescue services bills are quarterly so hopefully they will remain as such. (that's increased from every six months previously)


We received an offer from the Vets office for a yearly service contract on each dog. It covers a few vaccines, exam and some other items. It's vague and no prices are given. I'm guessing the rate goes by age and weight of dog from what they indicated. It's not insurance and that's stated. I have to get more information on it to see what the cost difference is between using this or just paying as we go. No emergency visit is covered so that's a disappointment. Has anyone else received anything like this from their vet's office? 



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[ Edited ]

It was cold again yesterday but at least we had sunshine for most of the day.  I cut my grass for the first time of the season.


Today was a wee bit milder.  My sister's on vacation this week so we made the trek to my niece's houst to drop off eldest great nieces birthday presents.  The kid's birthday was at the beginning of March and the weather and covid in their house interfered with a more prompt delivery.  My niece and her husband work remotely so I timed out arrival with 'lunch time'.  We didn't stay long and it was good to lay eyes on my niece.  It's okay that the kids were in school, I just really wanted get my great niece's gift to her.  



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 7,443
Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Good Evening!  Our weather has been nice today, but I decided to do an exercise DVD first thing in the morning rather than take a walk since it was only 43 degrees.  Later, it made it to 81 degrees, which I find very comfortable (for the high of the day).  Sorry it is getting too hot for you, Fressa.  Many people in my area (including me) are having allergy issues these days.  


Glad you were able to drop off the gifts and see your niece, Bernie.  In the meeting yesterday, I learned that COVID is back in several local communities.  Fortunately, most people seem to recover fairly quickly and don't end up in the hospital.


I was shocked that my gas bill went down this month.  In fact, I contacted the gas company to make sure it wasn't a mistake.  But, they assured me that they kept track of usage, and would change it if needed every quarter.  Sorry yours went up Fressa -- $20 is a lot.


My grocery shopping went fairly well except they were working on the parking lot of the first store which made it difficult to park and get in and out of the store.  Also, they had very few specials of interest to me, and a couple of those were sold out.


I am afraid I made a $10 plus mistake by ordering the TSV yesterday evening.  I like that fabric (I have a blazer that is great), and I wanted a navy pair of shorter pants.  But, when I saw them this morning, I decided the length would not be good on me.  And, I could not cancel the order.  Maybe I will get lucky, but I'll probably end up paying $3.50 for shipping and $6.95 for returning it.  Note to self -- wait until the morning before ordering.  


I did the hospice deliveries in the morning and went to the gym this afternoon.  Next up is doing some cooking.  


Wave to Susan (enjoy your new furniture), Glenda, Desert Lily, and all of our posters and readers.


Sleep well.







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Posts: 5,587
Registered: ‎03-20-2012


Birdmama---Good you had an opportunity to get your gifts to the great niece. Perfect timing. Feels so good to get those special gifts delivered and checked off the "to do" list.