Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,723
Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Good Morning/Afternoon!  Another sunny and warm/hot day here in Arizona with a high of 95 degrees predicted.  Still more than 10 degrees cooler than where I will be going in Utah (109 with excessive heat warnings today).  Yikes!  Certainly hope it is cooler when I go on my tour of Utah parks later this month.  DD said it was nice and cool in Maryland -- even chilly when she took her early morning walk.  Hope the weather is okay where you live.


I'm thinking of Bernie and Glenda today.  Sending prayers and hugs.  My friend Bev has her first radiation treatment today.  Her doctor had her get a booster COVID shot last week, and she said the adverse effects were similar to her second vaccine.  Not sure if she had Pfizer or Moderna.  


I'm a bit frustrated since my Prolia shot is still in limbo.  The insurance company claims that the doctor didn't pre-approve the shot, which I thought he had done.  They sent a fax last Thursday, and I am trying to get in touch with the doctor.  But, the lines have been busy, and when I did get through I could only leave a message.


Since I haven't heard that my Utah trip has been canceled, I went ahead and booked a ride on the shuttle from and to the Las Vegas airport and the hotel in Utah.  Hope that works out.  


I haven't been tempted by any of the items I have seen in the product reviews (thank goodness).  There were a couple of lunchtime specials that were very tempting, but so far I have resisted. 


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice Tuesday.  Please post if you have a chance.





Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,788
Registered: ‎03-20-2012


Hi Everyone!


It's party sunny and then clouds over. It's on the verge of being hot but still bearable outside. There'sa bit of a breeze which feels good. I had moved this tiny wind spinner in the shape of a flower inside the patio. Believe it or not, it was in tact under that pile of 5 trees. 


Today was laundry and bill paying day. I had two loads of the hubby's yard clothes so they take a while in the washer. I do those last and then run a long cycle of suds and bleach thru the washer. I decluttered a few items in the holiday storage room while I was waiting on the loads to cycle off. At least now the laundry room is free of those items.


I did watch some  the Q this morning but thankfully nothing caught my eye. I spied a few items in the closet that I need to take a second look at for the donation pile. I still have the shoes to declutter so hopefully I will tackle that later in the week. I do have bank and prescription pickup (again) and birthday card and gift to buy for our son. Crossing my fingers that I'll get those errands accomplished tomorrow.


LindaLatte--- That's frustrating with the doctor's office and your shot. That answering machine and back and forth mixups drives me crazy. I find it frustrating trying to unravel the mistake.(especially when there's a time crunch) Crossing my fingers that it all gets handled quickly.


Have a good afternoon/evening.