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Greetings, shopping friends. It is a dreary, rainy day so we have to make our own sunshine by thinking positively. I remember in a meeting once a psychologist saying the power of a negative thought was so powerful that it took ten positive thoughts to offset or neutralize the impact of one...just one negatve thought.


It is a reality that people who are very satisfied with an item, product, service, etc are unlikely to leave positive reviews. On the other hand, those who have had a negative experience are likely to leave a record of their discontent. For this reason, if it is an item offered by both the Q  and Amazon, I read the reviews at both places. 


I see that the Q's answer to Amazon competition today is a "Big Wow" revealed every six hours. I don't know why they just can't list all the "deals" in advance. I may not be around in six hours or too busy to check to see what the "deal" might be.


I confess that I did get my $119+ Instant Pot for $49+ on Prime Day. I'm not much of a cook anymore so it likely won't be used much but the $49 is a minimal investment risk. I have not checked back to see what Amazon is offering. I do want a sound bar or sound base and there is a highly rated one $49 off its regular selling price but it isn't a Prime deal, so that price may wait on me.


I work tomorrow, so I need to be more productive around the house today, now that I feel better. I did make a run to the city yesterday to get a free Covid screening as our state is pushing these. These are held regularly at a state listed drugstore there on a daily basis but you have to make appointments in advance and no symptoms  are needed as some people can have it without having symptoms. I will get the results in about 3 days by logging on to the website when getting the email notifying me they are available.


I hope you have a wonderful day, and if you shop, shop wisely.




**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hi Everyone!


Well, it rained overnight but has finally stopped. The leaves are falling like crazy. The last section of grass that we planted is ready to be used. YIPPEE!!!  Fingers crossed that we see it return next year. 


I'm taking it easy today again. It sort of drives me crazy not to be doing chores, etc. but I'm hoping that will speed my recovery. I did sleep better last night (for me) so I was encoraged. 


The down comforter TSV that my husband requestd arrived yesterday. The color is beautiful! It is extra puffy like Northern Nights from years past. I have it in the wash pile. You know it's a good deal when the hubby likes either a set of sheets or a blanket. The dogs prefer the Berkshire microfleece Snoopy blankets/throws in their kennels for daytime and the Northern Nights throws for night time on the bed and floor. They breathe so the dogs do not get overheated. Yes, they are all spoiled. 


The Insta Pot looks more user friendly to me than the pressure cooker. I purchased a puressure a few years back and am still learning how to use it. I found a Mereditth Lawrence recipe for beef stew that is good. I have to practice more with it. I like the concept and the meat really is tender. People seem to enjoy the Insta Pot. Since it's Fall I'll have to put the cooker on the counter and experiment. "Dinner Surprise" is what  I call those meals. LOL


Have a good afternoon/evening.

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Fressa--Taking it easy today is very acceptable as you have been one very busy person. I also have Fall leaves blanketing the yard but they are from the neighbor's tree. I quit trying to rake them up two years ago. I am happy for you that the down comforter has arrived and everyone is pleased with it.  I am "queen of the microwave" and countertop convection oven, so I doubt that I will become one of those that is in love with the Insta Pot. Enjoy your recipes you make!

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Good Afternoon!  Hope you like the Instant Pot, Jean.  I like mine, but there is a learning curve.  Hope that you use it more than expected.  The one I ordered is not on sale today, so I don't feel bad. 


DD was thinking about one (which I would have purchased for her), but the ones being offered on special were too big or too small.  I did end up ordering a toaster.  I am a toast lover, and the toaster I have has been temperamental lately.  When it was not working well this morning, I decided to check out the ones being offered, and found one with good ratings at a reasonable price.  I had a $10 credit for buying something from a small business (not sure which thing since I order so much), and that made the price very reasonable.


It has been a busy day for me.  The landscape lady (I took her OLLI course), came, and was wonderful.  She had done a lot of research about my property (using Google maps, etc.)  She talked about what trees and bushes might work well for me, plus gave me the name of a landscaper who is quite good (has a degree in horticulture, plus knows all about how to plant and not use much water.  Anyway, I really don't have the means or desire to have a landscaping plan like she does, and I felt bad to take her time and effort.  But, I certainly appreciated it.


Then, my neighbor came to help me with the bats behind my wall hanging.  He didn't think there were really bats there, and I never saw them myself.  But, when he took down the wall hanging, two small bats fell down.  We spent a bunch of time trying to "flood them out" without killing them.  And discovered my hose sprayer is no good in the process.  He went off to look for some caulk to fill the hole where the wall hanging had been attached, and I managed to move the bats using a bucket of water and my big broom.  One flew away immediately, and the other took longer, but left.  I don't think I will put the wall hanging back up, and he didn't have the caulk he wanted. .


I have my plant based whole food diet this afternoon, and I normally "attend" an on-line concert on Tuesdays, but I may skip it so that I can do a Leslie Sansone DVD before OLLI class.


Good idea to take it easy until you are better, Fressa.  Hope your pressure cooker experiment goes well.


Thanks for the information, Glenda.  That is the type of almond milk I purchased.  I use milk in cereal plus in coffee and some hot tea, also in cooking.  


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice evening and sleeps well.





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Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Linda--I realize the one I ordered is small but I am used to cooking or preparing for one. As I said, I really doubted that I would use it much. I don't remember when I last used my crock pot. Everyone seems to  like them, so I decided at that price, it might end up being a gift or a local auction item, etc. 


It is good that the landsape lady helped you with suggestions appropriate for your area and property. I never thought about bats getting into a house. I do hope that problem has been resolved.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Posts: 7,727
Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Makes sense, Jean.  I think that 3 quarts is large enough to make food for three people.  So, it should be fine for you or as a gift to someone else..


I have never tried a convection oven, but your liking one so much has me interested -- maybe someday.  


Just to clarify, the bats were not in the house, just under a wall hanging on my front porch -- the porch has a wall around it, but is not enclosed.  I don't think bats will be a problem. My only issue was their waste that I had to sweep up every morning. 


My sweet neighbor returned while I was busy exercising, and filled the hole that needed to be filled plus put a new sprayer on my hose.  So nice!