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Greetings, shopping friends. This month  has passed so quickly and it iso hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week. Christmas will rapidly follow with New Years and its opportunity for a "New Year New You."


Resolutions made ususally last about three weeks. It could be that the mind set and motivation was not really there when the resolution was made. We can resolve to make a change at any time during the year, despite the tradition of beginning the new year with goals in mind.


Timing is very iimportant  when making a goal. Are you really motivated? Is the reason for the goal or resolution truly coming from within or is it because of the influence of hype or others? Change can be difficult, so it is importnat to make sure that the goals made at anytime come from within, are measureable and reasonable. Goals not reasonable are destined for failure.


I am sure many of us are focusing upon the economy and will be making decisioons about how to managge the demands upon the budget. For you that do not budget but want to, track your expenses, even the smallest, for a month. You might be surprised at where the money is going. Can you resist those $20 bill alerts? Have you looked at how much you spend a month on easy pay? By itself, one isn't that much of an impact but these can add up especially if overcome by the sales pitch and you have forgotten about prior purchases.


It is a beautiful day with acceptable temperatures but that will change and winter will revisit us again. There is a saying of "Make hay while the sun shines." Take advantage of motivation, good weather, etc. to make changes that reallyy work. The bathroom discovered my cleaning skfills today. This was a goal I had for yesterday but the motivation wasn't there yesterday.


Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hi Everyone!


It's cloudy and cool but no rain. YIPPEE!  Hopefully, everything will dry enough to have the covers placed on them for winter. I keep forgetting to bring in the glass windchimes. It's always that or a glass birdbath each year. I keep all the other birdbaths exposed so the deer and birds have water. It' interesting to see how even the deer have their favorite spot. The birds are busy building nests and using the supplies from the Fall door wreath. They certainly keep busy.


I defrosted the small freezer in the kitchenette this morning. Glad that's done. This afternoon is bill paying and I'm not sure what else. I'm making stuffed peppers for dinner tonight so I may try to prep those so we can eat a bit early. 


I fianlly sat down and ordered the dogs shampoos, etc. but was a bit too late for the stuffed toy sale. I have a few in the gift closet of their favorites but our female changed her mind and decided she had a new favorite. UGH!! I can't find the Christmas elf anywhere. I'm behind on the people gift shopping but hopefully I'll be motivated tomorrow to get something ordered. 


They are predicting snow early and heavy this year. I'll have to make a trip to the hardware store for salt sooner than later. I still have some cards to purchase for the birthdays and holidays. Bits and pieces of the "to do" list. 


I received the title to my Crosstrek in the mail so I finally own it!  What a relief and for once perfect timing with all the anticipated increased costs. 


Holiday decorating will be scale back a bit ( for me) pending the wallpaper/paint project. I'll decorate outside first and the rooms that are not on the list for updating. I really enjoy seeing a Christmas tree so I 'll still have a few up in the different rooms. 


Have a good afternoon/evening.


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[ Edited ]

Good Evening and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  Sorry cold weather is on the way for you since I know you do not care for it.  As I mentioned, our weather is supposed to change starting tomorrow, but just to more normal temperatures -- 70 degree highs instead of the 80's we have been enjoying.  It is already pretty cool on my morning walks (40's) -- at least I find it cool.


The months do seem to be speeding by.  I sort of panicked when I realized that Thanksgiving was next week since I didn't have a card for DD and family.  Fortunately, I was able to pick one up this morning at Walmart when I was picking up some groceries.  There are still some pretty empty shelves, but not as bad as when I went on Halloween.  No more shopping on a holiday for me.  


While I have not been one to make New Year's Eve resolutions, I do set goals for myself.  It is important to focus on what is really important to me, not things that would be "nice" or "good" but would require more sacrifice/work than I am willing to do.  To whit, while I understand that a whole food, plant based diet is desirable, I am just not willing to give up dairy at this point.  Maybe someday.


I received my Lug bag today, and I like it very much -- even more than I expected.  Glad that I ordered it.  Glad you got your bathroom cleaning done today.  I was happy with my cleaning efforts yesterday.  Perhaps I will do some more cleaning later today, but perhaps not.  I did make it to the gym today, and to the library to return a book.


Hi Fressa.  Glad you are happy with your weather.  I'm sure your decorations will be lovely.  My DD was telling me that she and my DGD had to go out to buy a sweater, etc. for her little dog due to the cold weather.  These dogs certainly have a good life.  Glad you got the title to the Crosstrek, and your defrosting is done.  That is a job I'm happy not to do any longer.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice evening and sleeps well.






P.S. They are predicting gas heat will cost 30% more this winter for our area.  I'm sure that will be a hardship for many.  


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Good evening ladies, hope all is well.


Jean - Thank you for starting us today.  Yes, this month ( and year) is going by quickly.  I still have many things on my list I was going to do this year, still is not done.  Oh well, there is always next year.  I did some more Christmas shopping today, I am trying to pay in cash so my credit cards have a  low balance or cleaned off for the end of the year. Glad to hear your bathroom "discovered your cleaning skills."  I am trying to do get my house in order before the holidays.  At Christmas we always have company and overnight guests, so I am trying to have everything done early.


Fressa -     It is nice that you keep water available for the animals.  Our yard is fenced in so we don't get to see the deer very often.  Happy to hear you got the title for your vehicle in the mail, it is a good feeling having it in hand.  I am sure your Christmas decorations will look wonderful.


Linda - I would like to have your 70 degree temps.  We are supposed to have a couple nice days here then the temps will go down into the 40's.  I don't really make resolutions, but I do make a list of things I would like to accomplish.  Which Lug bag did you order?  Glad to hear you like it.


I went to the local mall to try to get some gifts bought, I did okay but still have a few more things to get.  Not much else is happening here just going to watch a few items we recorded.  Hope everyone has a great evening.

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Jean @KonaKat  you are not kidding.  When I bought this house I started keeping a household budget and what I call a petty cash budget/tracker.  The petty cash tracker was more for my husband and I participated so he wouldn't feel singled out Woman Very Happy


A few bucks here and there adds up weekly.  It's such a habit I'm still doing it all of these years later.  It never turned me into a tightwad or anything, it helped me spend wisely.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Congratulations on getting your title @Fressa   I got an email and then a letter stating that my Nissan Altima was mine, all mine.  On the back of the letter Nissan suggested I go to the Secretary of State to have their name removed off of the title.  That kind of rubbed me the wrong way and I haven't done anything about it yet - just paid the car off in October.  I mean, how rude - you'd think they's contact Michigan SOS and do it.  I'll have to call the Secretary of State and find out more about it.  I don't remember doing anything like that when I bought the Nissan Versa - maybe something changed.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010


Linda @LindaLatte   I'm glad that you like your new Lug bag.  We're going to have a warm day tomorrow (60 I think).  It's been in the upper 20's the past few mornings.  It's a one day thing and then the bottom falls out temperature wise after that.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010


Hey Susan @PAlady   

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 7,731
Registered: ‎03-13-2010


This is the bag I ordered, Susan --


Item number:F13844

Lug Convertible RFID Crossbody - Carousel XL

Butterfly Grey / Butterfly Grey


Jean ordered the same bag in the same pattern.  


It was a special price.  Jean ordered first, but ordering the pattern was just a coincidence.



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BirdMama---I never heard of that "snag" or procedure. I never noticed it on the car title either. Why is it that these "officials" create these procedures and then it's up to the consumer to figure it out?  I had a similiar situation with the deed to the house. Still don't know which end is up with that but I have the deed in my safe. I swear they just do this "stuff" to watch us spin in circles.