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That is weird about the rug, Fressa.  Hope it fits on the front porch.  I have "discovered" the Kim Gravel line as well -- really like the capris and pedal pushers I ordered.  On the downside, the tops I ordered were big and "sloppy" looking on me despite my ordering my usual size small.  If I order tops again, I will size down.  


The D&Co. capris that I ordered on waitlist (on free shipping day) have made it to "in process", which is great.  Hope that I like them as much as I think that I will.


I really like the air purifier that I ordered from Amazon for the bedroom, and ordered one for the living room/dining room.


My friend Bev has changed her mind and will not be getting chemo after all.  It is a long story, but I think her oncologist didn't encourage it.  She said she is finally at peace with her decision after spending several sleepless nights. Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers.


Nothing exciting planned for today. 


What is going on in your world?  Hope everyone has a nice Tuesday.  Please post if you have a chance.





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[ Edited ]

Hello, we had two posts for the day started within minutes of each other.  Linda's hit the system first so I am copying over Fressa's post from the other thread and I've included the link to this thread for the next participants.  I hope this makes sense - it sounds okay in my head but I never know when I write it, lol.





Hi Everyone!


It's hot and mostly sunny today. (somewhere in the 80's with high humidity) Yesterday we had so much rain and some wind that 2 small trees and medium size branch came down in the yard. They hit the corner of the garage but no damage that we can see. We are just thankful it wasn't one of the large ones.


I'm washing dog covers, yard clothes and a king size bedspread today so I thought I would watch some QVC this morning. I like to babysit the bedsptread just in case it gets out of balance in those machines. I was thrilled that I almost saw the entire D & Co program. I ordered 2 tank tops because I discarded all of my old ones. Hopefully, I guessed correctly on the size. I have to admit that I was tempted with jogger set and the knit jacket but I didn't order those. It's probably a good thing that I don't do that to often. LOL


The forgotten patio rug is to arrive today. The floor steam that I ordered from Bissell seems to be taking the scenic route to arrive. Now the date is tomorrow. The extra cleaning pads arrived last week. Deliveries---always a guessing game.


Later today is a pet medication pickup. I try to keep all of the medication on a rotation of one prescription/item per month or every other month. It works better for the budget but a few times a year it goes off cycle. UGH!!! The dogs both need their annual check ups which I try to schedule one month apart. I will try to accomplish that task tomorrow. I still have some bills to pay and some paperwork that needs some attention.


Have a good afternoon/evening.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Hello all, the temps dropped Sunday night to the point of my house getting down to 74 degrees.  It felt cold inside to me however I resisted the urge to kick the furnace on because I knew it was gonna be a scorcher today.


I had a busy and kind of crazy day yesterday.  I found a way to clean the second story gutter on the front of the house without having to get on the extension ladders.  I used a telescoping pool skimmer pool, gutter scoop, plastic scraper and nuts and bolts.  Sounds crazy but it worked and I got the whirly birds from the maple tree out of the gutter.  I only had to go up a ladder two steps.  I'm sore today, but it's okay.  I cut the front grass (left the back it was too damp).


I noticed a scrawny looking dog trotting down the street so like an idiot, I left the lawn mower in my front yard, grabbed a can of dog food and a paper plate, grabbed my purse and jumped in the car.  The dog didn't respond to my calls to it and I didn't know if it was deaf.  Yea, I live with birds but I keep a couple of cans of cat food and dog food in the house because you never know.


I was filthy from the gutter cleaning because the gutter contents were falling all over me as I worked them out of the gutter.  Got the dog to eat a couple of times and followed the dog back to it's house.  The lady who owns the dog said the dog looks rough because it has a stomach tumor.  Some of the story seemed fishy and it's not easy for me to keep a poker face.  I tried to smile alot so any kind of judgement wouldn't flash across my face.


It's funny, not really, that I remembered to run in the house to grab my purse so I'd have my driver license and registration on me yet I didn't remember to take my phone off the trunk lid.  Here's the kicker - the phone stayed on the trunk lid until I got home and hit my driveway.  Grateful that the mower was still there I finished cutting the grass.  Then I discovered phone was missing.  Saw phone in the middle of the street and said, hurrah!  Then I saw two cars run over it.


Never have I damaged a phone.  I pay for square trade and placed a call and was advised to file a claim online.  Okay, so Allstate (owns Square Trade) gives me 4 options to describe damage.  In the text box I explain phone was crushed by 2 cars.  Their response, pay to have it fixed and we'll reimburse you.  I reached out to Consumer Cellular and ordered a new phone.  The Moto G7 Power model I bought last year has been replaced with a 2021 version.  I didn't add Square Trade for the new phone.


I can receive and make a call or receive and send a text ... providing the screen responds to my touch.  It's iffy at best.  I've already ordered a phone case for it.  I could be a spokesperson for the Poetic brand of phone cases that are sold on Amazon.  Two cars ran over my phone and the glass screen didn't crack.  If you saw my phone you would not think anything is wrong with it.  It's like the damage is under the screen.  The upper right corner of the display is black with technicolor stripes and the middle of the phone display is charcoal gray with white stripes.  The insides are damaged but the Poetic phone case kept the exterior pristine. 



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 42,235
Registered: ‎03-12-2010


Linda @LindaLatte   I can't imagine what Bev has been going through as far as making that decision.  

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎07-03-2012


Linda L, I might try the KG  pedal pushers as that is a good length for me.  I like my D & Co. capris too.  When it's too hot for my liking, it's shorts and a short sleeved top.  I am glad that your air purifier is a winner.  We have a dehumidifier in the basement going most of the summer.  It does wonders for us.  I am glad that Bev is at peace with her decision. 


Bird Mama, we are supposed to get rain this afternoon and during the night.  After a couple of 80's days, it's going to be in the 50's Thursday and Friday.  Sounds good to me.


Fressa, we are lucky not to have had a lot of hot summer days yet.  June - Aug are the worst months for me.  Then I will be praying for September.  I watch my washing machine when I have something heavy in it too.  I don't like a surprise going on.  Good luck with getting your dog meds at different times.  I try to do that with two of my expensive ones.  I am glad that you didn't have a lot of damage from the storms.  Yes,shipping is a guessing game.


I made chili this morning and it's in the crock pot.  


I am getting ready to start cleaning the carpeting tomorrow.  A couple of months ago  we bought a Hoover Smart Wash carpet cleaner.  I hope it works like It's supposed to & gets the carpet very dry.  I have always rented a machine,  but don't want to do it anymore 


Other than the living room, we still have the original carpeting from when we built our home in 1994. I can still remember how much fun it was to look at a lot of carpet sample books.  We were lucky to be able to order it from a carpet mill down S somewhere. & have it delivered right to the house.    Too bad they all went out of business.


We just got out of the hot tub & heading  to the gym soon.


Memorial Day weekend s a bittersweet moment for me.  We are planning to go to  5 cemeteries on Friday.  My dh's Dad died 31 years ago today and the funeral was two days later.  Our ds graduated from HS & had his party all the same weekend.  


Hugs to all of you.








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LindaLatte---I will continue to keep your friend Bev in my thoughts and prayers.


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Birdmama---What a day!!! I always have dog biscuits on hand for the any stray but never thought about the canned food.  I have can and dry for our dogs in the downstairs storage. I'll have to bring up a couple of cans for the "just in case". That was a good idea. So kind to find that dog's home. I sure hope it's safe.


You should market your "invention" for gutter cleaning on the "Big Find". That was very clever and you remainded safe. 

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Twinny70--I hope you like your new Hoover carpet cleaner as much as I like the Bissell Pet Pro. It really does leave the carpet almost dry. Bettter yet---It's easy to operate, fill and empty tanks. I've gone thru so many of them with all of our dogs. I haven't seen the one you purchased but there is more variety now and that's a good thing. The right tool for the job is my new mantra. It sure does make a difference.


I'll keep you in my thoughts on Memorial Day! That's a lot of places to visit with a lot of emotions. Mother's Day is my difficult one. I'll keep you in my thoughts.


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Bird Mama, that sounds like something I would do except I don't have a cell phone right now.  My Trac Phone hasn't been replaced since we have been on shut down.  When we do go on an extended trip, I will get another one.  Unique way to get the gutters cleaned safely.  One day, I was with my bf and we stopped at Qwik Trip for a couple of sodas.  She put one on the roof of her car and forgot it was up there.  I couldn't figure out why people were honking at us as she was backing out of the parking spot until guy banged on the car and yelled at us.  Never lost a drop & I miss my bf every day as she passed away 5 years ago in March.


Fressa, there was a special carpet cleaner for pets.  It's just the two of us here.  My mom passed away 5 years ago & at 95  years old, she was so ready to meet my Dad.  My fil's  death was hard for all of as it was 4 days before our ds graduated from HS.  Funeral, graduating party, graduation & final exams in 5 days.  It was one big blur for me.  My mil is 95 & doing well.  She has been such a blessing to me.  


it was nice at the gym today.  Starting June 1, anybody can go whenever we want to.  No having to make an appt which I didn't mind.
