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Posts: 7,726
Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Good Morning/Afternoon!  It is mostly sunny here with a high of 78 degrees predicted.  It was only 47 when I got up, but warmer (not hot) when I took my walk at 7:30 or so.  


I watched a "live stream" of my church service on Facebook, and it was pretty good.  But, I felt a little left out since quite a few people are attending in person now.  Socially distanced with masks on outside is better than watching on-line in my opinion.  Theoretically, I could attend in person next week since it will be two weeks after my second COVID vaccine, but I'm not sure that I will do so. 


Very glad two of your grands were able to get their first vaccine shots, Glenda.  I believe only one of my grands has been able to do so.  Apparently, they are on a list, but have not been high enough on the list so far.  


Nothing exciting going on here.  I plan to do one of my Leslie Sansone DVD's, do a little cooking, cleaning, and a small amount of ironing.  


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice Sunday, and please post if you have a chance.





Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,607
Registered: ‎07-03-2012


Linda L, I did my walk right before lunch today and it was a pleasant sunny 60°.  I have no idea when we will be going back to church.  I don't think that very many are vaccinated yet and wearing a mask inside  isn't required.  My next infusion is next Monday at which time I will be speaking to my nurses about what I can or cannot be doing.  Our 2 youngest  dgc were lucky to get their first vaccination because their Dad got a call saying that he could get his first vaccination which he had already gotten.  He asked if he could bring them in for their first one & they said they couldn't do that.  Then they said that they had extra vaccines so they were able to get it.  HUH?  Our eldest dgs is still searching for an appt.  Hopefully he will be able to get it at the Univ before school is out.  


I am doing a bit of cleaning this afternoon.  Exciting I know, but the light is at the end of the tunnel.  Hopefully we will be all  done with our spring cleaning job by Tuesday as we are going on a road trip on Wednesday.  


Hugs to all of you.
