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Hi everyone, it's a beautiful day here. So many lemons were falling off our tree that DH and I went ahead and picked the rest of them. The tree is in bloom, so between the lemons and the blossoms it smelled heavenly.

I'm a day or two behind in comments or answering questions: Kathleen - I know several goat owners who own Anatolian Shepherds. I know that they're territorial as it's their job to protect herds, but the ones I've met have been fabulous dogs. Genny - goats have a gestation period of 5 months. They are usually bred in the fall and give birth in the spring. They can have 1-4 kids, though 2 is the most common.

Linda - friendliness in goats very. Goats that are raised for meat are not socialized, as they're just going to market. Dairy goats are raised to be much more tame and friendly, as they need to be handled a lot and milked. Still, the friendliness varies from goat to goat. How interesting that we both have degrees in history and gave teaching a try! My mother was a teacher and loved it, and really encouraged me to go into that field. After I got my certificate I was a temporary teacher for a year and decided it wasn't for me. I think I did a good job, but the problem is that I'm more of an introvert than an extrovert. Being surrounded by people all day just left me exhausted. My mother is an extrovert, so it was more her cup of tea. I'm glad you shared the tidbit that Queen Elizabeth likes jigsaw puzzles and does them without looking at the finished picture. Good for her!

FunkyHulaGirl - thanks for the tips on authors Elaine Viets, Krista Davis, and Jesica Beck. They are in my "waiting to be read" pile. Ali Brandon I don't have, but will keep an eye out for. I've been finding used copies of the first books in a series. Not sure I've read any of the British authors yet though. So far I've really liked: Alexander McCall Smith "#1 Ladies Detective Agency" series, Stephanie Barron "Jane Austen" series, Victoria Thompson "Gaslight" series, and Laura Childs "Tea Shop" series. Authors I have found okay are: Earlene Fowler "Bennie Harper" series, Lyn Hamilton "Archaeological" series, and Susan Wittig Albert "China Bayles" series. The author I've just found so-so was Joanne Fluke "Hannah Swensen" series.

Boy, do I agree with you all about too much stuff. I think it's a problem that most Americans have. For me it's a work in progress.

Hope you all have a nice Sunday! ~ Charlene

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($%(% website! {#emotions_dlg.angry} It just "burped" and erased a long post that was almost finished, and I don't have time to rewrite as I have to get ready to leave for my friend's place - it'll have to wait for tomorrow. Just wanted to say, Jean, that I'm praying all goes well for you tomorrow - remember, God's in control.

Have a blessed day, everyone!

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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (SUNDAY, 3/22) of luck to you tomorrow. Remember, I have some info to share with you. Your post was winter home is clutter or excess. other one is a different story. Because my dad and dgd live with us, you can only imagine. I told dgd who just turned ten. That after school is out, we are going to donate a lot of her "young toys" and toss others that were not junk. Lol.
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Good evening, everyone. I've spent much of the afternoon relaxing and also on the "throne." I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their good wishes and prayers. You have no idea how much this means to me.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Jean I will be thinking of you tonight and tomorrow. I wish we could do something more but prayers make ME feel better - I know it's likely the best thing that I can do. :/

I woke up hating my hair, and as soon as I got through church (anxious that I might miss DD calling because sometimes I don't get reception in the bldg) I called the hair salon and her 11am did not show up so I flew over there. It's not how I wanted it but MUCH much better, blonde is gone and I'm happy. I don't know what I will do when it needs to be done again. But I will jump that hurdle when it comes.

I did buy a beautiful white crochet loose weave sweater when I took my dresses back the other day, DH and I both loved it and it's something I can wear over my work dresses and in several different ways.

This afternoon I am trying to weed through things in the RV that I don't need. Too many button up shirts (they just ordered 6 shirts for me at work, I only wanted 3 but they insisted) and why do I need 4 sweats? So just trying to rearrange and filling a couple bags of things to take home, which are right now stored in the trunk of my car. Smiley Happy

Happiest of happies, we got our phone call and it was precious. She cried the first minute on the phone, so sweet, and finally said these are happy tears I'm doing good. She said there was no mail no mail and she was thinking I don't even know if my parents are alive (I think that part was really getting to them all) and then she got 11 letters in one day, keep them coming, and said that the extra letter to other recruits were a big hit. Which was nice to know because I have a hard time writing them but so far I've kept up with my one a day.

That is what is happening in my world. I did clothes Sat night now need to fold and put a bunch up. Reading a John Grisham book "Sycamore Row" a kind of sequel to "A Time To Kill" about the same lawyer, different case. It's pretty good.

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Very happy you heard from your DD, Kathleen. I know that first call from DGS was very emotional. Glad you had your hair re-done, and like the results.

I know many of us will be there in spirit to support you Jean. And, many prayers are being said for you. Glad that it makes you feel a bit better.

The neighborhood pot luck was nice, not very well attended, but.... I'm finished my ironing, and now need to pick something from Netflix for us to watch.

Sleep well everyone!