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@KonaKat  The lady who will likely get the shower gel used to be my supervisor.  It's going to be a just because thing.  When I ordered the last TSV in April 2015, it included a little bit of a smaller shower gel, some disgusting olive oil gel (ewww), cologne and a smaller tub of the moisturizer.  I knew Lee liked Unconditional Love and said, hey, I want you to have a great day and gave her the 32 ounce shower gel and yuckky olive oil scrub (which she loves).  She was hysterically happy.


I haven't reported to her since August 2015 so when that mambo 64 ounce (let's hope I can lift it) shower gel comes, I'll surprise her with it and she will probably lose her mind (if she hasn't ordered it already, she's a Q girl too).


Since I have to leave the house to make a recycling center run, I decided to KonMari (lol) for 30 minutes.  I tried on a bunch of older tops - pitched 7.  I found 4 pair of dress slacks (never worn) and two like new handbags (one fabric and one faux leather) that are about to be donated to the Salvation Army.


After the recycling center, I'm going to grab a pizza.  My cholesterol test in November was disappointing.  Not so much the bad went higher, the good dropped.  So, no more weekly pizza for me, gonna go back to every two weeks.  It's okay, I'm still not taking a statin, ha ha ha.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 1,339
Registered: ‎03-09-2010


Good morning!  Jean - hope you get over your cold quickly, glad you like the new boots.  I was at Marshall's yesterday and saw that they had quite a few Philosophy products for sale.  Those of you who use Philosophy might want to check out Marshall's if you have one close by.  Bernie - glad to hear you're recovering from your cold, but it's a bummer about the cholesterol results.  Recycling run and making donations are a worthy pursuit today!  Spix - I'm not that familiar with the Philosophy scents, though I use the face wash.  I purchased the Josie Maran TSV a few weeks ago, and chose the Sweet Holly scent.  The reviews on the other scents were horrible.  I happen to love the Sweet Holly.  Hard to describe.  It smells a little like a cherry cider, or a spiced apple cider.  The matching body butter smells more like pine, which is rather odd, but I still like it.  Anyway, I guess scents are a very personal thing.  The one product I won't use that came in the set is the lipstick, but I like the argan oil, the body butter, and the fragrance.  Twinny - sorry to hear that your brother was in an accident.  Is he okay?  And thanks for the input about your mother - I appreciate it.


I had a long talk with my sister last night, and we discussed our Mom.  The most recent update is that she DOESN'T want to move any time soon.  What we surmise is that when she is tired, stressed, and feeling confused, she wants to move asap.  When she is rested and thinking well, she wants to stay in her home.  I guess we're just going to be in for a bit of a roller coaster ride..  My Mom is actually still taking care of herself well.  For now, we've got her convinced (we hope) - to stop giving things away, we can deal with that later.  Then, after Christmas, we're going to try to get her to use a Life Alert.  Hopefully my sisters and I can remain on the same page, and handle things well.


Yesterday, on a whim, I went to a few antique stores in town.  I haven't done that in years. (I think my Mom giving away old family things made me curious about what's out there).   For $10 I found a framed collection of small prints - kind of like watercolored postcards of French scenes.  It is so nice, I can't believe it was only $10.  Also found, much to my surprise, that one of the stores has a little exhibit of antique wedding dresses.  Who knew???  I love looking at antique dresses!  My DH said that this coming week we can go on a short out-of-town trip to visit some antique stores and go out to lunch.  It sounds like fun.  


You know what I'm doing right now?  I'm procrastinating cleaning out goat pens, lol.  I need to wrap this up and go scoop some manure.  Waves to all of our regulars and visitors.  Hope you have a great day!  ~  Charlene



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Posts: 6,800
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Bernie--Sorry about the cholesterol results. I do think what you are doing makes great sense about the gifting. I also wondered if a dolly might be needed to transport the Philosophy mega-szed shower gel. As far as I am cconcerned, good things come in small packages.


If I didn't have a 613 EDP to finish off plus two different Michael Kors EDPs I just got as gifts, I might have considered the TSV and gifted it but I'm well supplied with EDP, as well as that Josie Maran super sized body butter.


I have that Rowenta Handheld Steamer V33582. It is great!! I've never regretted that purchase.  It goes where Joy's fears to go or refuses to go. I hated  Joy's steamer. It spewed; it sputtered and did everying but steam well.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,607
Registered: ‎07-03-2012


@cerb wrote:

Good morning!  Jean - hope you get over your cold quickly, glad you like the new boots.  I was at Marshall's yesterday and saw that they had quite a few Philosophy products for sale.  Those of you who use Philosophy might want to check out Marshall's if you have one close by.  Bernie - glad to hear you're recovering from your cold, but it's a bummer about the cholesterol results.  Recycling run and making donations are a worthy pursuit today!  Spix - I'm not that familiar with the Philosophy scents, though I use the face wash.  I purchased the Josie Maran TSV a few weeks ago, and chose the Sweet Holly scent.  The reviews on the other scents were horrible.  I happen to love the Sweet Holly.  Hard to describe.  It smells a little like a cherry cider, or a spiced apple cider.  The matching body butter smells more like pine, which is rather odd, but I still like it.  Anyway, I guess scents are a very personal thing.  The one product I won't use that came in the set is the lipstick, but I like the argan oil, the body butter, and the fragrance.  Twinny - sorry to hear that your brother was in an accident.  Is he okay?  And thanks for the input about your mother - I appreciate it.


I had a long talk with my sister last night, and we discussed our Mom.  The most recent update is that she DOESN'T want to move any time soon.  What we surmise is that when she is tired, stressed, and feeling confused, she wants to move asap.  When she is rested and thinking well, she wants to stay in her home.  I guess we're just going to be in for a bit of a roller coaster ride..  My Mom is actually still taking care of herself well.  For now, we've got her convinced (we hope) - to stop giving things away, we can deal with that later.  Then, after Christmas, we're going to try to get her to use a Life Alert.  Hopefully my sisters and I can remain on the same page, and handle things well.


Yesterday, on a whim, I went to a few antique stores in town.  I haven't done that in years. (I think my Mom giving away old family things made me curious about what's out there).   For $10 I found a framed collection of small prints - kind of like watercolored postcards of French scenes.  It is so nice, I can't believe it was only $10.  Also found, much to my surprise, that one of the stores has a little exhibit of antique wedding dresses.  Who knew???  I love looking at antique dresses!  My DH said that this coming week we can go on a short out-of-town trip to visit some antique stores and go out to lunch.  It sounds like fun.  


You know what I'm doing right now?  I'm procrastinating cleaning out goat pens, lol.  I need to wrap this up and go scoop some manure.  Waves to all of our regulars and visitors.  Hope you have a great day!  ~  Charlene



Yes, my brother is o.k. & since it his work car,  he isn't getting it fixed.


 I love looking at antique wedding gowns.  A couple of years ago our local MAC had displays starting in the early 1900's to the present time.  I have my mom's wedding gown from their wedding in 1945.  My grandmother did a fabulous job.  I have no idea what to do with it.  I have my wedding gown from 1970 & don't know what to do with it either.  lol.  I finally gave my DD her gown from 1996 back as she has a large walk-in closet & I don't.



As far as goats pens go, I would be procrastinating too.  


Good luck with your decisions concerning your mom.  

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,726
Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Good Afternoon and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  Sorry about your cold, but I hope you like the new boots you ordered.  I have started wearing a pair of Clark's boots (short) that I bought last year or the year before.  Totally love them, and I looked to see if a different color was available.  Unfortunately not, and I can't find the boot for sale except in Canada.  Oh well.....  Hopefully, these will last until I find a similar pair.  To be honest, they aren't as cute as many other boots, but they just work well for my very casual lifestyle. 


No TSV for me either, but I hope those who order it really enjoy it.  Certainly seems like a bargain.  I had purchased an advent-type of beauty items for DGD from here, and she is really enjoying it so far.  


Waves to Essie, Bernie, meallen, twinny, Charlene, Kathleen, Arlene, snicks, Susan, Marijane, Karen, Barbara, butterfly, 3suwm5, LindaR, Rosa, Gayle, pinky ann, and all of our posters and readers.


I went for my longer walk this morning, and found my neighbor (builder) was having a garage sale.  Nothing of interest for me.  They are moving to another house (larger), which he is busy repairing/renovating.  I'm sorry to see them go, but I know that he really loves repairing/renovating houses.  I guess we are lucky they lived there as long as they have.


DH seems fine, if tired, and I'll be leaving in a while to get ready for a holiday party for my "classes".  I may not need to eat dinner after having the party food.  I've been doing some laundry as well as my weekly financial review.


Hope everyone has a nice evening!







Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,607
Registered: ‎07-03-2012


@twinny70 wrote:

@cerb wrote:

Good morning!  Jean - hope you get over your cold quickly, glad you like the new boots.  I was at Marshall's yesterday and saw that they had quite a few Philosophy products for sale.  Those of you who use Philosophy might want to check out Marshall's if you have one close by.  Bernie - glad to hear you're recovering from your cold, but it's a bummer about the cholesterol results.  Recycling run and making donations are a worthy pursuit today!  Spix - I'm not that familiar with the Philosophy scents, though I use the face wash.  I purchased the Josie Maran TSV a few weeks ago, and chose the Sweet Holly scent.  The reviews on the other scents were horrible.  I happen to love the Sweet Holly.  Hard to describe.  It smells a little like a cherry cider, or a spiced apple cider.  The matching body butter smells more like pine, which is rather odd, but I still like it.  Anyway, I guess scents are a very personal thing.  The one product I won't use that came in the set is the lipstick, but I like the argan oil, the body butter, and the fragrance.  Twinny - sorry to hear that your brother was in an accident.  Is he okay?  And thanks for the input about your mother - I appreciate it.


I had a long talk with my sister last night, and we discussed our Mom.  The most recent update is that she DOESN'T want to move any time soon.  What we surmise is that when she is tired, stressed, and feeling confused, she wants to move asap.  When she is rested and thinking well, she wants to stay in her home.  I guess we're just going to be in for a bit of a roller coaster ride..  My Mom is actually still taking care of herself well.  For now, we've got her convinced (we hope) - to stop giving things away, we can deal with that later.  Then, after Christmas, we're going to try to get her to use a Life Alert.  Hopefully my sisters and I can remain on the same page, and handle things well.


Yesterday, on a whim, I went to a few antique stores in town.  I haven't done that in years. (I think my Mom giving away old family things made me curious about what's out there).   For $10 I found a framed collection of small prints - kind of like watercolored postcards of French scenes.  It is so nice, I can't believe it was only $10.  Also found, much to my surprise, that one of the stores has a little exhibit of antique wedding dresses.  Who knew???  I love looking at antique dresses!  My DH said that this coming week we can go on a short out-of-town trip to visit some antique stores and go out to lunch.  It sounds like fun.  


You know what I'm doing right now?  I'm procrastinating cleaning out goat pens, lol.  I need to wrap this up and go scoop some manure.  Waves to all of our regulars and visitors.  Hope you have a great day!  ~  Charlene



Yes, my brother is o.k. & since it his work car,  he isn't getting it fixed.


 I love looking at antique wedding gowns.  A couple of years ago our local MAC had displays starting in the early 1900's to the present time.  I have my mom's wedding gown from their wedding in 1945.  My grandmother did a fabulous job.  I have no idea what to do with it.  I have my wedding gown from 1970 & don't know what to do with it either.  lol.  I finally gave my DD her gown from 1996 back as she has a large walk-in closet & I don't.



As far as goats pens go, I would be procrastinating too.  


Good luck with your decisions concerning your mom.  

Edited to add that mom had a life alert for about 3 years & then cancelled it as she said it was a waste of money because she never had to use it.  Then when she kept falling, she didn't have it.  She became very sneaky with her phone.  She cancelled meals on wheels & her an hour a day helper to an hour every other Saturday.  Yet she got very mad at DH & myself when we tried to help her out.  Frustrating for all involved.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,800
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Charlene--I agree that scents are a matter of personal preference and also the same scent will smell different on a person depending upon what is happening with the body chemistry at the time it is worn.  Also, I have found that the same scent in one item may seem different in another such as body butter versus cologne or EDP.


Linda--I have a tendency when I find a pair of shoes that really work well to buy another pair just in case the style is discontinued. I was thinking of you this afternoon and your mentioning in another thread that you had received the Halo. I decided it would be of no help if I didn't remember to charge it when wrapped up in activities, so I just started charging it.


I spent the afternoon reading a great book It is "Abandon," and if you like Stephen King type of things but on a slightly milder style, you might like this book. An entire mining town in the late 1890's disappears with no sign of the people, with people in the present investigating what might have happened. It flips back and forth from the past to the present as it recounts what transpires.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.