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Good morning, shopping friends. Welcome to December and the rapidly decreasing days available to purchase gifts for the holidays.


Personally, I think I am ready to go with the gifts unless there is something special  that materializes which Midnight can buy for me. I've been watching AM Style but so far nothing or the six easy pays has tempted me.


I'm about to leave for the city, a 3 hour round trip drive made more challenging by the holiday traffic once I get there. I plan to take some donations plus have lunch with a friend. I may go to WalMart for some groceries.


Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hi everyone,

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Hello Jean @KonaKat and @meallen616


Here we are, December 1st.  As an X-files fan, I'm starting to feel like I suffered 'missing time' for the month of November Woman Tongue


It's overcast, kind of breezy and starting to spit rain.  It's now or never for me to put a little string of Christmas lights up around the roof of the front porch.  I'll be pretty much covered from the elements and will wear some work gloves.  Not a great day for extending the lighting across the attached garage gutter.


I usually do the outside lights first so I'm thinking that once I get the lights up it will be a natural progression to put up the Christmas wreath on the front door and then get the inside of the house decorated.


Getting the tree out of the basement will be interesting.  It's a newer tree in that it opens like a 3 tiered umbrella.  The last full sized tree that I had was assembled branch by branch and wasn't pre-lit. 


I got the new tree shaped the way I wanted it last Christmas and didn't want to fold it down and cram it into a box.  To that end I hauled it downstairs and fought it into a Christmas tree bag that I closed at the top with clothespins.


I like to plug the lightstrand (outside) in and hang it while it's lit.  It helps get the cheer going, lol.


Once I do the outside lights I will head over to little caesars and grab a pizza.  I skipped last weekend because of the holiday leftovers.  

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Good Afternoon and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  Hope you enjoy lunch with your friend and the drive and crowds are not too bad. 


I don't have any real issues with holiday shopping for others since I send gift cards or cash to almost everyone, and there are not that many people on my list.  I bought a small decoration for my buddy at the senior lunch program. 


Buying for myself is a problem since I keep being tempted by various offerings.  Since I am not a pet owner, the gift will just be from me to me if I find something nice.  This morning I mailed off estimated taxes (early, but I wanted to get that done), two checks for memberships, and a small contribution.  I know I could probably have just done most of this on-line, but somehow feel like doing checks from time-to-time.  I did make two on-line contributions on "Giving Tuesday" and both requested extra money to pay for the credit card charges they needed to pay.


Nice graphic meallen.  I'm always amazed at how many graphics you come up with, and how appropriate they are.


Hi Bernie.  Hope your lights are up, and the tree goes okay.  I know that trees can be heavy to bring up from the basement or down from the attic, so I hope you didn't;/don't have any issues with that task.  Enjoy your pizza.


It seems very chilly in the house this morning, at least in the "office".  I had the space heater on for a while, but I'm trying to tough it out now.  It is a cool day here, and we may have rain again tonight.  Nothing like the cold weather elsewhere, but not my favorite.


My laundry is going, and I have started to gather things for my weekly financial review.  I'll be going to an OLLI Party this afternoon, which should be nice.  


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice day!









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[ Edited ]

Jean, it sounds like you have a good handle on your shopping.  I hope that you have a nice time in the city & a good lunch with your friendfriend.  Maybe Midnight will surprise you for Christmas.  I am sure that your donations will be appreciated.


Meallen  cute graphic.


Bird Mama, good luck with putting up your outdoor lights.  Be safe.  My DH used to put up our outdoor lights, but I can no longer help him & I value his body too much now.  I was in the Christmas spirit a couple of weeks ago,  so I did 1/2 one day and finished up the next day.   Enjoy your Little Caesar's pizza.  Years ago we had a Little Caesar's.  We liked it too 


I overslept this morning and missed most of ams.  The cooler weather & darker morning were wonderful.  I have been tired most of this week.  


Yesterday I shopped local & bought our dgd a pair of Minnetonka Everett fuzzy fur lined boots that are water and stain resistant.


It is rainy and windy here.  We might get a little bit of snow by tomorrow morning.  Nothing to get excited about.  


We are having leftover ham and scalloped potatoes for supper & then going to our local PAC at the HS.  It is a musical couple & their 6 talented dc.  We like to support our local fine arts . The bad thing is my dh just told me that parking will be a bear because the girls have a basketball game this evening.  If it wasn't for rain or sleet, we would walk there.  It is only 5 blocks away.


It was an exciting morning.  Not.  We went to Shopko again for my DH's insulin pen.  It is crazy that it is only good for 25 days when most months have 30 days or more in them.  I hope that in January he can get 2 pens at one time when he changes his rx plan.  My only purchase was Windex.  


Hugs to all of you.

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Posts: 5,613
Registered: ‎07-03-2012


@LindaLatte wrote:

Good Afternoon and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  Hope you enjoy lunch with your friend and the drive and crowds are not too bad. 


I don't have any real issues with holiday shopping for others since I send gift cards or cash to almost everyone, and there are not that many people on my list.  I bought a small decoration for my buddy at the senior lunch program. 


Buying for myself is a problem since I keep being tempted by various offerings.  Since I am not a pet owner, the gift will just be from me to me if I find something nice.  This morning I mailed off estimated taxes (early, but I wanted to get that done), two checks for memberships, and a small contribution.  I know I could probably have just done most of this on-line, but somehow feel like doing checks from time-to-time.  I did make two on-line contributions on "Giving Tuesday" and both requested extra money to pay for the credit card charges they needed to pay.


Nice graphic meallen.  I'm always amazed at how many graphics you come up with, and how appropriate they are.


Hi Bernie.  Hope your lights are up, and the tree goes okay.  I know that trees can be heavy to bring up from the basement or down from the attic, so I hope you didn't;/don't have any issues with that task.  Enjoy your pizza.


It seems very chilly in the house this morning, at least in the "office".  I had the space heater on for a while, but I'm trying to tough it out now.  It is a cool day here, and we may have rain again tonight.  Nothing like the cold weather elsewhere, but not my favorite.


My laundry is going, and I have started to gather things for my weekly financial review.  I'll be going to an OLLI Party this afternoon, which should be nice.  


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice day!






  Linda L, we were posting at the same time.  I think that you should buy whatever you want for yourself.  We don't have many to buy for at Christmas time, but I like to buy something to wrap for our dd and her family.  Then we give $$$ & they can get what they like.  Our eldest dgs will have been driving for 2 years next month & our 2nd dgs will be 16 next month and hopefully be getting his drivers license 4 days later.  He is the "Car Buff."  Enjoy your Olli party.



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meallen--Thank you for the great graphic. You always have great taste in choosing appropriate ones. Looking up and thinking positively is the way to go!


Bernie--A fellow X-Files fan here, I have faith in your ability to use this month's time to get all the holiday things done. Time passes quickly when someone is busy as you are. I'm sure your decorating will go well.


Linda--Most of my holiday gifting, other than the office, nail person and hair person is for me. I just put the blame on Midnight but we all know who is guilty. I do hope the space heater warms you up.


Twinny--Oversleeping means that you were tired and needed the rest. The boots for dgs sound very nice; I am sure she will love them. Enjoy yoiur evening musical but hate parking will be a problem.


I made the run to the city and had a great lunch with a friend. Afterwards, I dropped off the donations but skipped going to WalMart when I saw the parking lot. I had no desire to drive forever trying to find a place to park.



**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hello All,


I haven't posted in months and wanted to drop in and say hello.


We are going to stay with stocking stuffers only this year.   My husband and I decided there really was not too much we really needed.  Anymore I just enjoy money going towards dining out and/or entertainment/travel etc.


I have been going to a resale shop for years and never really noticed their lst of the month specials.  The first day of each month they have a table of clothes and all are one dollar.  Many of the items were originally priced ALOT higher.  Today, I picked up 3 new blouses/tops for 3 bucks and they were desigber brands.   I wish I would have done this before.  


I hope everyone is doing well.  I don't get online too much anymore so just in case, have a nice Christmas!    Gayle

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Gayle--Good to see you posting again. Do so whenever you can. I agree with you about gifts. As you age, you usually have acquired all you need. I saw on TV that experiences were among the hottesst gifts  and I am one of those who would rather save or spend for an experience.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,613
Registered: ‎07-03-2012


Jean,, I hope that you are avoiding a nasty bug.  Your week sounds busy which can be a good thing.  Yes, I must have been extra tired to have overslept yesterday.  I don't have to get up at a certain time on most days which is a good thing.  I am sleeping much more sound ever since we have been getting colder weather.


Susan. We could use some 🌞🌞🌞 today.  It is dreary, but the hi light is that we are getting snow ❄❄❄.  It is supposed to be sunny tomorrow.


The musical family that we saw last night were very good.  The 6 children ranged in age from 8-15. They were all great tap dancers, pianists, fiddle players & singers.  The program said that the parents home schooled 8 dc.  When the program was just about done, the father introduced their 4 year old son, 3 year old dd & the 11/2 year old baby boy whom was sleeping back stage. They have a bus and live in Canad.


Nothing exciting going on around here.  It is just nice to sit in my recliner and see snowflakes.  We had severe thunderstorms last night while the performance was going on, but at least we didn't have an ice storm.


Hugs to all of you.