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[ Edited ]

Good morning, shopping friends. It is a beautiful sunny day, and as soon as I have lunch I will be off to the city to visit a friend recoveing from back surgery.


I checked my order status and see that the Denim & Co. tops arrived in the city early this morning by UPS. Why UPS is beyond me as my tops usually come by USPS but I see it is marked as UPS Mail, so it will go to the Post Office.


I do have to pick up some presciptions and will do that on the way to the city.  I also have confirmed my specialist appointments for Thursday in the city, one at 9:30 and the other at 2:30. Now to kill time in between. I did manage to schedule a lunch date with  cousin who is usually tied up with her responsibilities. We haven't seen each other for about six months.


I read the thread "What clothes don't work for you." The answer for me is that is they are not classic then they don't work. No ruffles, etc. at the hips to draw attention there.


Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.





**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hi everybody,

Image result for sunny day images

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meallen--Thank you for the great graphic. It is, indeed, a sunny day. Let us all store up some Vitamin D from it or enjoy some outings while the weather permits.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good Morning/Afternoon, and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  Glad it is such a lovely day, and you will be spending time with your friend.  


I am confused about some of the Q shipping as well.  Sometimes, they are days and days "in process", then they are shipping via UPS, changed to USPS, etc.  I have pretty much decided not to worry about when I receive an item.  Quite a contrast to Amazon.  The sandals I ordered on Thursday came on Saturday rather than the predicted date of today.   And, as I mentioned yesterday, the price was right -- 40% off the regular Q price which was also the price at Amazon before the sale.  


I read that thread as well, and I was thinking that sometimes it takes a while for me to figure these things out.  For example, I loved a SG "midi" length skirt I had purchased, until I saw a picture of myself.  Looked pretty "dumpy"/plump and short.  The short part is normal, but I'm not exactly large even at my largest part.  Anyway, now I know that something like the TSV top with the ruffle placement would not work for me at all.  Too soon old, too late wise as they say.


Thanks for the cute graphic, meallen.


Happy to report that DH was better yesterday.  His eyes were open about two-thirds of the time when I was there, and he was smiling and ate well.  Also, he seemed more "with it", and said some nice things to me.  He is still congested, and a bit shaky, but much better.  


It was a bit cooler on my walk this morning which I really appreciated.  I need a few groceries (eggs for example), and I'll be visiting DH again. Nothing exciting.


Waves to all of our posters and readers, and have a good day!






P.S. My Fitbit is the "Blaze" version, and I think I would probably be able to have it on if it were a lighter/smaller one.  On the other hand, I really like the big face on the Blaze so I don't need to strain my eyes to read it. 



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Jean, we had a nice early morning shower, but it is sunny & nice with no rain for a few more days.  QVC shipping is a puzzle to me too. Good luck with your Thursday appointment & I hope that your friend is recovering nicely.


Linda L, I am glad that your DH is doing better. I don't look nice in any prints on the bottom, because I am short & they make me look dumpy too.  I am glad that your temps are a bit cooler.


Our ds & ddil arrived at the bus station an hour early so we headed to our downtown square.  Our son promised his wife some good chocolates.  The misfortune was that Chocolate Temptations closed at 4:30 & we got there 5:30.  She has never seen our square or our historic courthouse which is beautiful, so we had a nice walk.  Then we had dinner at the Italian restaurant & they loved it.


Yesterday I used a different bar of soap in the shower & ended up with HUGE LIPS.  I quickly took 2 benadryl tablets.  My dil gave me a Zantac & with 2 more benadryl tablets, I looked almost normal by mid afternoon.  I looked like a circus clown!  My dil is a CC nurse, so I was in good hands.


Yesterday we took them to meet Mark's grandma & SO whom Maria hadn't met yet.  We had a good lunch & a nice visit afterwards.  They are so happy in their senior years.  Then we dropped Mark & Maria off at our DD's home.  We are meeting our sil this afternoon 1/2 between our home & theirs.


I am resting up this afternoon.  We are having dinner at Culver's tonight.  That is our meeting place & they don't have Culver's in Boston.  After a rather early breakfast tomorrow we will  be taking them back to the bus station.  They have been a joy to us.  Our son loves his job & is doing chiropractic & physical therapy at this new clinic. I thought that it was PT only.


DH & I are going to a little country church tomorrow for lunch prepared by the church ladies & then listening to 4 good bands.  It is $5.00 for everything.


Wishing you all a wonderful Independence Day tomorrow.



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Hello, it was also a sunny day here.  The only errand that I ran involved grocery shopping this morning.  I've been trying to keep moving around the house because I did something to my lower back when I was picking up walnuts in the back yard.  The dreaded sacroiliac, lol.


Like my father before me it's never anything drastic that tweaks that area.  Always something minor like bending down.


I need to be more peppy tomorrow as I will be visiting with my eldest great niece and her youngest (nearly 2 years old) likes to roll around on the ground with me.  The 6 year old will give me some slack.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Hi friends - sorry I haven't checked in the past couple of days.  Good to catch up with  you.  Jean - hope you like that D&C top you're expecting.  QVC and Blair have the slowest shipping to me in southern CA.  meallen - that sunny day graphic makes me smile.  Linda - glad that your DH is having a better day.  My fitbit is the Charge 2 and I sitill love it.  Don't know if you're interested in having more bands, but I bought a variety of extra bands from Amazon at a much, much lower cost than Fitbit sells, and they work fine.  twinny - it sounds like you're having a great time with your DS and DDIL!  Hope DS likes his expanded duties at his workplace.  The trip to the nearby church for lunch and to hear bands sounds like a fun outing!


I also saw that thread on "what clothes don't work for you".  It's such a personal thing.  We all have different body shapes, different skin tones, etc.  I don't wear things with an obvious waist because as I've gotten older the "girls" sag too much.  i don't wear light colored bottom pieces because I think it emphasises my pear-shape too much.  I don't wear shorts (in public) or short skirts because the legs don't look so great, and I don't wear sleeveless (in public) for the same basic reason.  I'm not into colors like taupe, mustard, mauve, etc., because they don't seem to look good with my skin tone. These are things I've learned over the years, but like I said, it only pertains to me.  


I had a productive shopping day with my DD last week.  We went out-of-town to the closest boot barn and bought her a new pair of plain brown boots (cowboy, but basic.)  They're expensive, but her former pair lasted about 8 years and got a lot of wear.  I splurged at TJ Maxx by buying 4 pieces of silver jewelry.  $25 was the most expensive.  I'm going to slightly justify the purchase by saying that I am returning the two lunchtime special Carolyn Pollack pieces I received.  They didn't impress me much.  I was also able to find some fabric that I needed at the Joann store out-of-town.  It was nice to find several items that I wanted, but I didn't even look at clothing, and passed on other items that were slightly tempting.  


Not that much going on around here except for some time-consuming activities that are good to get done during the summer months when I have a little more time on my hands.  Waves to everyone!  ~  Charlene

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Hey Bernie - I think we were posting at the same time.  I'm sorry that you hurt your back.  I've never heard of sacroiliac.  Just hope it gets better soon, and you enjoy the walnuts.

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Bird Mama, I hope that your back gets better real soon so you can play with the little ones.  We had 2 early morning showers, but it is nice again.  


CERB, It sounds like you & your DD had some fun shopping.  Our DS really likes doing CHIRO & PT.  He only lives 2 minutes from the clinic, so no more traffic jams to & from work.