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Good morning friends!


ROSA!!  Squeeeeeeee!!  I am SO delighted for you!  You have our best wishes.


JEAN!  So glad you are safe from all the flooding, and my heart goes out to those who have lost.  Very close to my heart.  My little town is still recovering and the landscape will never look the same.  Devastating.


Charlene, so happy for trucker girl!


Karen, good to see you post.  I can imagine it's hard to incorporate DS things. Oldest DD is living in our house and finally it looks livable and nice again in her room. I think she has purged a lot.


Bernie, I have decided I am going to get a tattoo.  Your picture is very nice. I haven't decided when or where but it will be a semicolon. There is a "Project Semicolon" movement - "When writing, a semicolon is used when a writer could have ended the sentence, but chose to pause, and continue on. The Project’s goal is to help those who struggle with suicide ideation and remind them to keep living, keep telling their story.It’s also spread into the area of mental illness such as those suffering from depression, anxiety, etc." Mine will be purple.


Linda, I hope DH is all better soon and that you got enough sleep.  Do you use your fitbit to keep track?  I really monitor my sleep these days because when I run into a deficit I really suffer. Lately I've done very well in that area, without any assistance.  Yay!


I've been missing Linda R lately.  Keep trying to get together but hadn't worked it out.  Pics came up the other day of our time in SA with Jules, fun times.


DD is in the Phillipines now and it sounds like things are going well.  My brother was here last weekend before they head out to Abu Dhabi in a week.  They will be there at least 2 years, we think.


I had a second interview yesterday at country home. I'm just praying that God doesn't give me the job if he doesn't have plans to move my Beloved soon. I've started looking here at city home as well.


DH and I have been using the pool the past week and it's been really nice.  That's about all I've got.  Hugs to everyone!  I didn't mention everyone's name - please don't think that you mean any less to me including our new posters!

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Kathleen--Thank you for starting the thread. I do hope that you and DH can find acceptable jobs in the country home area. DD is fortunate to be able to see so many diverse areas. I had two brothers in the Navy and all they ever saw other than Great Lakes were offices in Norfolk, VA.


I haven't had a Sam's Club membership for years as the last time I had one, I didn't use it enough to justify the cost. I got a deal where a year's membrship was $25 plus you got a $10 gift certiffcate to use when I shopped. When I went for the appointment yesterday, I went into Sams. I came home with $15 worth of meat for $5 after use of coupon plus a some of the best strawberries I have had in a long time.


Quite honestly, the variety of products didn't overwhelm me with temptation but later on, the membership might pay off. The jewelry and electronics was nice but I have a good memory for unit pricing, and many items were about the same as WalMart. I am not buy a case of toilet tissue, etc. as I have space limitations.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good morning ladies and thanks @Rock_chick for the start. It sounds as though both your DDs are doing well, and wishing you good luck on the 2nd interview for the job. Also hope that DH will also find something acceptable in the same area. Have fun in that pool.


@KonaKat, I have gotten the Sams Club membership twice now (once about 20+ years ago and last year), both times I found it was not worth it to me, in the long run. I think for large families it would be a good deal. Not so much for small or single-unit households, but that is just my opinion.


I am moving slowly this morning, overdid it outside yesterday since it was so much cooler than is has been, I kept at it too long.

Today is housework (on a slow pace, lol) and a hair apptmt. this afternoon.

We are forecast for 3-6" of rain from Friday afternoon through Monday morning. Should make for a soggy 4th. Normally I host a big pool party on the 4th, but am not doing so this year, for a couple reasons, so the rain doesn't matter so much, except for getting more work done on the deck.

We really need rain, but not so much at one time, as it tends to just run off and is not as beneficial as it could be. But it will be what it will be.

Hope everyone is having a good day. Waves to all....

"To each their own, in all things".
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Snicks--I thought the low cost of the membership offer might justify trying it again. I had a membership to the Costco in Columbus, Ohio only because it permitted me to save thousands on hearing aids. That Costco is about 3 hours from me, so the time involved in going there was justified. I was really impressed with the variety of items carried and not all were multiple person household sized. It was well lit, clean and again add that to the variety of products tempted me to try Sams again. It may just be this Sams but the dim lighting, not so cheerful interior, etc. didn't promote buying for me. It also wasn't the best organized.


Rain is essential but when it comes in such large amounts, it doesn't really benefit lawn and crops as it can't be slowly absorbed but runs off. I do hope you have a good holiday and that the rain doesn't interfere too much.


I'm watching the TSV being presented. Inquiring minds want to know why the Q ditched the label Epiphany for its platinum clad silver. Speaking of silver, I miss Joseph Esposito as he had some great silver designs at a reasonable price.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good Morning and thanks for getting us started, Kathleen.  I really hope the job situation works out for both you and your DH.  Your Navy DD is having some exciting experiences.


I do not own a Fitbit, just a pedometer.  I keep thinking about buying one, but just have not done so yet.  Glad you are enjoying the pool.


Sounds like you did well at Sam's, Jean.  I used to belong to Sam's Club, but the ones here are quite far from where we live.  I do have a COSTCO membership which is together with DD, and I like it very much.  Not sure if I would keep it if it were just mine.  Like you, I lack storage space for large quantities of staples, but some of the items at COSTCO are great.  


Sorry you overdid it yesterday and are expecting all that rain over the weekend, snicks.  Maybe you will accomplish a lot indoors or just take the time to relax.  


We had another big thunderstorm last night.  I'm not sure if these storms are really helping with our rain shortage or mostly "running off", but they are important for our area.


Waves to Arlene, twinny (hope you feel better and enjoy your trip), Bernie, Essie, Susan, Marijane, Barbara, Charlene, Rosa, Gayle, butterfly, Karen, LindaR, meallen, and all of our posters and readers.


DH did not sleep very well last night, and he is pretty sleepy today.  He kept falling asleep between bites at breakfast.  It is cool enough that I can wait to take my walk after I drop him off at the "club".  Later this morning, I plan to go to the gym.  I finally finished the shredding, so I guess it is time to do some cleaning and start on the old photographs, etc.  That will be a very difficult job for me, but one that must be done.


Have a good day everyone!









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I love our Sam's Club! I use it a lot, but more for gifts than anything.  Books, basic clothes (like tees, my loungewear, camis for the girls, socks) movies and then other items. I bought 2 bottles with 200 pills in them of "Zyrtec" for the price of one 70ct bottle in our grocery - the generic brand. I do stock mixed vegetables at country home and some specialty items now and then. Tires for the car, batteries... the list goes on and on.  HOWEVER, I can see how it may not be a great deal and some of the locations are sketch.  Costco didn't seem to be any better and was much further to drive so I never got into them.

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meallen--Thank youi for the lovely graphic, truly a great way to brighten the day.


Linda--The thing I liked about Costco other than its bright and cheerful atmosphere inside the warehouse...more like a regular store....was that it carried items that I liiked and did not have to buy a huge supply like 12 to 24 bottles of something. This Sams is downright gloomy inside. I'm sorry that DH continues to struggle. The gym is a great outlet for you.


Kathleen--I took a quick look at the clothes but didn't want to did through the piles to see if there was something I could use. I didn't need anything in clothes so the messy piles didn't attract me. I've seen Good Will that was more enticing when it came to clothes.  I do understand that Sams might be a good choice for automotives, tvs, etc. In fact, there was a tv I liked but that can wait.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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@KonaKat, @Rock_chick, One of the reasons I don't care for SC is that it is an hour away, another is the lack of bagging items at checkout, then someone goes over your receipt against what is in your cart?? Really if they suspect everyone of stealing, they should bag the items, imo. It always feels a bit insulting to me, lol. Perhaps that's just me though. For those who do like the store and find it does save them money, that is great. I always think it would be nice for gift shopping, but then I do almost all my gift shopping online, so there you have it, lol.

"To each their own, in all things".
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Good morning everyone!  Jean - I also watched the program with Mary Beth's return.  So happy to see her back.  I started watching QVC back when I was pregnant with my DS and he is 25 years old now.  Mary Beth and I are about the same age, our children are the same age, I just feel as though we have a lot in common.  I am praying that she continues to improve in her recovery.  Good for you too, in making the donations of unneeded items.  LindaL - Did you get your shredding done?  I need to do that chore too.  Hope your DH has a good day today.  Bernie - I am not a big fan of tattoos, but the bird drawing is sweet.  Kathleen - the idea of the semicolon is nice too.  Twinny - sorry that you're having to deal with health problems - I pray that the doctors have wisdom in treating you.  Barbara - glad that Sydnie's dance competition has been going well and that you're having fun at the beach!  Snicks - sorry that you overdid the yard work on the cool day.  I can do that too.  On hot days I do the minimum outside, which is usually some watering, then when a cool(ish) day comes along I try to play catch up and can do too much.  


We don't have any warehouse stores in my town, so I'm not a member.  It might make sense to drive out of town if I had a big family to feed, but I don't.  I was proud of myself yesterday because I finally got around to completing a project.  I wanted a basket that I could put clothes in that need ironing or mending.  So I dug out a very nice large Peterboro basket (remember when QVC sold those?) and then I sewed a cloth liner for it.  Took several hours to do because I was making it up as I went, but the finished product is just what I wanted.  Since I have my sewing machine set up, I am going to sew myself a top today - just a simple cotton peasant style top.  (Using up some of my fabric stockpile)  I listen to Dave Ramsey podcasts while I sew, so it's kind-of fun and I learn something.


I'm also watering our two trees down in the field.  The soil is really compacted, so I have to keep turning the water on and off to allow the water to soak in.  Thank goodness I have a golf cart to go back and forth.  Who else here has a fitbit?  Was it Kathleen?  Yes, I still wear mine everyday.  My goal was just a minimum of 6,000 steps, but I've been very faithful about it.  I've been eating better and have lost a few pounds.


I must confess, the wanties got the better of me yesterday.  It's been a good month shopping-wise for me overall.  But yesterday ebay had a bonus offer on any purchases, so I bought a bunch of used books (which I want but definitely don't need.)  Not too much harm done financially, but it's hard to find room for all the books.  Hopefully I'll get right back on track in regards to less shopping.


Hope you all have a pleasant Thursday!  ~  Charlene