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Good morning ladies! How is everyone? I am getting a slow start here this morning. I spent the afternoon with my cousin watching our old home movies - you know the ones that were reels made to vcr now DVD's from when we were very very little.  70's.  It was really neat to see. We all met up at Cracker Barrel and it was really nice to see my parents and my Uncle's family too. I did buy a top in the gift area - they are so cute and I couldn't resist.


I'm not even sure what I'm going to do today.  The curtains I ordered were supposed to have been delivered Saturday but they are not here and DD got the mail Sat and I got it yesterday. Called and let them know so they are "researching".


What is everyone up to?  It rained most of yesterday and the humidity is just awful today. Hugs to all!

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Kathleen--Thanks for starting the thread. I had checked and it hadn't been posted so I composed a start and checked again before posting. I guess we were on the same wave length.


It is a real treat being able to live memories thorugh those dvds.I'm sorry your curtains are missing despite supposedly being delivered. I hope the research provides an answer and the curtains.


This is what I had written:

Good morning, shopping friends. It is a beautiful sunny day one that is very welcomed after days of off and on rain and coldl temperatures. I finally have the opportunity to trim all the shrubbery. I just came in from an hour of trimming which I am calling major surgery. I have to do this in stages and need to rest despite using electric hedge trimmers.


Right now, I am watching Denim & Co. but don't have a need for anything from that line right now. I did, however, order some bras on sale at One Hanes Place. These fit extremely well and are almost half price. I have problems finding in stores bras that fit right as my size is usually not available in the desired style.


I hope each of you has a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good morning all and thanks @Rock_chick, for the start. Glad you had a day spent with family and watching old home movies is always a hoot. Sorry about the missing curtains, hope they soon turn up. That is an unnecessary aggravation that no one needs or wants.


@KonaKat, you have been busy this morning, trimming shrubbery, good for you. I did not watch D&C this morning, not sure why not, just didn't think about it I guess.


The morning started out sunny, but clouds are rolling in fast now and rain is predicted for the rest of the week, yuck. I really wanted to get the pool open by the weekend but it won't happen if it's raining. I am being lazy today, have an early apptmt tomorrow in a city about an hour away, so have to be up and at it early for that. My Earth shootie TSV should be at my local PO sometime later today, I might go get them, or just wait till I get home tomorrow when they will have been delivered to my door, haven't decided yet. Hope everyone has a nice day. Waves.....

"To each their own, in all things".
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Hello Ladies....still having problems posting.....I get so far and then it won't let me type anymore..have to cancel the whole thing out.  Not sure what's going on.


I hope you like your new shoes Snicks, if I could have thought of a place to wear them to I'd get them!


Kathleen I hope they find your curtains...maybe they will be in today's mail..   LOoks like you have your work cut out for you Jean with more bushes to do.


Sunny here..tomorrow 

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post just died from above,could not finish my posting.....tomorrow it's supposed to be 85...I'm gearing up for my happy dance.   HOpe all have a wonderful day.        Marijane

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Hi everyone - I've been reading the past few days, but am just now getting around to posting.  Kathleen - thanks for getting us started today.  Watching the old home movies sounds fun.  Jean - I'm sorry that you're in pain with the sciatica.  Hope you find relief soon.  Bernie - I can just picture you dancing around with a bird!  Arlene - thanks for the cat litter recommendation.  LindaL - continued prayers being sent your way.  


The past couple of weeks were so busy, and frankly, difficult.  I wish we could have had a better time while my DD was home from college.  I know that some of you saw the photos I posted on facebook of my DD doing dental work on Dottie, our oldest goat.  She (the goat), had grown sharp points on some of her teeth making it difficult to chew.  She has loose front teeth, but not much we can do about that.  The points got cut off and filed down, so she can eat better, but we've been on pneumonia watch ever since.  My DD was supposed to return to college on Saturday, but genius child that she is, she showed up at the airport to discover that her ticket was for Sunday, not Saturday, so she had to drive all the way back home.  (Only the best and brightest make it into vet school, lol).


Still no sign of Davis.  My DH talked to neighbors and found that 2 other pet cats, and 2 semi-feral cats have gone missing in just the past 3 weeks.  I still miss Davis every day, and I'm still kind-of mad at DH.  


My big Bible study of the year has ended, so I have more free time on my hands now.  I decided that this is the week for me to go through clothes again.  I made progress yesterday and will continue today.  I already have a nice pile to be donated, and a few items that went in the trash.  It's good for me to "see" all that I have so that I'm not so tempted to purchase more.  I haven't purchased anything unnecessary in two weeks. 


Waves to all of our regular posters and visitors!  ~  Charlene

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Hello Ladies...just trying something I saw in the "suggestion box" where others are posting that they are having problems too with their iPads freezing. SO far so good! But now I can't make paragraphs! LOL!! .oh well. Sorry to hear about your other neighbors cats dispearing too Charlene... Hoping Dottie does not develope pneumonia! Marijane
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Hi Ladies!!!  Kathleen, thanks for starting.  I saw your photos on FB...looks like it was a great day.  Sorry about the curtains, grrrr, hopefully, they will arrive today.


Jean, good luck with the hedges.  I don't like yardwork much, but I did get most of my flowers done for around the pool.  I have a few more flowers to plant in the front and I think I'm done for the season.


Marijane, 85 for us tomorrow too.  Our pool is crystal clear, so it would be nice to have the warm weather so we could enjoy it.


Charlene, so sorry about Davis...sending hugs your way.  I should get myself in gear on my clothes, as I have way too much and it is getting to me.  My closet is overflowing!!!  I have used "Thred Up", an online consignment site and have made a little $$$ cleaning out the old, but in great condition clothing, shoes and handbags.


LindaL, as always...sending hugs and prayers your way.


Barbara, gotta love puppies and stuffed toys!!!  My Samantha just loves her stuffed "babies".


Twinny, hoping things calm down for you.


Snicks, glad to read the wedding went well.


Bernie, smiled at the thought of your birds wondering "what is mama doing" with all that dancing.


It was rainy this morning, but looks like it is clearing.  I'm looking forward to finishing my planting after work, so I can cross it off my "to do" list.  Other than that, nothing much happening in my world, and that is just fine with me!!!  Better get back to work, if I want to leave in a bit...enjoy the day.


P.S.  Arlene, the cakes sound delish to me!!!

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Not sure what happened to our sun has gotten pitch black out and very windy! Oops..just looked's pouring out..looks like someone is holding a hose to our windows. Hoping for a better day pool float is all ready just need the weather to cooperate.
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Not sure what happened to our sun has gotten pitch black out and very windy! Oops..just looked's pouring out..looks like someone is holding a hose to our windows. Hoping for a better day pool float is all ready just need the weather to cooperate.