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Re: Rompers for Men

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Dumbsies, if you ask me.

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IMO, the RompHims look creepy.  👶🏻🍼

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Re: Rompers for Men

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@SaRina wrote:

But on a more serious note.... do any of you ever think that men should be expanding their wardrobes in terms of color and style? 


Why do women have such variety and not men?


Maybe society needs to change its perspective a bit and allow for more creative options for men.

I worked in Fashion for many years and several for a menswear company. From what I learned there and from my personal relationships is that most men regardless if society imposes restrictions on what they can wear, simply have less interest in truly diversifying what they wear.


When I was a teenager I also worked for a well known men's shoe brand. It was the same styles and same colors every single year. If there was a change, nothing but complaints.


My husband, who like me is a Millenial, is strongly opposed to change and venturing out of his comfort zone. It took me months last year to get him to buy a pair of cool blue shoes to update his wardrobe. They seem consumed with the idea of potentially looking effeminate and not straight.  


Men are uniquely aware of what they do and what they wear as to not convey what they deem is the wrong message about their manliness. As women, we don't have this burden. But they do.


In addition, they simply are more simple creatures. The idea of owning tons of clothes etc. is just not an interest for most of them. Shopping for clothes is just not something they really think about; it's a necessity since they must be clothed. My husband has to run clothes to the ground before he replaces anything. 


I have to say, I used to be a little critical of his mentality but I've embraced it. Less is more and now my mantra is to really think about what I need and not want before I buy anything. 

~Live with Intention~
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Yikes, they look like short one-zies.  Scary.

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DH would NEVER wear one of these.....nor would I let him,  LOL!

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Looks like the gym suits we wore grades 7 -12, uggh

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@thyme Patty, @I am still oxox, yes! This was my PE uniform in high school, haha..... Forgot all about it. :-)


(shhh! I still have it)


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The guy wearing the fur he's STYLIN'! Woman LOL

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Hey, whatever feels good and works for you.  8)

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Similar was popular in the 70s.  Shorty shorts and terry cloth.  I remember them from ads, but never saw anyone in real life wearing them that I can remember,

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