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Reformed Shopaholics week of May 16

Happy Sunday.  This will definitely be a pool day because the temp will be 90. For us, that is a cool down.


Today is Amies yiungest's birthday. Kaia is a sweet girl, but very shy. She now likes to talk to me on the phone and she is  very chatty.Fun!

Linda, I think you take eye vitamins..if you do could you share the brand?? You must have cooked up a storm. Figuring out what to eat here is a challenge again. But my freezer is getting emptied. Enjoy your food. How is dgd doing?.


Claudia...hope you are having a good day and r and the fur babies are behaving.,


I am thinking about how to make our tiny bedroom in Mn more livesble. I decided that the pereira storage cubes are going to the basement along with suitcases. I think m will be amenable to that.


enjoy your day..🌵🌵😎😎

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of May 16

Good Afternoon/Evening!  Happy Birthday to Kaia, Barbara.  Nice that she has become chatty on the phone.  Can't say that is true of any of my grands.  At least DD is usually chatty.


Hope you enjoy the pool.  We are expecting a high of 88 degrees here, and tomorrow only 83 degrees.  I am enjoying the slightly cooler weather.


I use the Andrew Lessman eye vitamins, Barbara.  I have heard good things about AREDS, but have never tried them.


The last I heard DGD was doing mostly okay.  She had eaten some sort of crackers that didn't stay down and kept her up all night.  So they are out.  The dietitian suggested that she very gradually add foods to see if she can tolerate them.  No word on the breathing machine.


Hope you are successful in making the tiny bedroom more livable.  That would probably be a challenge for me since I am used to having so much space all to myself here.   


Church was nice today.  We were still wearing masks since the changes didn't come in time for the COVID group to decide if they should change the policy.  You must reserve a seat, have your temperature taken, and the service is outdoors on the patio.  It didn't seem as hot today, thank goodness.


For some reason, I was very hungry for lunch, so I managed to eat some of my excess.  


OLLI classes start tomorrow, and I have one in the morning (Earth Studies) and another in the afternoon (Hinduism).  I have the meditation class Wednesday morning and a picnic with the "Singles" (ladies) group Wednesday for lunch.  So, I'll be busy again.  


Yesterday, I moved my plants that were getting too much soon, and one of the planters was very heavy.  I ddin't feel anything at the time, but last night I felt like a very old lady full of aches and pains -- particularly my back.  I should have taken medication, but decided that stretching exercises would do.  Not true.  Anyway, I took an ibuprofen this morning, and so far, so good.  I took a walk early and then did a Leslie Sansone DVD.  But, I'm not pushing my luck.


Hope you, R, and your furbabies are doing okay, Claudia, and both of you and your husbands have a nice evening and sleep well.





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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of May 16

I hope you enjoy the pool, Barbara and Kaia has a great birthday. It's so nice when they're chatty on the phone. Adam called again today and we had a great talk.


Do you have any storage space under the bed, Barbara?


Sorry your DGD didn't do well with the crackers, Linda and was up all night. Now that R is on his previous medication the reflux is gone instead of occurring as often as twice a day. It's finding the correct balance in medication and foods.


You'll have a busy week with your classes and volunteer work. I hope the ibuprofen continues to help.


This morning I ended up folding sheets in the shower. Lol. R had taken them out of the dryer and stuffed them in the portable hamper. The walkin shower with sliding doors was the only place I could think of that was pet free for folding purposes. I folded and placed them in my Camouflage Company zippered storage containers. I have a small one for pillowcases, medium for sheets and  larger for quilts. It works for me. Much better than the plastic bins I had been using.


I sent a secure message to R's VA doctor about the knot at the back of his neck. Hope she sees it first thing tomorrow. When he turns his head to the right the pain is a 10 until he turns it back.


I did some planting earlier and placed a few garden figures out front. I need a bit more potting soil. Jinx from next door supervised. It was sunny and warm today.


Have a good evening.

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of May 16

I saw my orthopedic dr for my trigger finger.,I got a cortisone but he wants to have a very minor surgery to release the ligament when I return. tomorrow one of my appoitments is telexed so I do not have to drive the 40 mile round trip


i never made it to the pool sil called and we talked for an hour and a half...She had found more accurate bird andcdesth dates for a couple of aunts and uncles.I am going to type an addendum sheet. 

Today, I saw our landscaping guy who speaks little English.He is coming either this afternoon or tomorrow.  Is gone this afternoon. the other thread about phones. I love my iPhone because I do so much on it.,But I also have friends who love their androids. Sorrybtomhearcdgd is having so much trouble with food. Hope yiur Hindu class is better than the geology one.


Claudia..I hate folding fitted sheets...I never learned how to fold th bottom one perfectly. Mine are no wrinkle so it doesn't matter. Hope r gets some help with his nevk


Have a great rest of the day😘😘

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of May 16

We ended up driving the 4 miles to the clinic since we didn't get a call by mid morning. R saw the nurse who consulted his doctor and they suggested heat and aspercreme. Thursday the pt person who told R about the knot only said to stop the exercises if he had pain and never suggested heat. We came back home this morning and started with the heat. That has helped quite a bit. Its too bad R had so much pain over the weekend. Because his c1 vertebrae never fully healed we tend to check out any problem and by last night it hurt to even touch it.


It was another nice sunny day. I didn't get as much done as I hoped. R wanted me to look at the stuff he'd brought back from the camper. 90% went into 2 boxes. One for scrap metal and one for donations. He was pleased with the CD player he had forgotten about and has played CDs most of the afternoon.


We have Samsung phones. I do little with mine  but R uses his for everything.


I'm glad you won't need to drive the 40 miles tomorrow, Barbara. I hope the cortisone shot helps your trigger finger.


 Our sheets are non wrinkle too. Lucky because my folding of fitted sheets is hit or miss.


Sorry your  geology class was not interesting, Linda. I hope your afternoon class was a big improvement.

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of May 16

Good Evening!  Sorry R had to suffer over the weekend, and hope the heat and aspercreme help, Claudia.  That is funny about the CD player. 


I use my phone much more than I did in the past, but not as much as many (particularly younger) people.  No wrinkle sheets are a blessing to be sure.  In the old days, I used to iron my sheets.  But, with the no wrinkle type, I just iron my pillow cases.  Like the two of you, I am not good at sheet folding.  Glad your weather was nice.


Hope your trigger finger is better, Barbara.  Glad you don't have to drive to the appointment tomorrow.  Are most of your doctors in Phoenix?  I am glad that so many more doctors are available here than when we first moved here.  Then, almost all of the doctors were up in the north side of Tucson (about 40 miles away).  


Apparently, DGD only had the one bad night with the crackers causing problems.  DD and my SIL got the J&J vaccine, so she is happy to have one and done. 


Her volunteer job was pretty boring today -- not much to do.  I think she will stick with it, but may change to hospice if things don't improve.  She was thrilled with her interior decorating class, and my SIL showed her how to use Power Point and some other program for her designs. And, she spent a bunch of time moving around the furniture over the weekend.  She has been doing that since she was a young girl. 


Thankfully, my Hinduism class was great.  The "study group leader" is a very good teacher, and has an interesting background that helps him provide a prospective on the subject.  He came from India to get his Ph.D., and has worked (not sure if he still is working) in the biotech field for many years.  Anyway, I am very happy with the class.


My computer accomplishment was being able to use my web cam with Zoom.  I was doing fine with it, but have had a great deal of trouble recently.  While it wasn't important for these two classes, the vegan group leader really wants us to use it, and I think the meditation teacher may want it as well.  Hope that I don't forget what I did.


Hope both of you and your husbands have a nice evening and sleep well.









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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of May 16

it is another nice day. As long as we are now t in the triple digits, I am happy. I saw my pain dr this morning and have a telemedicine conference with the hematologist this afternoon. 

I am starting to get some clothes out. When we are in the mountains during the 1st week of June, I will not be in shorts or sun dresses. Jjill had a great sale so I picked up a textured hoodie...regularly 90 for 35. I only shop their sales. 


I do not know what I was thinking but in a fit of madness, I oredered the logo dress tsv. All I can say is oh my. It was huge and baggy and looked like one of my grandmothers house dresses. I have a couple of her tank dresses that I love..but this is going back.


Syd is getting some local auditions. M said if she can get some gigs, she would not have to work because they pay quite well.


Linda, glad you enjoyed your class. I took a couple f classes when I was an undergrad and in grad school and found it fascinating. I received a cortisone shot (okie) but I cannot have any more so I will be having very minor surgery when I get back. Glad dd enjoyed her decorating app. 

Claudia..hope you are doing well..and r is feeling better.


enjoy your day 😎😎🌵

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of May 16

Good Afternoon!  Glad you had your doctor appointments, Barbara.  Hope that the blood and pain issues improve, and the trigger finger won't bother you too much until you can have the surgery.  I'm sure you will need warmer clothes for the mountains.  You are leaving at a good time since June can be very, very hot and uncomfortable.  One year, it reached 100 degrees or more every single day in June.  Even in "cooler" years, it is very hot and dry here.


Sorry the Logo dress didn't work out.  I don't own any Logo items, so I wasn't tempted by the dress.  It seems like so many of her items are okay except for added ruffles, etc.  I guess I am just more of a tailored dresser.  But, I know some people really enjoy her clothes.  Hope you enjoy the JJill hoodie.  Hope Syd gets some work for the summer.  


Both DD and my SIL are very tired today -- reaction to the vaccine.  Fortunately, she didn't have any big plans, but her had some important work calls.  They plan to go to bed early tonight.


DGD's breathing machine is coming in tomorrow.  Hope that it helps her.  


Hope R is doing okay today, Claudia, and all is well with you and your furbabies.


Also hope both of you and your husbands have a nice evening and sleep well.





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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of May 16

  • That was a great buy on the hoodie, Barbara. I have one Logo dress in 2 prints. I hope the pain issue improves. That would be great for Sydnie to get some work over the summer.

At 5pm it was 93° on the back porch. Again I didn't get done what I had planned. The exterior door to the back room needed a new privacy curtain. R had tacked up his Marine Corps flag but took it down to fly it out front. The door eventually will be replaced but has glass panes so no privacy. One plus is he looked at all the outerwear near the door (there is a closet rod and wood coat rack) and  got rid of at least a third of them. It's a start. I would have added in a few more. Now if he'd just get rid of all the boots.


Tomorrow I hope to mow. I thought of doing it this afternoon but it was too hot and I was tired after working on R's stash of coats, boots, and miscellaneous plus getting the recycling out. The second cat tree/scratching post arrived. This one is for Nugget and Widget. The one they had been using is worn out. The sisal rope unwound and they've used the heavy duty cardboard cylinder underneath for scratching. The new one is solid wood under the sisal and carpet (45 pounds, to move upstairs) and made in the USA. The real plus was it was already assembled.


Linda, I hope your DGD's breathing machine helps and your DD and SIL feel better tomorrow. Glad you enjoyed the class on Hinduism yesterday.


R forgot to order his mask and tubing replacement today. Every 6 months it's replaced. He's had indigestion much of the day. After voting in the primary we stopped for breakfast the artificial maple syrup for his pan cake didn't agree with him. The tomato juice didn't help either.


Have a good evening.

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of May 16

Good afternoon. I had my infusion this morning and the side effects are starting so I wanted to post while I could still see. This infusion is working very well finally. I am having more. Good days than bad.


this will be a not do much day 


M asked for me to help reorganize her house. She has several boxes in the living room that are donations that she hasn't removed. She has been working 50 plus hours a week. I love her projects..not.


Linda..hope you make it to your picnic today. I could be outdid in the shade today because there is a nice breeze. Glad dd and family have recovered from the vaccine.Hope dgds breathing machine helps also.


Claudia..poor r with that gastric reflux issue. V hangs on to clothes, but periodically he will let me clear things out. My clothes are finally under control  Bet the kitties will like the new scratching post.


enjoy the rest of the day.🌵🌵😎