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Reformed Shopaholics week of August 29

I wanted to get the thread started before the day got away from me. I did not have time to post yesterday because I wanted to spend time with Amie.


V was in a lot of back pain..he thinks from the moving that he did on Friday. He slept a lot too. I am working hard on taking it one day at a time. Yikes


We had some really nice rain the past few days. The weather should be very nice. I wish m would turn off the ac but no such luck. 

My neighbor in Az called me to tell me that we have a lot of weeds..She was trying to be helpful and I let her know that we were aware but it cannot be sprayed until there are several days with no,rain. 

It was great to have Amie here..she is much more positive than her sister. 

Have a good day.


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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of August 29

Good Afternoon/Evening!  Glad you had such a nice time with Amie, Barbara.  Also glad your weather is better.  Sorry about V having the back pain.  One day at a time is the only way to go, but it sure isn't easy.  


Our homeowners association sent out an e-mail about all the weeds.  That rain certainly helped them to grow.  Bev and I were discussing them, and she said she has been unable to get her landscaper/yard guy to help.  He said landscapers are very busy, particularly since so many people had some serious issues with trees and bushes during our storms.  While she has tried doing some weeding, she is not very strong these days.  I'm sure it will be even worse when she starts her radiation treatments.


The weeds in the alley behind my house are pretty bad.  Spraying is just not enough, and it is difficult for me to keep up with them.  As long as there is still enough room for a car/truck to pass, it isn't a big deal.  But, I do feel guilty.   


Very quiet here, which is fine.  My SIL wrote to say that the place where she works (assisted living, I think) had another lockdown due to COVID.  One of the employees who didn't get the vaccine came down with it.  I am not sure if they will be required to have a vaccine for Medicare purposes, but I hope so.  I know that these lockdowns mean that visitors are not allowed or only allowed under strict controls.  That is unkind to the patients and their families.


Hope your weather was better today, Claudia, and R's shoot went okay.  I wear a sunhat almost every morning.  It was never my thing in Maryland, but pretty much a necessity here. 


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.







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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of August 29

Barbara, I'm glad you enjoyed the time with Amie's. Thinking positive is a big help. I'm sorry V is still having a lot of pain.  Just try to take it a day or even less at a time.


R did not feel up to going to today's shoot. It has rained off and on much of the day.


I see my HS class met for breakfast Friday. Somehow I missed the announcement earlier in the month. One of the women (her husband goes to the VA too for medical care) tripped when leaving, broke her hip, and is having hip replacement surgery Monday.


I bet the weeds have really grown, Linda. I know they have up here. It has been a very wet summer. It will rain much of the coming week too thanks to Ida. We won't get as much as other parts of PA though.


I hope you have a good evening.


It's too bad people can't get some help with the weeds.

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of August 29

Good Afternoon/Evening!  Probably a good idea for R to skip the shoot, Claudia.  Weeds sure do like the rain.  My SIL said that they still need rain in Maryland, but had a few storms recently plus were expecting more this week. DD said they are predicting cooler weather after the storm passes.  Oldest DGS' wife said that it is nice and cool in New Hampshire.


What a shame about your classmate.  That is fast for a hip replacement, but it is probably a good idea to have it taken care of as soon as possible. 


DD said DGD needed to have some blood work done this morning (anemia, I think), and she had to wait for more than an hour after her scheduled appointment just to get in for the test.  I imagine she was very hungry by then.  


Hope V is not in as much pain today, Barbara.  Also hope he is able to do more.  Do try to take care of yourself as well as him.  I know that is difficult.


Nothing at all exciting going on here.  I am happy to have found some more clothes to donate and even a pair of shoes to trash.  Still have way, way too many clothes and shoes, but I'm working on it.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.





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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of August 29

Good evening. We had a great phone conversation with vs infectious dr.  He explained that the infection is actually in the bones of the spine and it is going to take a long time for the pain to dissipate. It will be very small steps. V admitted that he is anticipating that the pain will be as bad as it was when he was very sick and he has to figure out how to overcome thst. He did take a pain pill before therapy and he thought it helped.That is a step forward. I am trying to teach him some relaxation and breathing exercises. 

His dr said he will be in through September, maybe longer.


It was reassuring to talk to this man. He has shared that he has a lot of back pain so he can empathize.


Sydnie has been very entertaining for me. She has a very unique and quirky view of things. For example, this morning we made a quick grocery store stop and I almost got run over by a woman backing out.So I ran a bit to get out of the way.Syd remarks.."Gammy, that's the fastest I have seen you move in weeks". Arghhh 


Linda..poor dgd having to wait that long. Good job on the donations..if we get back to Az, I will have to tackle that 


Claudia..that poor lady with the broken hip.I think the recovery is much faster than it used to be. Do you think you will get the rain from the hurricane ??

Sleep well😴😴

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of August 29

We had rain overnight but today was mostly sunny. I had planned to sort through clothes but R decided to get rid of the table in the back room. It was the vintage Formica table that was his project a while back. One of the metal legs gave way  and it was decided to take it to the scrap metal yard along with some other items.


Once we dropped that off I needed to pick up some bananas and a get well card.


This afternoon we've been busy clearing the back porch and deciding what to do with things. The contractor is coming tomorrow at 7 with the roofing supplies and plans to start the preliminary work. Like it or not I'll be up extra early.


Linda, I bet your DGD was hungry after waiting so long. I've always been borderline anemic as has my youngest sister. R is currently on iron pills.


I'm glad the conversation with the doctor was so informative.Thank goodness V's infection was caught when it was. Taking the pain pill before therapy should help some as will the relaxation and breathing exercises, Barbara.


Yikes on the car backing up. I'm glad you weren't hurt. That Sydnie! Didn't she know it was her job to pull you out of the way?

Our car has a back up camera but I still prefer to pull all the way when there's rows of parking spaces so I don't have to back up.


R's debit card was hacked - again so he's cardless right now. I'm in no hurry for him to replace it. Lol.


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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of August 29

Good Afternoon/Evening!  Glad you had such a good conversation with the infectious disease doctor, Barbara.  It is nice to have a sympathetic doctor who explains things clearly.  Bev's doctor who suggested radiation did a very good job of explaining things to her, and I know that made a big difference for Bev.


Like Claudia, I try to park where I can pull-through rather than backup, but that isn't always possible.  This morning, I jumped because a car nearly backed out to hit me as I was taking my walk.  Pretty scary.  Fortunately, there were two cars about to backup, and the driver of the other car warned them to stop.  


I hope you have plenty of clothes in MN to last as long as V needs to be there, but I'm guessing that you do.  I figure that the number of clothes I donated this morning is probably the total amount you have, and I still have plenty more.  Minimalism is a ways off for me, but I am taking baby steps.


I can't believe R's debit card has been hacked again, Claudia.  Perhaps he is going for a record or something.  LOL  I don't blame your for not being eager for him to replace it. 


Hope the contractor made it this morning, and you aren't too tired.  Not easy to be ready for "visitors" so early in the morning.  I get up plenty early (usually by 5:00 a.m. these days, but I don't like to be ready for visitors until much later.  I like taking my longish walk, having a big breakfast, and showering/bathing, etc. before they arrive.


As you may see on the other thread, my new Ipad is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, and I'm excited. 


My friend who has a place at Lake Tahoe said her place is on the opposite side (north) from the fire, but the air quality was very bad when she was there earlier this month.  


Yesterday, DH's older DGD called to thank me for her birthday card and check (how nice!), and told me that she took advantage of her age (18) to have her naval pierced and go to the dentist on her own.  I thought the dentist part was funny.  She has a boyfriend now, and was actually calling me from his house.  Very cheerful, which is great.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.







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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of August 29

Good evening..I think Fall is in the air cnn still get hot, however. M and Sydcare at her school open house..supper is an easy fix..spaghetti. Sydnie made meatballs earlier.


V has decided to take a pain med before pt..he said he again got very close to sitting up. We discovered that his muscle relaxer was missing so got that fixed. It should help also. 

we also were told that he will be in for 6 more weeks because he needs the IV antibiotics longer. He is getting excellent care now and everyone seems to like him because he is his funny, joking self.


Claudia..yikes on rs card being hacked he ordering from sketchy sites?.  I never use my debit card for online ordering. I hope your construction got off to a good start. 

I am so tired that I easily sleep until 8 or 830. 

Linda..people really do not look before they back out.I rarely park  in pull through spots because I often have trouble getting into my trunk 


I have very little in transitional clothes here...I have a few sweaters and tops for winter...I like to have a few pairs of leggings and pants and tops. Chico's off the rack has had some good sales.


that was nice dhs dgd wrote you a note. 

Enjoy the evening, ⭐️⭐️

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of August 29

The contractor showed up timely and late morning the roofing supplies arrived. He spent the day prepping the roof to the house. He along with his crew will arrive the same time tomorrow morning.


If I could I'd sleep till 8-8:30 but I automatically seem to wake up an hour before. Of course tomorrow I'll have to be up at 5:30. I really didn't sleep well last tonight. I hope tonight is better.


After the contractor and his driver left this afternoon, I went to a smaller grocery. As happened with both of you I almost got run down by someone backing up. I kept moving out of the way and she just kept backing and backing. Carrying 2 bags, purse, and cane I couldn't exactly speed up but got out of the way finally. I don't think she ever noticed. A man walking to his car noticed though. So that makes 3 of us in the space of a couple days. Definitely out of the ordinary.


R doesn't seem to check out websites before ordering. I'm sure that's part of the problem.


I'm happy to hear V is doing better. Not having the muscle relaxer timely might be part of the problem. After his lung infection R had to have IV antibiotics so went to a nursing home for 10 days or so. V's infection being in the bones of his spine is more severe since he needs 6 weeks. I'm glad they're being so thorough with him.


How nice to get a call from DH'S granddaughter, Linda. It's good you were able to drop your clothing donations off. I always feel a sense of relief once I've done that.


Have a nice evening.

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of August 29

Earlier I couldn't sign in. After resetting my password several times it's working now. Who knows for how long. 


We had a bit of light rain earlier but most of the day has been dry. A great day for the roofers. Overcast and in the60-70's. There's a bit still to do on the house. Then there's the garage.


Griffyn and Tip were able to be out when the roofers took a lunch break. Griffyn  got obsessed with a large roll of foam insulation strips and tried to take it. He was not pleased when R took it. After the roofers finished for the day I had to hide it in the garage.


I ordered the tsv in medium denim. Hoping they will fit.


I hope everyone has had a good day and V is doing better.