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Re: Red Carpet Pre Show and the dresses

On 2/28/2014 stevieb said:

I'll never 'get' why they think we want to 'watch' a party going on in the background. Nor do I get what about the audience having to sit here and endure the host and vendors shouting over the din in order to watch makes sense to them.

Production value only. It's there for ambience. The noise, visuals and movement in the background. We're not expected to actually "know" who and what's going on. In other words, it's like a set, a live set and those people are the "extras" in a kind of movie.

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Re: Red Carpet Pre Show and the dresses

The sound guys are probably going nuts....the party noise is one thing, but the torrential rainstorm LA is having right now is drowning out everyone!
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Re: Red Carpet Pre Show and the dresses

On 2/28/2014 Alsee said: I like the Nicole Richie red gown the best. Sandra and Courtney look great and very modern. Sorry but Lisa looks like Mae West again. The dress is "old" looking, too low, and her skin is too orange. Ok I'm ready for the bashing comments just because I don't care for her "look".

Well, Lisa is very predictable, isn't she. She's all about showing off the body and that's not going to change....but I think she is just too obvious....tries way too hard, obsessed, really....never seems relaxed about it...feels a little too desperate. She's a beautiful woman and she doesn't need to try so hard...she'd come off more genuine if she was a little more relaxed and adventurous with her clothing. She could take a page from some of the Hollywood celebs who can carry off a glam look and still be easy and breezy.

"More is more and less is a bore!" Iris Apfel
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Re: Red Carpet Pre Show and the dresses

This Edward Bess guy does have a nice makeup pallette. But geez. Hand him a headless doll and he looks like the twin to the little girl on the Addams Family.
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Re: Red Carpet Pre Show and the dresses

I think her name is Wednesday - he can be her twin
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Re: Red Carpet Pre Show and the dresses

Is Lori Goldstein kidding?