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Readers / blue light / eye strain.

I heard so much about blue light protection  .... but can't find any definitive research.  Has anyone seen anything that supports the claims?


One website - University of Alabama, Birmingham, College of Optometry:


There is some early laboratory research using animal models that suggests excessive blue light exposure can damage some sensitive cell layers of the retina. There is no clinical evidence at the present time that links blue light exposure from digital devices to any pathology or disease of the eye.

“Some advertisements from lens manufacturers are misleading consumers to believe that blue light from digital devices will cause serious harm to their eyes,” Gordon said. “Products created to block out blue light minimize eyestrain when using computers and digital devices, but have not been tested or shown to prevent any type of eye disease.”  (emphasis added)

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Re: Readers / blue light / eye strain.

[ Edited ]

At my recent appointment, the opthamologist said there is no evidence that blocking blue light prevents eye problems.  She felt it was a marketing ploy.


I was asking about computer protection after cataract surgery.

ETA: Changed optometrist to the correct opthamologist.


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Re: Readers / blue light / eye strain.

I heard they reduce eyestrain and blurry vision.  I also heard there wasn't enough evidence concerning retinas, but that doesn't mean studies won't eventually lead to that conclusion.  

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Re: Readers / blue light / eye strain.

Maybe they're ineffectual in preventing serious eye issues, but I know mine provide eye comfort.


Sometimes when distracted, I'll forget to switch from my regular readers, to my blue light pair. Half an hour in, I'm suddenly aware of increasing eye strain.  


Wearing the blue light protection allows me to stay online, or e-reading, for much longer periods of time.  I can't help but think that is better for your eyes, than squinting through eyestrain. 

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Re: Readers / blue light / eye strain.

I use the night light mode on my laptop and desktop all the time. It can be adjusted to reduce the blue light so looking at a screen is easier on the eyes.

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Re: Readers / blue light / eye strain.

I don't know if this will be of any help, but I drive SO comfortably in my "night vision" glasses!  I can look straight into an eighteen wheeler!!!Smiley Happy

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Re: Readers / blue light / eye strain.

@Foxxee wrote:

I heard they reduce eyestrain and blurry vision.  I also heard there wasn't enough evidence concerning retinas, but that doesn't mean studies won't eventually lead to that conclusion.  

@Foxxee   I tried a pair of blue light blockers and can't tell they do anything.  I think it's a bunch of whooey.  Just another gimmick to sell something.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Readers / blue light / eye strain.


LOL..oh, and what do you see in that 18 wheeler?  Inquiring minds want to know!

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Re: Readers / blue light / eye strain.

[ Edited ]

@maximillian wrote:


LOL..oh, and what do you see in that 18 wheeler?  Inquiring minds want to know!

@maximillian When I close at work, I have a left turn that goes down.  If there is an 18 wheeler at that intersection, he points up.  Turning down, I have to see the road or end up in a pasture!  ITo see the road, I have to look straight into those horribly bright lights. It used to hurt terribly!  (Driving at night has never been comfy when people don't dem especially.


Now, I can look straight into his head lights and I can see!


When was the last time you looked straight into an 18 wheeler's  headlights and not closed your eyes?,  lolSmiley Happy


I got them off of amazon with a case!  NOVIKA Anti Glare Night Driving Glasses.

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Re: Readers / blue light / eye strain.


@Kachina624 wrote:

@Foxxee wrote:

I heard they reduce eyestrain and blurry vision.  I also heard there wasn't enough evidence concerning retinas, but that doesn't mean studies won't eventually lead to that conclusion.  

@Foxxee   I tried a pair of blue light blockers and can't tell they do anything.  I think it's a bunch of whooey.  Just another gimmick to sell something.




I never tried them, but it's good to hear from someone who did.  I was thinking of trying them because I do a lot of reading on the internet and my eyes become strained and blurry. 


I tried dimming the light a bit on the monitor, enlarging the print, lubricating eyedrops.  Nothing worked except taking a day off.


I guess the best thing to do is take frequent breaks.