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REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of December 18

Hard to believe that Christmas is only a week away. It is very cold here..-28 at 8 this morning and that is actual air temp. M decided to stay home, which was smart on her part. We will go back tomorrow when it will be a little more temperate.


Yesterday was great fun...THE kids all seemed to like their gifts...and it wonderful being with most of my family.


Linda...I agree with Claudia about the staffing at dhs appears to be understaffed at times. I don't think families should have to care for other clients because of potential liability. Maybe you can raise your concerns with the manager .wonder how cool it was where you are. Poor dog with all of her driving.


hope Pepper handles this bitter cold ok.


Claudia...think this weather is heading your way. Stay warm Gryff feeling better??! 


Enjoy your day

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of December 18

Image result for christmas is coming images

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of December 18

Judging from the photos it looked like great fun, Barbara. I'm glad you're waiting a day to drive back. Hopefully it will be warmer.


Nice graphic, meallen.


Trying to find some Christmas spirit but this year it's a bit harder to find.


Tonight is Swedish more for supper and we may go to the Star Wars movie.


Griff has rediscovered his bark but not his appetite. His personality is very different from Sammy's. One thing they both have in common is when you try to get them to eat and they don't want to eat they jump back a d act like you're trying to poison them. Darn stubborn Gt. Pyrs.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of December 18

Good Evening!  Wow, that is so cold, Barbara.  I have never been somewhere that had such low temperatures.  I saw on the news that today was the coldest December day in MN.  All the accidents and other problems are certainly upsetting.  Glad M stayed home, and you are waiting to leave in the day.


It was cold (according to me) last night -- down to 29 when I woke up.  It did warm up later, but not all that warm.  It should be better by Tuesday.


I will probably talk to the director about staffing, but I think the holiday period has been a real problem with staff calling in sick at the last minute, etc.  One of the ladies was having a very difficult time yesterday, and I noticed she had a bandage on her arm, etc. today.  She said she had a fall, but she was much better today.  


Happy the kids liked their gifts, and you had time with your family.  I'd really like to do that, but not this year for sure.


Nice graphic, meallen.


My church had their choral performance this morning, and I enjoyed it.  Mostly carols that I knew along with readings.  After church, I went to the gym, and then to visit DH.  I was able to feed him lunch.  And, later I went back to feed him dinner.  He seems to be doing well -- still some eye problems, but.....


Hope Gryff will eat again soon.  Some of the residents at DH's facility go through non-eating periods.  But, usually they start back again a few days later.  Take care with your weather.  I think my grandsons (two or three) went to that new movie.  Not sure if they liked it or not, but I know they had purchased tickets well in advance.  I'll not be watching it since I really don't get into any sort of science fiction.


Sleep well everyone!







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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of December 18

29 is cold for you,  Linda. Hopefully your weather will warm up.


I just ordered a sling to help TT up the back steps. With his wide webbed paws he is having trouble. I would rather have it and not need it.


We did go to the movie. I think I liked last year's better. it was icy when we came out. R did bring the suv up closer for me but I still had to walk around to the passenger side. He didn't think to pull up so the passenger side was closest to me. I was trying out a cane with an ice gripper tip that retracts. It really does work but I'm still cautious.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of December 18

I am glad the cane worked, Claudia.  Certainly understand your need to be cautious after your horrible fall a few years back.  Hope the sling works for TT if you need to use it.


Hope you made it home safely, Barbara.  I bet it is still very cold there, but....


It didn't get as cold last night, and should be warmer this afternoon and later in the week.  


Since I had an early appointment, I waited to take my walk after that, and it wasn't bad at all.  The second appointment (dermatologist) has been moved up to 2:00 instead of 4:30, which is fine with me.  This way I can go back to feed DH dinner.  He was pretty sleepy today when I visited, and I'm hoping he is resting now.  I cut his fingernails, which he doesn't like much.  The nurse has done this in the past, but I didn't want to wait until Thursday.


The podiatrist said that my foot problem is something that happens with age.  Yikes, another one.  A bone in my foot is enlarged, and it caused this problem.  He scraped the bump/callous down. and suggested that I wear a pad on the ball of my foot in the daytime.  The pad should last quite a while, and only cost $15 for two.  I could have surgery on the bone, but he does not think that is needed at this point.  If I don't have surgery, insurance will not pay, so future visits will cost $65 each.  Hope to avoid future visits, and definitely don't want surgery.  


DD found out that youngest DGS needed books for his "Jan term" classes, and she had to order right away since they are available through mail order, and may not make it in time. The cost -- mostly shipping was $60.  He must be back at school by January 3rd.  Yikes!  Meanwhile, they have to pay for their health insurance savings plan in advance.  I don't really understand it, but they owe $1,000 by December 27.  They have saved half the money, but I will pay the other half.  Like many people, this is not an inexpensive time of the year for me.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.





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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of December 18

We made it home safely...v was sleepy after driving for about an hour so I drove the rest of the way. The roads were fine and I rather enjoy driving. 


We we un packed and laundry is going. Syd has dance so I made a casserole that she likes for her to eat. 


Our temps will will be much better for the next couple of days.,that was extremely cold, Linda. Thank goodness there was not much of a wind.  I did not go


Claudia..I read that the movie was not as god as other Star Wars movies so since I am a big fan, I may skip it. I hope you can find some peace in this season...we have no control over the choices our kids make as adults. Hope the sling works for tt if you have to use it.


i have never heard of a hsa having to be paid in advance, linda. In my case and ms, we just designated how much was to be with held. If it was not used, it was refunds. Hope dh has a good day., and I hope your foot issue resolves on its own.


This cold weather is hard on my body.


Have a good evening.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of December 18

I may have used the wrong name, Barbara.  DD has one of those very high deductible policies, and she explained it to me once.  I wanted her to have a better policy, but that was the only one or best one offered by my SIL's company.  


Glad you made it home okay and your weather will be a little warmer.  Most people around here are complaining about our "cold".


The dermatologist said that the bump is a cyst that he could cut out, etc., but I could just wait and see.  So, that is what I'll do.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of December 18

I'm glad to hear your weather is warming up in both AZ and MN. it was warmer here today but still ice build up. need to say yard cleanup is delayed.


R made reservations for a Christmas Eve buffet at a restaurant outside of town. Hopefully the weather will be good.


Nothing like having to come up with funds at the last minute,  Linda. it's good you can help out.


I braved the ice and dropped off pants to hemmed at the dry cleaners. I love the Linea super ponte but the 32" inseam is too  long for me.


I agree with the wait and see, Linda.


Not much got done today. R decided to see if the vcr worked. At one point Adam had his game system hooked to the living  room tv and I suspected he didn't hook the vcr up again. in order to check it out the tv armoire had to be moved. we found it wasn't hooked up. once we corrected that we remembered R had had trouble getting the DVD out of the machine.  so then unhooked it. We found a vcr Adam left but the sound doesn't  work so R went online and ordered one.


For some reason I'm having trouble with caps on the tablet.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICs week of December 18

I did the holiday grocery shopping.. It was a pretty big expenditure after I added food for the week. But I hope not to have to go back for a week. 


I had had my hair trimmed this morning..I am growing it a little longer...I switch up styles periodically. 


Nothing too too exciting on the agend today.  Hopefully, v will get the light fixed. Chicken in some form for dinner. It is a big 37 today..much easier to deal with.


Linda...I think dhs dd arrives today or is great that she visits often .hope your volunteer job goes well today. Do you have extra people to serve over the holidays??? That is too bad that dd has a high deductible. 


Claudia..I hate dealing with ice..even though my yak trax are wonderful. Sounds as if your weather is not too bad.


i hope you both have a wonderful day.