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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


I hope the heat pump is repaired soon, Barbara. Dance mom certainly has a lot of nerve.


How unfortunate the social worker lacked common sense, Linda. I hope DH was not upset. You certainly has a hectic day. Things should settle down once you get a routine going.


Adam has reserve so left before 6 AM. His Zeus ( the largest kitten) has the cold Rusty and mama cat had earlier. Poor fellow is sneezing. today is not as bad as yesterday..

I carried the extra large plastic pet carrier up to the attic. It took up too much space downstairs. When I can I prefer to use the soft sided carriers I got at Aldi's. Wednesday the 3 females go to the vet and I can use one of those carriers.


Since I was in the attic I looked through a couple bins of winter clothes and brought more items down. Due to the kitten invasion I never got all the summer clothes packed up and the winter unpacked.