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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of February 12

I have been taking it easy today. Went back to bed twice but Griff barking for no reason got me back up. The first time I went back upstairs I found Fitz - one of mama's not so little kittens - laying in the hallway. He had pulled a ripped paper bag out of the wastebasket. It was a smaller one with paper handles. He managed to get head and front paws through one of the handles and found himself wearing the bag. I quickly cut the handles. Luckily he wasn't in any danger just stuck wearing a paper bag.


R did go to the shoot. Last night it was in doubt since he could not find one of the pieces of equipment for firing the muzzleloader. He tore around the house in his underwear looking but no luck. He did/ finally come up with a substitute. I helped d look but had to shake my head. He can not be organized no matter what. Unfortunately to paraphrase a coworker it was my party and my monkeys.


The San Diego reunion we met a marine who at one point had the top Gt. Pyrenees in the country.


Sydnie will be thrilled to see you Tuesday, Barbara.


Linda, I hope you can take it easy for a day or two.


It is 60+ degrees here and sunny.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,586
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of February 12


Good Afternoon!  The computer is giving me fits today -- it is probably my browser, but I'm not sure.  Anyway, it has been one of those days when things take longer than expected.  I needed to change the ink cartridge in my printer in addition to everything else.  I did make it to feed DH lunch, and he was in good spirits. 


Are you having an infusion when you go home, Barbara?  I'm sure Syd will be happy to see you.  Sorry you and R aren't in the best shape, Claudia.  Hope your furbabies will let you take it easy, and R doesn't overdo things.


I was really aching yesterday evening, and ended up wearing compression socks, etc. and taking an ibuprofen.  I did cut back on the exercise/walking as well.  This morning, I was feeling much better. But, I'm not pushing myself too much.  Not very nice weather here -- off and on rain and cool.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.



